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If you cloned a human...


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...would it have a belly button? If it were 'grown' in a lab (if that's possible).



Yes, it would, IMO. In order to 'grow' the clone they will most likely be using an artificial uterus. As the fetus grows there still has to be some way to transfer food and nutrients to it. There will still have to be an umbilical cord of some sort.


Plus, what would Tom Cruise eat after his next baby is grown?

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How blind people dream is determined by the age at which they lost their sight. Studies have found that those who lose their sight before the age of about five will experience no visual imagery in their dreams, but those who lose it later might have visual dreams throughout their lives, though, over time, these tend to be replaced by dreams featuring the dominant senses. Those with non-visual dreams experience them through the same sensory signals that they would when awake. In one example, a woman describes being at a table a posh restaurant. She could 'feel' the table (although she'd never seen a table, she could identify one by touch) and could tell from the sounds - hushed voices, carpeted floor - that it was a classy joint.
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How blind people dream is determined by the age at which they lost their sight. Studies have found that those who lose their sight before the age of about five will experience no visual imagery in their dreams, but those who lose it later might have visual dreams throughout their lives, though, over time, these tend to be replaced by dreams featuring the dominant senses. Those with non-visual dreams experience them through the same sensory signals that they would when awake. In one example, a woman describes being at a table a posh restaurant. She could 'feel' the table (although she'd never seen a table, she could identify one by touch) and could tell from the sounds - hushed voices, carpeted floor - that it was a classy joint.


WOW never knew that.. you learn something new everyday.. very interesting

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