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got pulled over. can i fight this??


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I was driving on 'GO DOWN RD' there are few blind turns.


right after i make a 2nd turn. i see a cop and sure enough she pulls me over.

as soon as i get pulled over she yell out through the window telling me to pull into apartment complex with the fucking mad ape additude.


she askes me why i was in such a hurry and i said i wasn't, i was just going home. she askes how fast i was going. and i tell her speed limit. Then she suddenly get all pissed and saying 'DON'T GIVE ME THAT SMILE, DONT EVEN TELL ME THAT YOU WERE GOING IN SPEED LIMIT!! DO I LOOK ENTERTAINED RIGHT NOW??" im like WTF and i say "NO!!! I AM NOT ENTERTAINED EITHER" <- probably shouldnt have talked back like that but i was really pissed at that moment :(

well then, she tells me with that kind of additude she will give me 4 points for whatever and take me to jail.


she goes back to her car and do her thing and comes back. she asks me to choose between getting 4 points for whatever whatever and going to jail, or 2 points and get Reckless driving + loud exhaust. my exhaust is pretty loud but not crazy loud. and i really do not believe i ever crossed the middle yellow line..


she gives me reckless driving + loud muffler 220$


sorry for my english. it's not my first language.

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I could be wrong, but I would suggest contacting the precinct of that officer and inquire as to how you would go about getting a copy, and inform them that you did not receive a copy, of the ticket. You should not have talked back to her, since she would have had to show you the radar gun in order to give you a speeding ticket. I would say if she did write you a wreckless driving ticket that you need to get a lawyer and take it to court. The cruiser cam should have caught the events of the traffic stop, and if it is as you described, a good lawyer would work wonders. I think you should fight the ticket if it happened as you decribe and you did not truely break the law.
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Oh I see now, you got a Reck Op ticket. If I were you I would fight it, that is 6pts last time I checked and that will be a HUGE hit to insurance in the future. Hell maybe she will not even show up if you plead not guilty. Try and get a public defender if you can. If you fight it all that will happen is you will take a few hours off of work or 1 or 2 days. The Court fees are usually in the fine already weather you go to court or not. Dublin just did that to me a few months ago. So to sum up GO TO COURT if you loose you still pay the fines.....If you win you save a lot of money!


Make sure you do not plead "no contest" or "guilty" at the first hearing unless you can plea bargain it down and get the loud exhaust dropped with the prosecutor. The prosecutor will call you up that morning to talk to you, they do to everyone. If your record is clean, he or she may just give you a speeding ticket, ask for a state speed(carries no pts).


If nothing happens there plead not guilty and set your trial date. And really hope she doesn't show up on time and make sure they don't delay your case because she is not there. If you wait 30 min and she is not there demand to have your case heard. This happened to my wife and the cop never showed and they keep giving the cop more time to show up all the while issuing warrants for people who didn't show on time. No delaying for the people......We won and paid court costs....This was a failure to control ticket.

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she would have had to show you the radar gun in order to give you a speeding ticket. The cruiser cam should have caught the events .


that is completely wrong, they dont have to show you shit. and the cruiser cam is only activated when the overhead lights and sirens are.

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i BELIEVE they only have to show you if you ask for it. they dont have to bring the gun up to every stop like "yep...see here...82mph"


Nope try it next time you get pulled over, you will never see it. I ask every time if they don't put me in the cruiser first.

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You must have been near the railroad tracks...they always sit there... (either that or you were between Kenny and Bethel. That's a fun spot too...I've gone a little quick through there once or twice)


I'd fight it and try to get a plea bargain. What's your record like?

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Off Topic/ Do officer's get paid time to go to court and fight a ticket they wrote? As in, if they tell their supervisor that they wrote a ticket and want to show on the court date, are they allowed time (paid) to show in court? or is it in their own free time?


On Topic/ I think you should fight it, worse that could happen is you pay a bit more in court fees best that can happen is no points and you get off.

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Off Topic/ Do officer's get paid time to go to court and fight a ticket they wrote? As in' date=' if they tell their supervisor that they wrote a ticket and want to show on the court date, are they allowed time (paid) to show in court? or is it in their own free time? [/quote']


If they have to appear off their shift, they get time and a half. (OT)

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I was under the belief that if you asked they had to show you the print out or gun readout of how fast you were going,other wise it would be "well the old calibrated eye ball saw that you were going exactly 10.4mph over the speed limit"Otherwise in court you could bring that up so its better for them to just show you.Only if you ask.


It will save the city money to plead you out.90% of the time if you show up to fight a ticket especially if its your first time,they will plead you out to the lesser charge if you take a no contest plea,but make sure you talk to the prosecuter to see what they are offering.If you don't have a lawyer or pd for the preliminary hearing,the prosecuter will still talk to you and advise you of what you should do.


I also had a case seriously amended before because the reynoldsburg prosecuter would not show up 4 times for my case or was otherwise busy I wasn't even fighting it. I thought I didnt have to pay my sr22 anymore and droped it and then found out I still had to, my fault so I was going to plead no contest anyways I was offered this after the 4th no show. This is straight from my file.


