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NOT speed? WTF? I mean, not speed excessively so that you get caught? Let me give you folks who have a lead foot some advice from a guy who knows a lot of cops: 10 over. Don't go anymore than 10 over, unless you are going through some little backwoods, BFE Ohio shithole. Then no more than 5 over. It's not that hard to go that "slow". I haven't had a speeding ticket in nearly 15 years of driving while following that simple rule. Anyone else not have a problem driving 10+ over? :wtf:
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I was going 88 Mph one day.. I saw some serious shit. Seriously.


Yes.. WTF ? Slow the fuck down. What's the point of having speed limits when people just NOT obey them. Yes. I've gone over the speed limit several times in my life. I've had 9 points on my license when I was 18-19. I haven't had a ticket in 10 years.. let alone been pulled over.. at all. It's not rocket science.


How much faster will you get there going 80 mph rather than 70? I've seen fuckers go 80 mph on 270 going to work. I'm going 70. Logic happens here.. traffic/slower cars. Ya know what? Me, taking my time, not speeding.. I end up passing them in the one lane as they're backed up with traffic.. So. You're not really going to get there faster (uneless NO one was on the road). Sure.. they might get a few cars ahead.. woopie.


I generally stick with Seans rule. I go about 70-75 on 270 and roughly 5-10 mph over on the other streets. Never had a problem. ever.

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Now, I have had two speeding tickets since I've been driving. 70 in a 55 (in my Dodge Omni when I was 19, like 70 in that car was possible ;)) and 88 in a 65 in my Formula four years ago. But, as you can see, I wasn't following my rule. The first ticket, I was a stupid 19 year old kid. The second, I was late for an appointment with my wife (picking up our wedding rings, actually) and decided to push the issue. I got caught. Now, the only time I travel faster than that is the odd street race. But in my part of town, the BMW's, Lexus, and Mercedes don't do that too often, so it's a rare occurence... ;)
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*knock on wood*..


ive only been driving for 5 years, so i have nothing on most of you guys, but i have gotten 2 when i was younger (35 in a school zone 20 when i was 16 y/o and 70 in a 55 when i was 18 y/o), but since then, i watch my speed for the most part...im not gonna say i dont speed, but for the most part, freeways/highways, MAX of about 75 (with my tires im actually doing about 72, so i feel safe) and anything under 50mph zones i do about 5-6 over.


figure it this way...if i have a 150 mile drive to my grandmas in NE ohio, and i do 75mph, it will take me 2 hours...if i do 85, it will take me about 1:46 minutes...so i save 14 minutes and risk getting a ticket for 20 over, wreckless ops (which isnt 20 RO in ohio??). not to mention how much extra gas you're wasting to save yourself those 14 minutes

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I'm 20 now and still have a clean record.. hell I still get my good driver's discount. But as soon as I get a ticket or something I'll get a double whammy with my insurance.. I guess that thought is what keeps me from speeding so much.
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I agree, I have passed MANY cops, in many states/cities at 72/73mph, no problems, but the closer you creep to 80, the harder it is to watch out for them. Even though when you maintain a constant speed of around 100mph for 6 straight hours, it saves some time, LOL. I was a passenger in the car and we were traveling with about 15 other cars, luckily no one got pulled over!
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I normally do about 5-7 over on the freeway. A lot depends on the area, but I try not to ever excessivly speed (unless the flow of traffic's going 10mph+, I'm doing 10mph over as well) I speed up at times to get around douche's that don't have a clue what they're doing, but yea...
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No, I speed, and quite regularly. The tickets that I receive - and, quite rightly, deserve/earn - are what I like to consider a periodic fee for the privilege of driving over the speed limit.


I know it's against the law, I chose to disobey it, and I am comfortable with the penalties that I receive because of my disobediance.

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No, I speed, and quite regularly. The tickets that I receive - and, quite rightly, deserve/earn - are what I like to consider a periodic fee for the privilege of driving over the speed limit.


I know it's against the law, I chose to disobey it, and I am comfortable with the penalties that I receive because of my disobediance.


At least you understand the consequences of your actions and are fine with it, I like your outlook. I've heard several people use the same arguement for not displaying a front plate.


I haven't been ticketed since I was 16, with the exception of a wreck i was in before I moved up here. I've never used a radar detector, but rather my intuition and common sense have saved my ass on more than one occasion. It also helps to drive something that cops don't seem to care about.

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No, I speed, and quite regularly. The tickets that I receive - and, quite rightly, deserve/earn - are what I like to consider a periodic fee for the privilege of driving over the speed limit.


I know it's against the law, I chose to disobey it, and I am comfortable with the penalties that I receive because of my disobediance.


We have both said this before. Yet I don't recall ever reading a thread from you or I about getting a bogus ticket. The simple fact is, if you are going faster the the posted limit, you are speeding. The balance is there. For the most part we have all gotten away with the ones where we would have gotten in big trouble. If I get a ticket doing 80, knowing I have gone much faster on other occasions, I take it as win and pay up. It sucks, yet it's really not that bad.

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No, I speed, and quite regularly. The tickets that I receive - and, quite rightly, deserve/earn - are what I like to consider a periodic fee for the privilege of driving over the speed limit.


I know it's against the law, I chose to disobey it, and I am comfortable with the penalties that I receive because of my disobediance.

Ditto, but not the ones that I receive when I am obeying the law, hence my current situation.

The fastest I've ever gone was about 90-100mph....over the posted limit. The fastest sustained speed was 110mph on I-80 going across nebraska, I still got passed.


Aound here I've been making a concerted effort to obey the speed limit and let my record clear up. Which is why it pisses me off that I got this latest ticket. Apart fromt his, I dont remember my last speeding violation, its been a while. It used to happen every 3-6 months.

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I dont belive it is illegal to speed while traveling on foot. The semi he is pulling behind him could get a ticket though.


Neither Chuck Norris nor the semi are actually moving in that case; it's just an optical illusion. Instead, it's the Earth that is moving - being spun by Chuck Norris' feet - as though it is a large roller.

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Hell I speed as well and try to keep it no more than 10 over. Last ticket I got was 82 in a 65 but in my defence I was rushing to the hospital when Emerson was rushed in for emergency surgury. Other than that its not that I was trying to speed, was just not paying attention to how fast I was going. (I get one of these about every 2 to 3 years).
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I think it's unrealistic to drive the speed limit, or even 5 over. I made a concentrated effort to drive 65 on 270 on my way to work today. mind you the speed limit is 55. and i was being passed by everyone. It's just unrealistic and unfeasable to NOT speed.


I'm usually smart on how much i speed, where and at what time (ie: if im the only car on the road) and its worked for me ever since i got my license. The few times i have gotten a ticket, ive either been distracted or the officer was hidden (behind a wall, twice now). That accounts for all 3 of my tickets in the 7 years ive been driving. I know some guys who get tickets every 6 months, and a good friend who got something crazy like 12 in a year.

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