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Cleaveland drivers VS. Columbus drivers


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So on Sunday last weekend I end up going through Cleveland twice and notice something different about the drives almost immediately. They are actually on the road to GO someplace.

I saw one cop on the way through, and he was merging on the high way and then got to the left lane and everyone got the hell out of his way. He then got up to about 85 mph and went LOOKING for speeders. I never have seen this in Columbus.

People merged the way you should, not come to a stop and watch traffic, then get in the way.

The left lane was actually the fast lane. When I came up on someone slower, they got the hell out of the way like they were sorry to slow me down. Not here in Columbus though, some ass clown will ride the left lane doing 66 mph. like it's the only way to fly.

The two cities are night and day different. Columbus; I would call a business city. Where as Cleveland; as we all know, is very industrial. I found myself wondering what is really all that bad about Cleveland. The roads all need repaved. The hood like approach to many things there would bug the shit out of me. I'm not a big football fan, and Browns fans bug the hell out of me. But, the people I talked to up there were down to earth and friendly. Columbus can be a bit stuck up and anti-social, IMO.

What are you experiences/thoughts?


I posted this in the kitchen because of the tendancy for people to be defensive on topics like this. If it needs move, mods please assist.

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People in the left lane are usually going fast because they are in a high speed chase....


Cleveland is like Afgahnistan, bombed out and depleted. Some of the suburbs aren't to bad, but the only thing keeping the town alive is Sherwin Williams and the Hospitals.


Ironically, I've heard stories from elders about being held at gun point or followed at each....

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People in the left lane are usually going fast because they are in a high speed chase....


Cleveland is like Afgahnistan, bombed out and depleted. Some of the suburbs aren't to bad, but the only thing keeping the town alive is Sherwin Williams and the Hospitals.


Ironically, I've heard stories from elders about being held at gun point or followed at each....


here comes another "cleveland shitty" thread.

(its actually a fine city)

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Well, I can talk trash cause I lived there for a bit before I moved to Columbus. I think it really depends on the age of the person and how they view things. IMO I say the city sucks because there is hardly anything to do at night, and if your young all you have is the flats. Gotta spend your money for that. Hell, most of the shops close at like 8pm at night. As far as drivers go, I don't trust any of them up there. You must have caught them on a good day. lol
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Well, I can talk trash cause I lived there for a bit before I moved to Columbus. I think it really depends on the age of the person and how they view things. IMO I say the city sucks because there is hardly anything to do at night, and if your young all you have is the flats. Gotta spend your money for that. Hell, most of the shops close at like 8pm at night. As far as drivers go, I don't trust any of them up there. You must have caught them on a good day. lol


I was prepared to list the 100+bars nice bars and clubs within a 10 minute radius of JUST downtown, not including any suburb spots or the scene in

Akron, but I think this quote is more fitting..




"If you think there is nothing to do in Cleveland, then its not the city's fault you a looser."

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I went 71 to 90, so I'm sure I didn't get a lot of exposure to Cleveland. But, from what I did see, I don't mind going up there again. LOTS of open high way for racing. Actually looks like I might be up there again in a few days..


You might of had a glimpse of University Circle, possibly Tower City.


I'll admit the city has become better, but the neighborhoods have just gone down the shit hole.


I remember walking around University Circle scared shitless with my brother trying to kill time while my mom visited my dad in the hospital. Out of morbid curiosity, I looked up the poverty rates and called my Mom to see if she had any updated stuff.


Anything around Cleveland has a poverty rate of 20%+, 25-30% being the norm. Even some of the outer laying suburbs have crazy high crime rates (Shaker Heights South). The worst my mom found was that St. Clair has a poverty rate of 57%!. East Cleveland FTW.


It's a city to drive through, but sure as hell wouldn't want to live there again.

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I'll admit the city has become better, but the -neighborhood- have just gone down the shit hole.



The worst my mom found was that St. Clair has a poverty rate of 57%!. East Cleveland FTW.



