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Boys and Girls that didn't go to college...

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I started working in the IT field when I was 17. I was making about $25K then. It rocked, and when I graduated high school I was like, "why the fuck would I waste my time in college". About four years after that it hit me. I was only making $30K. Fuck. I should've gone to school. Don't get me wrong, I've worked my way up in IT and am doing pretty damn good for myself. Infact, here shortly I might be doing REALLY well. However, I am taking classes in the evenings. I figure I'll be 30 by the time I graduate, but that's okay. At least I will graduate. Then I won't be held down by the, "well, your resume looks great and your experience is fantastic, but we're really looking for someone with a college degree". Computer certs aren't worth what they used to be thanks to places like New Horizons, Online Computer Training, TechSkills, etc... which flooded the market with certified IT geeks. Sad thing is, most of them aren't geeks and have no idea what they're doing. They just saw the $50K potential of the MCSE and jumped on the bandwagon.
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I'm not saying he shouldn't go to school to learn. He'll definitely have to learn some things, but UTI is $20k+ to get a degree, when you can go to CSCC for $7k for the exact same degree. The only thing UTI has is higher end placement with companies, THAT IS IF you are never late, never miss a class, get straight A's the entire time you are in the school. Easier said than done. That's the only way you'd be placed at Porsche/Audi/BMW. I know, people from my school went to UTI/Northwestern after the tech school and I'm making more money then them and most of them just left those school and decided to come back to CSCC. I'm just trying to save that kid's/parent's money.

But see, that's the exact thing...You'll only get out of it what you put in. If you try really hard and do well professors will get to know you and they can help you get a job where you want. Not only that, but most of getting the job that you want is name recognition and contacts you make while in college. Yeah, you may get the same degree from CSCC that you get from any other college but you won't have the same opportunities that other college degrees allow you.


I think Berto said it pretty well.

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Guest GMoney

Tom, don't you know that your not supposed to ask people what they make, didn't your mother ever tell you that.


On a side note. I like my job, as much as you can like something that you have to do 50 hours a week, everything gets old. I have a little ADD. You just have to make the best of it! Tom you are better off than most people that i know, I used to kick myself for screwing off in high school and going to DeVry instead of a better engineering school like OSU. You have to be happy where you are. Guess what, i have been looking for a change also but i am finding out the same thing as you, even with a degree from better school i would have to take a pay cut to change jobs. You'll be better when that dual income kicks in.


Get those online classes going! If Matt can graduate with BA in Business online you can too, if thats what you want to do.

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I was the same exact way. Right out of HS i got a decent job at a warehouse making 11-12$ hour and going to Cols State part time. As the month's wore on i became less and less interested in going to school so i stoped. i was at that warehouse job for 3+ years making 15$/hour when the unthinkable occured and i found myself jobless over some union/company BS. At that time i realized i had been out of HS for almost 4 years and had no education and no skill set to show for all that i worked for. It was a blessing in disguise.


Fast Forward a year and a half to today and im working in an easy office buisness environment, making slightly more than i was after i left the warehouse. Knowing the right people in the right places and having good standing relationships with all of them got me this far i suspect it will get me further in life but at some point in time if i expect to stay in this field i will need a degree. im looking at going back in the fall/winter quarter's to CS. Even if it is just an assoc. degree in buisness admin. it will look better than nothing.


In my years working at the Kroger Warehouse i saw people come and go who couldn't cut it. Most were young like me, just had or was expecting a baby(<unlike me). I felt somewhat better than them when they couldn't hack it and ended up quitting or getting fired. the other's were old dogs who jumped from one shitty warehouse job to the next for most of their lives. i was determined to not follow in their footsteps. never again.


On a side note: is anyone here attending Columbus State with plans on transferring to OSU? i've heard that this isn't possible anymore because of scheduling conflict's/ switching from quarter's to semester's.

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went to college for graphic design and ran out of money to finish. couldnt get any finacial aid, and i didnt have enough school loans to cover. i got screwed. but i worked some odd and end jobs till i found honda


i am temping right now and hope to be hired in within 2 years (thats the plan atleast)


a full time associate earns up to 60k a year.

its easy work, and im proud of what i do.


they have great incentives, like monthly attendance bonus of $200 jsut for hsowing up for work, great 401k, profit sharing, the cut you a check for like 3-6k a year for profit sharing right before xmas too. health benefits are great as well. im really looking forward to getting on full time.


you can also get on wiht maintenace support and earn some extra bank, as well as other things. and theres tons of room to grow.


get on as maintance ther and your looking at 100k a year. you cna take some classed for it and your on the wait list.


and there are many plants to choose form here, ELP in east liberty MAP in marrysville, anna engine plant, the motorcycle plant in marrysville, and there is a transmission plant somewhere as well


right nwo im sticking out the temp position, but its stil lgood money, jsut none of the other perks.

