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what the hell is this?

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I'm more interested in exactly why you have a petri-dish handy, and what exactly is on those blueprints.

Not a petry dish, its in a pair of cups fromt he water cooler. The blueprints...thats proprietary. :)


Not an Elephant beetle, I'd recognise that beast.

Anyone know any entimologists?

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Entomology is my love. I've studied insects much of my life. Never finished school, though. Anyway, that is commonly known as a "Wheel Bug". I've pasted a link below with a bit more info. There are better websites, but I ate too much chili cheese dog and don't feel well enough to muster anything else up....





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im sure Grissom could tell you



hahaha i love it...


I've seen a bug like that before though...weird lookin bugger...

Has anyone's place been attacked by ladybugs lately?? I have at least 10 of them buzzing around...their invading the apt. :eek:

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This one was on the screen door on my deck the other morning.



Back in the day, a common childhood test of bravery was picking up a Praying Mantis'.


Thanks for the info, Christian. Especialy this part:

If carelessly handled the bite is very painful, often referred to "ten times worse than a hornet sting.

Glad I used the cups. ;)


What does entimology have in common with gynicology? :p

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Back in the day, a common childhood test of bravery was picking up a Praying Mantis'.


Thanks for the info, Christian. Especialy this part:


Glad I used the cups. ;)


What does entimology have in common with gynicology? :p


Uhh... They can both deal with bugs? heheh


Yeah, I woulda actually said something about the biting part, but from the picture it appeared to be dead already.


My last job in Texas was practically infested with Praying Mantids every season. Last season I was lucky enough to even find a very rare ground mantid. Tiny, boring little buggers compared to their larger relatives, but when you like insects like me, it was a cool find. Here's a couple cool pics of a large mantis catching a hummingbird. They're definitely one of my favorite insects.


There are some amazing mantids out there that look just crazy but have to be imported. On another note, someone help me find a salamander! They're very uncommon everywhere I've lived, but now I'm up north, I know they're more common than probably lizards.

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