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Pandemic Flu And You???


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The American public is to stupid to deal with it so they need to be scared into doing something. Sure the commercial is morbid but your talking about it. So how long are you prepared to stay home? Do you have enough food for a week? two weeks? How about money? can you be off work two weeks?

This has the potential to kill millions of people and you treat it as a joke?

Do a little research pretty frightening. Spanish flu killed 40-100 million people, the hong kong flu killed 1 million people. read for yourself


So what are you gonna do?

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The American public is to stupid to deal with it so they need to be scared into doing something. Sure the commercial is morbid but your talking about it. So how long are you prepared to stay home? Do you have enough food for a week? two weeks? How about money? can you be off work two weeks?

This has the potential to kill millions of people and you treat it as a joke?

Do a little research pretty frightening. Spanish flu killed 40-100 million people, the hong kong flu killed 1 million people. read for yourself


So what are you gonna do?

Im still gonna treat it like a joke.

but im gonna take the Tiger flu seriously when it breaks out of Siberia.

But Seriouslly ive got at least 1.5 weeks of food if need be. Rationing, maybe longer. yeah i can be off a couple weeks up to 16 paid. (Medical short/long term Disability and vacation) Thanks for asking.

And as far as Hong Kong goes if you call it a sanitary city now, it sure wasnt during the outbreak. Our sanitation standards are the highest in the world and go a long way in combating disease.

i was making fun of a STATE SPONSORED commercial not the disease. Otay?

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In 1918 and 1956 I think . The pandemic killed many ppl .Here's the kicker the only ppl that died were the ones that were given the vacination(sp?). I seen this in a book a couple of years ago.Kinda makes me wonder thats for sure.:confused:

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why worry?

is your immune system not strong enough to fight off a flu?

seriously? We live on a planet that is infested with microbes that like to invade our bodies...if your body is incapable of fighting off a good number of these microbes, then you are simply not fit to survive.

I'm sorry if that sounds cruel, but we save way too many people on this planet... weak, lazy, pathetic individuals who would not survive otherwise...

modern medicine has made great strides, but they've taken a few things too far...

I'm not worried, I can survive a flu. I may feel like shit for a couple weeks, but I'll survive, and if not...so be it...

I'm not spending my life hiding from germs.

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why worry?

is your immune system not strong enough to fight off a flu?

seriously? We live on a planet that is infested with microbes that like to invade our bodies...if your body is incapable of fighting off a good number of these microbes, then you are simply not fit to survive.

I'm sorry if that sounds cruel, but we save way too many people on this planet... weak, lazy, pathetic individuals who would not survive otherwise...

modern medicine has made great strides, but they've taken a few things too far...

I'm not worried, I can survive a flu. I may feel like shit for a couple weeks, but I'll survive, and if not...so be it...

I'm not spending my life hiding from germs.

Part of the problem is that through vaccines, anti-bacterials, medicines and constant cleaning humans aren't as capable of fighting off a lot of forms of diseases and what not as we should. A lot of the things we take for granted are actually making humans in general weaker. As this becomes part of our daily lives our bodies adjust as if they no longer need to have the ability to handle those sorts of things on their own. Even doing something such as using deodorant will cause your body to stop behaving as it should especially if you use it regularly starting when your younger.

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Part of the problem is that through vaccines, anti-bacterials, medicines and constant cleaning humans aren't as capable of fighting off a lot of forms of diseases and what not as we should. A lot of the things we take for granted are actually making humans in general weaker. As this becomes part of our daily lives our bodies adjust as if they no longer need to have the ability to handle those sorts of things on their own. Even doing something such as using deodorant will cause your body to stop behaving as it should especially if you use it regularly starting when your younger.

no argument here...

If your body has no need to do something, (in this case fight off disease) then it will become inept, and possibly unable to do so when it needs to..

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why worry?

is your immune system not strong enough to fight off a flu?

seriously? We live on a planet that is infested with microbes that like to invade our bodies...if your body is incapable of fighting off a good number of these microbes, then you are simply not fit to survive.

I'm sorry if that sounds cruel, but we save way too many people on this planet... weak, lazy, pathetic individuals who would not survive otherwise...

modern medicine has made great strides, but they've taken a few things too far...

I'm not worried, I can survive a flu. I may feel like shit for a couple weeks, but I'll survive, and if not...so be it...

I'm not spending my life hiding from germs.

Hell yeah Magley. i survived Spinal meningitis AND puberty. Whats worse than that? Im not scared of the sniffles!!!

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i dont take medicine, at all. not even headaches and stuff like that. i think this is the whole reason that i dont ever get really really sick. granted ill get the flu maybe once a year but it only lasts like maybe one day.

my theory is people pump themselves full of all the vacines and antibiotics and it gives their immune system a brake and its gets lazy.

just my two cents.

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I agree with the over abundance or sanitation and medication. During high school all my friend who were clean freaks and lived extremely healthy lifestyles missed much more school than i did for being sick. Ive never had the flu my entire life, and ive only been really sick a maximum of 5 times. Every year during the cold season i get a runny nose thats all.

It sounds extreme but one way ive thought of the world ending or the human race there of. Is that eventually we achieve 99.9% sanitation we live and work in clean rooms. Then a strain of the common cold knocks out a huge chunk of the population cause no one has an immune system left.

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Part of the problem is that through vaccines, anti-bacterials, medicines and constant cleaning humans aren't as capable of fighting off a lot of forms of diseases and what not as we should. A lot of the things we take for granted are actually making humans in general weaker. As this becomes part of our daily lives our bodies adjust as if they no longer need to have the ability to handle those sorts of things on their own. Even doing something such as using deodorant will cause your body to stop behaving as it should especially if you use it regularly starting when your younger.

My ole lady works at a hospital and I think she gets sick a bit less often now, but if/when the flu happens I will definately be okay, and so will some of my friends.;) I happen to have a very good in with some of the pandemic people.

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I've been thinking about this for a while now. They have so many products out there to clean your house and hands to "kill germs." And then they feel the need to vaccinate kids against everything possible. Kids these days don't have natural immune systems. Whatever happen to playing in the dirt outside or letting the kid crawl on the floor. There was no "antibacterial" soap when I was a kid, it was simply soap and hot water. And all the cleaning solutions and ointments to prevent infection and scarring from a scrape/cut? What's the fun in that? No scars for storytelling? We also ate real, fresh food instead of something frozen or from a can/box. I think anyone born after maybe 1990 needs to worry because something's going to come along that wipes that generation out.

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I also work at a hospital. I am treated differently because I work at the hospital. They will not give me antibotics, There are some super bugs; Mrsa and Cdif, that they worry about me contracting. Antibotics are bad because Cdif is not killed by most of them, but their competing bacteria is killed off so they take over.

Your immune system doesn't have a lot to do with surviving it. It is about timing, which varient you catch. As the original cross over virus runs it course it typically gets weaker.

Plus what if you need to be hospitalized? The hospitals are full, then what?

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The true rulers of our planet can only be seen with a microscope. Humans are not special and there is no Ultimate Plan for any of us. The best we can do is enjoy the time that we have here, however brief it might be. I am not scared in the least by the prospect of dying from the flu since if it happens, after it's over I won't know about it anyways. I just hope someone changes my underwear...

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