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I moved here in 99 to go to DeVry. For me that was a mistake I left after a year took six months offand went back to CS. It took me a long time to Graduate from CSCC but I finally did in June thanks to My Wife, Dad and the passing of my mother.


I currently work for a Telecommuncations Co. making about 36k as a temp. I'm currently looking for a new job in Web design and flash and will be going back to school in the winter either at CSCC or CCAD depending on if the new comapny will pay me back.


I don't think going to School is foolish but in my field it's alot of what and who you know apposed to where you went and the degree you hold granted it does factor in a bit but not much IMO.

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Screw work and college.. marry into money.


Quoted for truth.


I've sold parts since I was 15 years old. I was making ~50K/year about a year and a half ago, when I asked for a demotion. Now, I'm making about 39K, but I work Monday-Friday, 7am to 3pm. I went to college for about a year and a half, but I got my girlfriend (now wife) pregnant when I was seventeen; I didn't have time for school, work, and home.

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I did a research paper on the facts behind companies hiring certified people or people with experience and it's very common that a company will hire someone with more experience than someone that's certified with no in-field training or no hands on experience.


I graduated HS last year and I immediately went into Devry University for Computer Networking since that's what my father does for the government and his salary is 100k+ from past research. Well, turns out I didn't find that major very exciting in the least and I decided I would drop out and just get a full time job. Personally I don't find school to appealing and I really never have. One of the reasons has to do with the fact that I have two older brothers one which went to Tiffin University and graduated in Criminology and he's really got nothing to show for it, and it seems like he's always strapped for cash. My other brother who decided not to go to college, started his own business in lawn care and he's got money out the ass. To me this just goes to show you're able to make a living without going to college in whatever you do, it just depends how high you set your goals and really what you're happy doing in life.



How many employees does your brother have working for him in his lawn care business? How long has he been in business for?

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but as many who went along side me, I don't use my degree. it did benefit me though as my current job and my past one required a 4yr as a minimum. the lessons learned along the way help.


I've been in IT sales of about 12years now and have never looked back. I made more in my first year back in 1994 than my boss from my internship in Architecture did after 10yrs in his job.


Most I've made...about as much as my home in the NW suburbs here in Columbus cost. Not quite making that much now, but I do pretty well and am now a sales manager for one of the worlds largest electronics manufacturers.


Long story short...network, network, network. Getting an entry level gig that pays $120k in IT sales is pretty easy...but it's usually in who you know on top of your experience.


My good friend who no longer works with me now makes over $225k on a regular basis and go his job simply from a thank you note he sent someone. That guy remembered him, liked him and offered him an interview. The rest is history.


My gig now, came from having been known in the industry and being close with my boss. He offered me the job over a beer he bought me.


Good luck.

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Go to college, just don't get some bullshit degree. You may be able to do ok for yourself right now but down the line it will come back to haunt you. My dad is an electrician. One of the engineers he works with is the best engineer in the company and he didn't go to college, he taught himself. He can't get to the next level though because he doesn't have a degree. It sucks for him but that is how a lot of companies are now a days.


In my opininion go to a school that has a good co-op program. The experience and networking you get is soooooo valuable. And you get paid pretty well. At RIT while you are on co-op you do not have to pay tuition which is nice and at the same time you are getting great experience in your field and a degree. To each his own though. Good luck.

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In my opininion go to a school that has a good co-op program. The experience and networking you get is soooooo valuable. And you get paid pretty well. At RIT while you are on co-op you do not have to pay tuition which is nice and at the same time you are getting great experience in your field and a degree. To each his own though. Good luck.

No matter what school you go to, make sure you do a co-op or internship program. It's worth so much more in the end. Just ask me or Berto.

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You interning at HRA-O right now? Just wondering.


I have no clue what that even is lol. I was working for Bath and Body Works in Reynoldsburg as a packaging engineer. I am no longer living in Columbus though. I am actually currently unemployed and looking for a new job.

