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IPS Meeting Spot


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Ok, first off, let me say I do appreciate everyone coming out and the majority of people behaving themselves and just wanting to have a spot to BS and so on. For the most part, we havent had *too* many complaints from the neighbors and police or anything. However, the trash and cigarette butts and gum wrappers in the parking lot is getting wayyyyyy out of hand.


Four of us spent over 2 hours this morning picking up the parking lot. I didnt say sweeping, just picking up. There are still 2 million cigarette butts out there that I wont spend all weekend picking up. Its no better or worse then when we have had the garbage cans out.


Soooooo. What to do? The simplest solution is for me to just say no food / drink / smoking / gum chewing in the parking lot or you will be asked to leave. Seems a bit harsh but since throwing something away vs throwing it on the ground is too much to ask I think its the only way to effectively "police" it. The smoking thing is just beyond rediculous. I could spend the rest of the day sweeping and not get just the front section (in front of the shop) back to the way it used to be.


Items left in the parking lot / grass this morning:


1) Bones / remainder of BWs wings

2) Beer bottles

3) Beer bottle full of piss

4) Red Bull cans

5) McDonalds / White Castle / Burger King wrappers

6) Half a hamburger

7) 2000 cigarett butts

8) Sunflower or something seeds everywhere

9) 500 gum wrappers

10) napkins and assorted paper materials

11) Bottles of Pepsi/Coke/Mt Dew



Its getting wayyyy out of hand and soemthing is going to change. For now the simplest new rule is no food / drink / smoking anywhere on the property. If you want to run down to the gas station and buy a pop or or whatever drink it there. Drink it in your car. Drink it down the street.


Figure out a way to NOT leave in in the parking lot or you will no longer be here. That simple.


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This was bound to happen. Jeff, thank you for your patients and not just shutting this down.


People, it's not so hard to do the right thing here. Correct each other if needed. Don't fuck this up. Be tactful in your approach and if you are the one being corrected, be understanding to the situation. If that's not how you want to hang out then, you might be interested in finding a different group/ place to hang out.


Jeff, sorry if I'm stepping on toes here. If I'm off base, I will delete this.

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I was out last night for a bit left early (dead tired). but yeah WTF people drinking 40s and there was just trash everywhere.


Jeff the real problem is people jut don't care. It's not there place so its not there problem. It's shitty but even when you say no food no smoking no anything. Unless your there to police them you will always have idiots that don't care won't respect other people property.


I like the fact that we have a place to go but I just don't know how you will be able to police (if you will) everyone and still have a good time.


I just hope you are able to keep letting us use the lot and figure out a way to keep it clean.


On a side note there were people making sure people kept thier music down.

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A means of policing this it pretty much all that's needed. A pack of guys in IPS shirts walking around telling people "You're out, take your shit and leave". and if it comes to that, they need to have the full backing of the masses. I saw one dickhead wondering around in fatigues waving a brass balled club. We dont want to send Jeff after a dick like that on his own. I'd realy like to start coming out more, and just as before I'm willing to help out however I can.


I like the idea of a "fast cars only" lot. Keep the 1978 Dodge vands and toyota tercels off in the side lots. No pickups or any of that horseshit. Exclude these people from the group and they'll stay out of the way.


But anyways, enforcement is key.


Also: Don't be above asking the Po for help. It's no secret that people are showing up there. Call the township:

"As you know, we like to have some people over at our shop on weekends. We're getting more people then we planned and it's getting to be a bit of a problem. We'd like to begin enforcing some litter/drinking/driving rules. If we need some help, we'd like to be able to call you guys to have some one removed without having to worry about the whole group getting kicked out."

It may mean the movement of some activites to roads further away, but it depends on how much you like the spot.

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Maybe I'm going to sound like an asshole, but oh well, maybe I am. Kick all of the trash out and I bet this problem will be cut to at least 1/10 of what it is now. I'm being conservative with that number; I bet it will be eliminated if you kick half of the people out.


I bet the people who are leaving trash are the same ones in 1985 spray painted s10's jumping on the hood of their truck, and the people drinking while they are there.


I'm not even going to start on the cigarette but thing because for some reason only .1% of smokers seem to think they are litter.

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Hey I don't hang out with yal for the very reasons mentioned. I don't like hanging with a bunch of asshats that get us all kicked out all the time and its very hard to police that sort of thing. Also I gotta take some offence to the "Pickup" comments. Not everyone with a truck is a white trash POS. I'm a hillbilly and thats it. My trash stays in my truck bed. Never on the ground.



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I fought these same issues for the 6-7 years people used my dad's parking lot. I spent every Saturday and Sunday morning picking up shit around the lot.


There is 1, and only 1 way to resolve it. Have authoritative people there walking around and policing it before it gets even worse. Zero tolerance. Once you begin being strict, the 'good guys' will follow your lead and start helping control the idiots.