They ended up changing a driving under suspension charge to a fucking jay walking ticket :eek: . 150+over 300 something in fess.The judge didnt like that I got off that easy and gave me the max 150 fine for jay walking.



Charge Action Code Indict Charge Amd Charge Disposition Code Counts


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I was under the belief that if you asked they had to show you the print out or gun readout of how fast you were going,other wise it would be "well the old calibrated eye ball saw that you were going exactly 10.4mph over the speed limit"Otherwise in court you could bring that up so its better for them to just show you. Only if you ask.


A) there is nothing they print out.


B) all they would have to say is that he did show you and it is his word against yours.


C) The calibrated part pertains to how often the gun is serviced.


Trust us when those of us say, the COP DOES NOT HAVE TO SHOW YOU THE GUN. Half the time they don't lock it anyway. I have been there many times, more that I care to share. We have special duty CPD that come in and work our store and I have grilled them about these things and they have helped me do other things.

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I also had a case seriously amended before because the reynoldsburg prosecuter would not show up 4 times for my case or was otherwise busy I wasn't even fighting it. I thought I didnt have to pay my sr22 anymore and droped it and then found out I still had to, my fault so I was going to plead no contest anyways I was offered this after the 4th no show. This is straight from my file.


They ended up changing a driving under suspension charge to a fucking jay walking ticket :eek: . 150+over 300 something in fess.The judge didnt like that I got off that easy and gave me the max 150 fine for jay walking.



Charge Action Code Indict Charge Amd Charge Disposition Code Counts



I also had a failure to control ticket plead down to a mufler violation.

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Depending on what department it is, most of the time the officers get paid 3 hours of court time, even if they're only there for an hour. It's usually a flat rate, which is above there normal pay grade, or time and a half. it just depends.
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a.) they never have to show you the radar, and if you ask, it only pisses us off more

b.) we run calibration checks before EACH and EVERY shift that an officer starts

c.) you could fight it if you wish



Quoted for accuracy.


At FCSD i know for a fact they also calibrate there guns everytime. they also will write down everything you say if they think there is a chance of there being a conflict. so if you got lippy it will be documented. I know i got lippy with a officer because of some bs, I got to court with my dad with me and well lets just say my dad was none to pleased but talked to the prosecutor for me and got it dropped down to a loud exhaust only.



the A-line is your friend. and a cop does not like it when you tell him the laws. ( I was arguing about a columbusgaming.com vinyl on my front window which was well above the A=Line)

My dad told me from that point on NEVER try and argue with the officer regarding a ticket because they will find more things to ticket you for. which this officer did ,


I only say this because my dad is a upstanding deputy for over 25 years (I think thats what the 5 stars means)

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a.) they never have to show you the radar, and if you ask, it only pisses us off more

b.) we run calibration checks before EACH and EVERY shift that an officer starts

c.) you could fight it if you wish


Quoted from the horses mouth, now do you people understand this?

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Yep, definatley dont have to show you shit. Oh, and about getting the public defender, thats not gonna work. I do believe, correct me if i'm wrong, you must have a felony charge before the state thinks it is necessary to provide you with defense.

I would definatley with out a doubt be fighting in this situation. The officer was obviously on a power trip, if this story is in fact truthful. And the fact that she is gonna throw wreckless op out there well that is SIX points. Fuck that!! Go have a consultation with a lawyer and she what it is gonna cost you. It would be worth it. You will spend a little more money on court costs and lawyer fees, but think about the money you will save on insurance if you win!!

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a.) the wreckless he was charged with could have been the smaller of the 2 charges, 4 points instead of 6

b.) ANYONE charge can have representation from a public defender IF the person applying for it is below a certain income level. Anyone outside the income standard will have to provide for themselves. (I have no idea what that level is, that is court mumbo jumbo)

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Oh yes, true that. I just remember thinking in my head when I was in court the "below a certain income" was so low that most normal middle class people would not qualify. For a felony charge, anyone can get the public defender though. Income is not considered.
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hey guys thanks for all the input


sorry i was extreamly pissed yesterday for how she treated me but im all better today.

so i re-read the ticket she gave me and it is


2 violations

left of CTL

loud muffler


so i guess she didn't give me the reck op afterall?

she was threatening me with that tho. how she will give me 4pt w/ reck op and get my car impounded/goto jail/pay fines i think thats why i was confused.. sorry.


it's actually where go down rd meets Linworth rd.


also is there any way i can move the court date?

thanks alot guys



oh, i also thought that if you ask, police had to show you the speed gun but i guess not.

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If you want to change court dates you should call down rite now and ask them. They are more than likely going to tell you to keep the date.


If you just have those 2 charges, you have nothing big to plea bargain with.. you might as well just go downtown to the second floor in the traffic building and pay the fine. No court then UNLESS it was marked mandatory on your citation.


Whatever you do, make sure you either pay it off early or show up to court on time :)

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Shit, I'd fight it. Tell them you were dodging an animal that ran out in the road. They'll probably drop it since there was no accident or anything even close. Pay the $40 for the loud muffler, and run.
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