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what the fuck??


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I wasnt tryin to argue with anyone just needed to get it off my chest. Im not callin u if u dont call me. Your the one who stopped talkin to me. So im not gonna chase u around and try to be ur friend. But everyone seems happy now, well except for ur friend situation, so im happy for u and bettina. U made it past 6 months most dont make it that long anymore. If i didnt like having u as a friend I just wouldnt have said anything. I just never got any explaination about anything, u just stopped talkin to me. and even in that post ur puttin me down like ur better than me and more mature since ur married, hahaha. Im not a child and not tryin to act like one, i was just getting a point across also. And its nice to know u "dont give a shit about whats happening in my life." Well I still think I made a good decision about everything, im happy with tara and everything else in my life right now, i know u dont care but just lettin u know anyways. I wont bitch anymore like a high school girl so see u around.
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I can honestly say this is my biggest pet peeve when it comes to people.. and i'll put it this way. If the person I know doesn't call me back or even call me to hang out or even just chat, then I really don't consider them a, "friend." I really have a couple of people I would consider friends.. the rest of them, 98% of the people, I just know.
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I can honestly say this is my biggest pet peeve when it comes to people.. and i'll put it this way. If the person I know doesn't call me back or even call me to hang out or even just chat, then I really don't consider them a, "friend." I really have a couple of people I would consider friends.. the rest of them, 98% of the people, I just know.



I completely agree....:)

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Lol I had a job where I got to ride in a car with some dude that I can't even remember his name and the fucker was still calling me like a year later to hang out and stuff. We only did that project for 4 days too. It was insane and I'm pretty entroverted(sp?) and would rather sit at home. Dude was either gay or very bored.


So yeah I know like 99% of people and have a few friends.



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Damn, I thought it was just me. It goes along with being married, but having a child is kinda the same. Takes up a lot of your time, and you want to spend a lot of time with her. Even though I am engaged, which is like being married, I did think that I lost some freinds over the past year because of my business, but I just realized who my real friends were, and who I just "knew" out of convience, and day to day activites.
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I did think that I lost some freinds over the past year because of my business, but I just realized who my real friends were, and who I just "knew" out of convience, and day to day activites.


yeha im starting to realize that now.. i guess i jsut knew those popel and they werent really my friends.

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Hoblick, my problem is the my wife and work take up SO much of my time. My wife I don't care about taking up my time. But when Im not at work I want to be with her. Its tough to balance a wife, friends, and work all at the sametime. I applaud you for trying to take the time to be with your friends.


I, unfortunatly, fall into the "bad friend" catagory. I don't come out at all, the only person I've seen from CR since I've been married is Ben Stillman and Anthony. Ben basically made me go out to dinner w/ him (which was awesome) and I tried to help Anthony with his car one not but couldn't do much ;).


I don't know how people balance all that stuff!

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Ah Im not married and I think Delany is an immature, shady ass, piece of shit...And dude quit friend requesting me on myspace, please!


Thats all I have to say about this thread:)

Yeah matt with the sluts u like to date I dont think you will ever be married! And as for the immature, shady ass, piece of shit that would be you. I had to keep u in control since u like to party and drink alot and keep u outta fights at bars. I dont do stupid shit like that. Oh well just keep callin me names and talkin shit doesnt matter to me, u have my number if u have such a problem with me come tell me to my face. 7100 sawmill village dr. Other than that ok im really done this time. I forgot dickhead was on here.

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