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I like the idea of a "fast cars only" lot. No pickups or any of that horseshit. Exclude these people from the group and they'll stay out of the way.



hey now I remember you getting beat pretty bad by a grey dodge pickup a couple of times.....


anyway I havn't made it out yet but it sounds like if you can't clean up after yourself stay home with your mama so she can clean up after you becuase no one else wants to....


thats pretty fucked up that these guys are going out of there way to let you use there place and its getting all trashed

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I haven't been to the IPS spot but am wondering something. Are you guys posting signs that say what you're saying on here? The people leaving the trash and being assholes probably aren't on this board. I'm sure all the members who show up are cool, but the strangers showing up don't know that CR members have allowed them the freedom to hang out there. Therefore, they don't know about all of these posts about the problems. So I guess I'm just making a suggestion and perhaps you've already tried this, but just put up some signs for everyone to see and maybe it won't be so bad.
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Ring a dinner bell every hour. This will que people to pick up any trash laying around and get in a line to throw it away in the trash can. IPS could pick someone from the trash line to recieve a 10% off whatever coupon...nitrous refill, any purchase over $100 etc...this would help the business and the trash situation.


Seriously though, I'm sure it sucks to have to deal with this BS. Hopefully we can all help IPS get it under control.

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I haven't been to the IPS spot but am wondering something. Are you guys posting signs that say what you're saying on here? The people leaving the trash and being assholes probably aren't on this board. I'm sure all the members who show up are cool, but the strangers showing up don't know that CR members have allowed them the freedom to hang out there. Therefore, they don't know about all of these posts about the problems. So I guess I'm just making a suggestion and perhaps you've already tried this, but just put up some signs for everyone to see and maybe it won't be so bad.

well they all heard about the spot through CR. I would assume every piece of trash (the people) that sit out there and drink heard about it through someone on CR.

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I don't agree. Every spot ever had has been word of mouth, albeit it started with some CR members then spread to people not even on the site.


It's inevitable. Kroger, BJs, Crosswoods, Hooters, etc. It will happen, but this time it's private property that able to be controlled by people instead of just callng the cops and leaving it at that.


Do I have to come out and start cracking skulls?

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i was only there one time, but it looked like there was only 2 ways to get in to the lot right? maybe you could set up something at the entrances to keep people out that cause trouble. Its cool to have a place to hang out and stuff, but thats other peoples place of business. i would hate to see it get messed up like other places ive been to.
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i was only there one time, but it looked like there was only 2 ways to get in to the lot right?


No, there are at least three places that I can think of and you can't block off the one all of the way at one end because there's an EMS service that runs out of there. Speaking of which, I'm sure the IPS guys have thought of this, but everyone needs to think about this when parking and walking around checking out others cars. We need to be 200% sure those guys don't get blocked from getting out. In fact it should be very easy for them to get out. I'd suggest that if we can't keep people from parking near their business to never park where they park their ambulance or in their path out, and make sure other people don't either. Those guys could be going to save your grandpas life that just had a heart attack. Also, we don't want to piss them off. That lot would be finished if we did.

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Ok, first off, let me say I do appreciate everyone coming out and the majority of people behaving themselves and just wanting to have a spot to BS and so on...


Its getting wayyyy out of hand and soemthing is going to change. For now the simplest new rule is no food / drink / smoking anywhere on the property. If you want to run down to the gas station and buy a pop or or whatever drink it there. Drink it in your car. Drink it down the street.


Figure out a way to NOT leave in in the parking lot or you will no longer be here. That simple.


So if we leave the bottles in the Car thats fine? That is do able.

I know Sam, Shawn(sp), Linn and a few others have policed stereos and told white castle guy to pick up his shit. Im also curious where were the trash cans last night? I didnt see them, doesnt mean they are not there. But yea like the fast cars,show cars, anything that isnt classified a "beater" should have first dibs on "frontal" parking i think. I know Last saturday I parked my beater off to the side of IPS' building. policing parkin and the people will help alot i think. and the guys from IPS shouldn't be the only ones either guys we will all have to do it!! We use their lot so we in turn should police and keep it clean!! :woowoo:

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i was up last week, and even then it seemed like it was already getting the wrong crowd. my car is by no means fast, so i parked it over on the side of the building, away from everyone else. i like to come out and meet people, talk to people i know, and check out the cars. i think if the whole 'limit it to 300hp or 13 second cars' thing was to go into place, you would be eliminating a lot of people that arent the problem.


i wasnt out this week so i can only go off what im reading here, but if its seriously like that...holy fuck. i dont like when people litter out of my car onto the road...how the fuck can people just leave bags of trash in a parking lot...


and for the person who said to put signs up stating "the rules" (in a nutshell), i realize its IPS's lot, but theyre providing the lot. i dont think they should have to go out and spend x amount of dollars to get signs printed up telling people to throw trash away and keep the music down. that should be a) common knowledge and b) not something they should have to come out of pocket for

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The only problem with policing is that you are dealing with assholes. Just because you are wearing a shirt doesnt mean they will listen... and I saw at least 2 guys packing tonight. I think we should see if the police will help us. I dont want to see any of you getting shot at by some ignorant bastard.
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