Fixed. Only the east side is a shit hole and statistically it drags the City down. If you eliminate the people from East 30th to the border of Euclid (adjacent eastern suburb) the poverty rate for the City of Cleveland would be 8.2%. That my friend is 4+% below the national average.


The truth will set you free slappy. :)

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Fixed. Only the east side is a shit hole and statistically it drags the City down. If you eliminate the people from East 30th to the border of Euclid (adjacent eastern suburb) the poverty rate for the City of Cleveland would be 8.2%. That my friend is 4+% below the national average.


The truth will set you free slappy. :)


I'll have to bust out a map for this one.

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Maybe I caught traffic at the right time. But, It takes a lot to impress me on the road. I know I saw a lot more highway to race on in Cleveland than what we have here in Columbus.


I've was at the airport here in Columbus twice this morning, before 7am. In that time I wittnessed some of the worst driving I have ever seen in Columbus. I had to hit the brakes so hard for someone changing lanes with no signal, that it is probably the 2nd hardest I've even had to brake in my life. This person remained clueless of what they had just done. No thought of anyone driving on the road but them. Unbelievable!


Like I said I might be in Cleveland next week. If it's different, I'll post.

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i have some friends up in cleveland, and personally i dont think its all that bad, they just dont have as much money. and if you really want to good driving habits, go to Germany on the Autobahn. those people know how to drive


I work in NY / NJ 1-2 weeks per month and must say, traffic is heavy, but if you ever drive in NYC or Jersey, you either lead the pack or Get the F-over! Aggressive is an understatement....and I love it.


I grew up in Cleveland and must say, it has gone to the shitter in most places. My folks live in a very upscale older area on the east side and the only thing that saves them is that the wrong folks will never afford the homes in their area....but they are surrounded by the hood....at least it's getting that way. I can't wait until they move...likely next year.

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I've never had any problem with Cleveland or any other large city I've visited. Notably, I haven't spent much time in Cleveland, but the time I did spend there didn't leave a negative impression on me.


I don't think people travel to large cities to see shit holes. :) Compared to Metro Columbus, I still feel Metro Cleveland is a shithole.

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I don't think people travel to large cities to see shit holes. :) Compared to Metro Columbus, I still feel Metro Cleveland is a shithole.



No one sees it, because no one travels to or through the east side. Again, it is only the east side that brings the city down statistically. Considering that, I will agree with you, but then you’re not counting the other 2.5 Million people that think the Cleveland Metropolitan area is a fine place to live. :thumbup:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Yep, just driving through Cleveland, or walking around University Circle doesn't provide nearly enough information to asses the entire city as a whole. Some of the great spots include: The Warehouse District; Tremont; Little Italy; Coventry; Lakewood; Avon Lake (recently); W 25th. I am sure that I am leaving some out. It's not too bad once you give it a chance.
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Every city I have been to are nothing like Columbus. The people here are rude and can't drive. Orlando, Pittsburgh, Houston, Cleveland, Charlotte, ETC... all pretty much follow the left lane is for going fast, merging on to the freeway people move. this is the only city where people drive like asshole on purpose.

Putting my turn signal on means I want to come over, not speed up and block my fucking ass from getting over!

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Here in Colorado, it is law that slower traffic has to stay right. i have seen a few people get pullled over because of it, and so have a few friends.


Good law if you ask me


Just about every city has that law. The only problem is people don't follow it and LAW ENFORCEMENT doesn't enforce it in Dayton/Columbus from what I've seen.... :(


If they start ticketing people for it and get the info on the local news, shit will change real quick. ;)


Not to mention you will get shot at, run off the road or roadraged for pulling that shit in Texas. It doesn't matter if you are going 90mph in Texas, someone will pass you. :cool:

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im originally from houston and they have the most badass freeways ive ever seen


Not to mention you can race between 4 and 6 wide in some places.... :D




Sorry back on topic....


I like Cleveland and Columbus both; it's just that Cleveland is to damn COLD for me in the winter and I wish Columbus had a little better car scene. I plan to live in Columbus when I get out of the military depending on the job openings. Otherwise it will be Texas, Indiana or maybe Florida for me..... :cool:

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