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I didn't go to school. Well I started and it sucked. So I got a job with a local city making low to mid 20's with full insurance and PERS (Public Employees Retirement System). The job sucked but I worked with good people. I worked there for almost five years and then just got a job with a local township with the same benefits. I am outside all day moving around, and I will plow snow in the winter. I am making in the mid 30's and will be moving up. I am very thankful for my job. For just going to high school I have a VERY good job. Plus if I want and verything goes well I can retire with 30 years at 49 :) . Andy
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I have no clue what that even is lol. I was working for Bath and Body Works in Reynoldsburg as a packaging engineer. I am no longer living in Columbus though. I am actually currently unemployed and looking for a new job.


You'd know if you were/had worked for them; it's Honda R&D. A few guys I know who work there, and did internships there while in school, went to RIT. So I thought maybe the school and that company had a working relationship for feeding interns in there.

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Guest BlackBimmer

First thing you have to do is ask yourself seriously what you want to do with your life, and what goals you want to attain. Set the bar low, attain those goals, then set another one alittle higher and reach it, etc etc...


Now if you don't see yourself going to school and it's not for you then don't go, it's not for everyone. You can make great money with just a High School Degree, if you start a company or business yourself, which is really the only way you make good money.


If you go to school, as others have said, don't get some bullshit degree in Underwater Basketweaving etc etc. Get it in something you're going to like and will provide you and your family with enough money to live on. My roomate is a Bio-Chem major, is in the program at OSU and hates his life (because he doesn't have one...just school) and doesn't know what he want's to do when he gets out.....Take it from me I spent two and a half years after I graduated from CSCC with a degree in Business Management to finally get into gear and go back to get my B.S. in Marketing/Sales...


I look back on it now and wish I would have started a few years ago, I'd be making great money right now and have a job I love going to.



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Guest BlackBimmer
This post really hits home. My little brother's in the same situation. He's going to be a senior this year in highschool and he's grades suck and he hates school.....He doesn't know if he wants to go to college so I've been feeding him ideas of what he could do instead......I'll make sure I set him up with his own company by the time he graduates from High School if that's what he wants. I just want to see him do well, and I wish the best for you in whatever you decision is......
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This is my senior year coming also, and I am pretty sure I am going to go into IT. Its all I have done my entire life, and my dad it and I learned most of what I know from him. I dont know what school I want to go to though. My mom wants me to go to Devry because my friend graduated from there and now works for Lucent. He makes quite a bit of money and on top of that, he gets to travel a lot. I dont want to go to Devry because I have heard nothing but bad things about it. I am thinking about going to ODU though.
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It's never too late to go to school. It just depends on how much you are determined. I am working full time now and classes part time. It's kickin my butt. I don't have much of a social life right now but I will when it's all over with I most certainly will. I started to get burnt out with my undergrad degree/work environment. Now my graduate degree will open up so many other doors for me. Plus, I will be doing something I love. Enjoying your life/job is more precious to me than all the money in the world (but the hospital I will be working at after graduation did just increase the base pay by 23K a year). Either way my education WILL benefit me.



Where do you work, what do you do, and do you make good money? Better yet, how did you land the job you are in? anyone hiring?


Here is my story, after high school i had a opportunity to make very good money, for an 18 year old kid. I chose to work hard at a job, instead of working hard at school. Now I am kicking the crap out of myself, and I really regret not going to school. I still make good money, but I hate going to work everyday, I am burned out more and more as the days go on. I am trying to find a new career, but nobody, will pay me my current wage let alone cover insurance. I am never fun to be around at work or at home, that really bothers me. I have to find a way to change jobs so I can better myself, yet it seems out of reach. thanks for hearing my rant, off to search monster.com.



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my situation is a little different than alot of the other ones we have heard. my highschool carreer was pretty much straight a's and i was good at it.........but hated it. I played soccer in high school also and could have had a scholarship pretty easily if i wanted it. My parents own a small buisness that has been in our family for 4 generations (i make the fourth). I knew that if i went to school i would more than likely end up bck in this little town working for my parents, so instead of wasting money and my time i decided to just jump into work with both feet. I now am 23 married and a home owner. I drive a semi from 8 in the morn to 5 in the evening unless there is more work to do, and i love every minute of it. Sometimes i look at my friends that are in school still and see how much fun they have, not waking up till 3 in the afternoon and not have a care in the world. But then i step back and look at my house,my car, my bike, and my beautiful wife and realize i wouldn't have any of it if i went to school.
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I went into the military straight out of HS. I got out of the military with some good experience and started working in the computer field at a help desk. Within 1 year I was making 40s and have enjoyed about 12 - 20% raise per year until last year.
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