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Need the ohio revised code, hard copy

Science Abuse

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Going to the big show over this ticket, and I need to get prepared and do alot of reading.


I also need to know how to go about getting case specific information reguardign this ticket. I seriously cant read a damn thing this guy wrote. There's some jibberish scribbles on here, I dont know if he clicked teh vascar or if a plane did it, or what his reference points were, the ET of the distance, etc etc etc. Who do I go to for this stuff?

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It seems the page is down at the moment.

but it should have anything thats public about your case.

also there will be no arguing at this. its just a magistrate or a judge that will decide if your going to trial.


the best thing to do is cop a plea!

I'm hoping to cop a plea, but I want to be prepared to defend myself. And honnestly, It "shouldn't" be that hard, from what I've read thus far, the law is, in fact, on my side. But I'm not underestimating them and I've never gone wrong by over preparing.


So wait, my next appearence isn't my trial? The hell do I need to go in for? Why did I go in today? Today was my arraignment. I went in, plead not guilty, was told that my 10mph over ticket didn't qualify for "state speed", an was proccessed, my court date will be sent to me in the mail. Everything done today could have been done by mail. What a comicaly inefficient system.

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No mail. They get you for court cost, and dont have to worry about the mass amount of mail they would get if they were to do things by mail. Not to mention all of the people that would never use it anyways just to try and use the "I never got it" excuse ;)


Somewhere either on the back of one of the ticket carbon copies, or an attatched report, should be a written statement of what happened. Something along the lines of "On stated date and time, Plane x was travelling x bound on xx(highway), observed a xxxx (vehicle color /desc.) travelling at what appeared to be a high rate of speed. Calculations of xx were taken from point x to point x. blah blah.." something like that :D


I have an ORC book if you need something looked up

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No idea. I referred you to ticket assassin, which tells you a court appearance is unnecessary.

I read that, I also read:

Our Mission:


To make all California citizens aware of their legal right to contest traffic citations.


To encourage and empower citizens to fight traffic tickets through knowledge of their legal rights under the California Vehicle Code.


Through this informed citizenry, to return California's money corrupted traffic courts to their legitimate function as courts of justice.

Different laws here, my main mang. ;)


Hey jon, there is a string of number in the "Remarks" box that goes as such:

1/16.94 D/8000


The writing sucks, the 1 looks more like a 7, and the D looks like a P. But from this scribble, could it mean 8000ft, in 1min: 16.94 seconds? If you crunch those TSD numbers, though, they dont match my citation speed. Would they realy clock speed over a mile and a half, including an onramp?

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I'm hoping to cop a plea, but I want to be prepared to defend myself. And honnestly, It "shouldn't" be that hard, from what I've read thus far, the law is, in fact, on my side. But I'm not underestimating them and I've never gone wrong by over preparing.


So wait, my next appearence isn't my trial? The hell do I need to go in for? Why did I go in today? Today was my arraignment. I went in, plead not guilty, was told that my 10mph over ticket didn't qualify for "state speed", an was proccessed, my court date will be sent to me in the mail. Everything done today could have been done by mail. What a comicaly inefficient system.


I dealt with the same thing back in March of 2005. I got pulled over for 71 in a 55 MPH zone. The cop sat just inside of the 55 MPH zone and clocked me when I was still in the 65 MPH zone. I ended up going to court because I would have rather been caught going six miles over versus 16. I plead not guilty at my arraignment and never received notification of when my court date was. I found out at about 11:00 pm the night before I was scheduled to be in court. I tried to get a continuance but it was denied. They put out a warrant and I posted bond the next day. Two days later the judge just dismissed the , no reason given and as far as I am concerned none needed. I got lucky on this one.

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Ya this is why I'm hunting a hard copy, I dont have that much paper. ;)


Public library? If they didn't have a hard copy that you could utilize, then use one of their computers to print of the online sections that you want/need.


(Caveat: I haven't been in a public library in several years.)

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