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where the fuck did dj go?


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england, with a day trip to dublin, ireland. i freaking told you all that before i left. im only posting this because ive gotten about 7 instant messages in the last 15 minutes asking me where ive been.


no worries, im not going to regale you with stories of my trip. if you really want me to talk your ear off about the state of things across the pond, well go to hooters and you can buy me some wings whilest i lay it all out for you.


ok, well, i will tell you one story. standing in the middle of picadilly circus, inspirations struck me and i cried out as loud as i could "O-H!" a nano second later, from across the square, what should i hear? a resounding "I-O!" yes folks, even thousands of miles away, the secret handshake is recognized and respected. oh, and even thousands of miles away, michigan still sucks.

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ok, well, i will tell you one story. standing in the middle of picadilly circus, inspirations struck me and i cried out as loud as i could "O-H!" a nano second later, from across the square, what should i hear? a resounding "I-O!" yes folks, even thousands of miles away, the secret handshake is recognized and respected. oh, and even thousands of miles away, michigan still sucks.

Fucking priceless.

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