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06-06-06 Ride to 555....

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Myself, testmyR6, chrome, and postman went out for a nice ride out to this road that is "Mini Deals Gap" south pass Zanesville...all in all it was a long but nice ride out to Zanesville...good speed on the highways.... As the day started, TestmyR6 told us that it was his bike birthday. He bought it last year on 06-06-05...didnt think much of that, then I noticed that his tank pad has a 666 logo on it...OK now its getting a little creppy...We all head out that way anyway. As we get to the road (555) we start to get ready for all the curves...first into the run HARD LEFT 90...postman just makes...the rest over shoot it...THANK GOD then was a road that ran off or we all be in a river...Right then we should have not gone...BUT we did....2 BE CONT....


TestmyR6 Tank pad


First Pit stop


Second stop


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Guest testmyr6
Thank god for road runoff, cause for some reason I didnt bring my life vest with me on the ride. I think that anybody who rides 555 is out of there mind. Unevean pavement, pot holes, farm field dirt, and mot to mention all kinds of loose gravle. luckaly we all made it back alive. Some, well a little soar but ok. I have to say I will never return to 555 on 2 wheels.
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Let me tell you that the road itself was crazy....but there was sand, rocks, and pacthes of old and new black top all over this road....This road is SHITTY!!!!!!!!!Blind sharp turns, uphill and downhill turns, hills. swoopers, well you get the point...

We are on the way back to Columbus after we all top off gas...about 5min in to the ride we are going down hill, then up hill and a right handed blind turn is coming....Im in the back...and as I'm leaning into the turn it drops and my speed keeps the front wheel off the ground. So as the road is turning I'm crossing over the double yellows...front wheel goes back on the ground I'm heading off the road, I lean back to see if I can get the bike to come back...not going to go...heading the right way so I hit the rear brake, locked up...slowed myself down...but stilling for the dirt...front wheel washes out flips me over a grassy bank off the side of the road...bike slides in dirt and grass.....

Didnt do a lot damaged but it still hurt....my pride...

left side is rashed, cracked the left front clip, need a new mirror and windscreen....and some boxers :mad:

:D Well now Im going to do some custom work to her :D






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yea, i was gonna tell you guys to not waste your time, but i hadn't heard if it had been repaved recently, so i let you guys check it out first. the triple nickel is a sweet road, but the pavement makes it worthless.
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SON OF A BITCH!!! I'm feeling your pain all the way over here. That sucks! At first, I was looking at the pics wishing I was there...Atleast your bike is a year old and parts are plentiful....used. Let me know, if I can help in any way.
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Guest Bananas
OUCH.... that sucks man.... OK, right now I am glad I'm in San Diego and not home... Because I now that I would have been right next to you and there would be two bitches in the sea.... If there is something I can do let me know.
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Rider Magazine did a short write up about the roads in Southeastern Ohio. They said the were the best roads in the country, but the worst road conditions in the country. I've only been down there in my car. I'll never do it on a bike, not until they fix those roads at least. We should start up a fundraiser for the counties down there to get the roads repaired.
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Were you on 555 down by McConnellsville/Wayne National Forest, because when I was down there, last summer it was very nice - recently repaved. A guy from work was just down that way a few weeks ago and also said it was very nice as well.
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Thanks for the support...looks like Urban got some work to do...I've got to go see Red-Robin sis with the magic hands and work on the shoulder...

We were on 555 from the south end of zanesville...

About to go work on her right now and start to take it a part....


We went to see the Omen last night at 1040, not bad movie was sold out...fucking people trying to sit on the floor. Showed of preview of the new Texas Chainsaw, "The Beginning"...looks really good

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