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My Unplaned Weekend Ride


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About 1200 miles in Two days, of some of the most amazing sights ever. (long story of the weekend ride)


Saturday with my friend Rob on his 9R. We originally planed on going to Fort Collins, but rain made us move north Into Wyoming. We stopped at a little town and looked at a map while the rain cleared.


After an hour it looked clear to the north so we headed towards Yellowstone National Park. About an hour later I run out of gas in the middle of Bum Fuck No Where. Finally got gas and made it to Cody Wyoming 5 hours later.


The next morning at about 8am we rode throught the Buffalo Bill State Park/ Canyon/ Resavior, and into the Shoshone National Forest where I saw a Grizzly Bear 10 Ft infront of me on the road, he tried to take my picnic basket, so i left in a hurry.


We stopped 5 miles outside Yellowstone and ate breckfeast, where we met these two cute waitres chics (we are going back in a few weeks and staying there insted of a motel) who for some reason seemed to dig us ;)


Then we got pulled over doing 65 in a 35 (the twisties are great in Yellowstone) :) But the cop let us off because Rob is a Forst Ranger fr Rockey Mountain National Forest.


I Got a picture of a herd of Buffalo standing so close to my bike, i was almost scared he was going to knock it over. Saw some moose, some gysers erupt, a forest fire, and a moose poop on the road.


We headed south in to the Grand Teton National Park and saw some of the coolest fucking moutains ever sitting right on a lake. Then we went south through Jackson Holen where we bought four hippies some 40's of Budwiser.


Then a long strenuous ride south, at about 160 mph till we hit the colorado border and rode in 30 degree weather through Steamboat, and back into Winter Park at 1 am.

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