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Ghost ride the whip


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Race has nothing to do with it. Granted there is ignorance on both sides, but to try and pin point one culture for doing ignorant things is ignorant in itself. And another thing to think about is that if a white guy puts on a do-rag he's acting black. However when I put on a suit to go to work no one says I'm "acting white". We have ignorant rappers, just the same as you guys have Johnny Knoxville. I just chalk it up as entertainment and move on. Jackass should have a special on ghostriding, I'd watch it :D !

Relax people!!! Yes ghostriding is completely and totally stupid... but I remember a time when people were laying down in the middle of freeways because some people did it in movie. People will always have new stupid ways of entertaining themselves.


And yes they did ghost ride horses and buggys back in the day. Actually on my way to Norwalk I saw an Amish guy doing it. Jacob the ghostrider FTMFW!!!!!!

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Yeah rappers didn't start ghostriding or sideshows they just put it out there for the public to see.. It pisses me off that some people think its a race thing..


And street racing is just as stupid and dangerous as sideshows or someone walking beside their car doing 1 mph. There is countless other things that people find amusing that others won't..


sideshows are just another form of showing off and I'm sure everyone here has done some form of showing off (donuts, burnouts, ect.)

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