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Kids walking to school


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I heard that a school can not require a child under X yrs of age to cross a state route by themselves without a crossing guard or the proper speed restricted zone on that route. I can't seem to locate this, and I could just be flat wrong. Any one here got any idea if it's true, and if so what the ORC code is for it.
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jesus christ, for such an "old school tough guy" this is an awfully pansy question. i dont want to turn this into a "im tougher than you" rambo style thread, but i walked about a mile to my bus stop, and then rode for about an hour. tell your kids to hike it and shut up.
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jesus christ, for such an "old school tough guy" this is an awfully pansy question. i dont want to turn this into a "im tougher than you" rambo style thread, but i walked about a mile to my bus stop, and then rode for about an hour. tell your kids to hike it and shut up.

I walked four miles bitch, across a highway, and still beat the bus home, BIOCH!



Petition your school for a crossing guard station or walk/drive your kid to school.

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Funny.. no one in this thread has kids.. or. Does have kids but they're too young to even BE in school. Except me (posting now) and Desperado.


Until you become a parent and your kids actually do have to school, leave and then come back later.


Anyone remember that episode with my son and his buddy walking to and from school about a year ago? yeah.

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buck, did you walk to school? are you worse off for it?


i may not have kids, but i used to be a kid, and i walked my ass to school. if my parents thought it was a rough day, theyd take me to school, or at least to the bus stop. hell, they even made arrangements for me to ride with someone else if they just couldnt manage it. granted, i had shitty parents, because one of them was a drug and alcohol addict, and the other worked in indianapolis, so its not like he was around much.:rolleyes: most days, it was just me and some friends, poundin the pavement.


it should not be the governments job to see that your kid gets to school. thats YOUR job.

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it should not be the governments job to see that your kid gets to school. thats YOUR job.

Amen. I had to walk to school from K-5, by myself. I walked about a mile at one of the houses we lived in. Not a big deal IMO.


It's bad enough people without kids have to pay for schools for people WITH kids. If you ask me, people with kids should have to pay extra, REQUIRED taxes to have those kids in school. If YOU choose to have kids, it should be your financial responsiblity to put them through school, not mine. And if I ever have kids, others shouldn't have to pay the burdon of me putting my kid(s) through school.

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buck, did you walk to school? are you worse off for it?


i may not have kids, but i used to be a kid, and i walked my ass to school. if my parents thought it was a rough day, theyd take me to school, or at least to the bus stop. hell, they even made arrangements for me to ride with someone else if they just couldnt manage it. granted, i had shitty parents, because one of them was a drug and alcohol addict, and the other worked in indianapolis, so its not like he was around much.:rolleyes: most days, it was just me and some friends, poundin the pavement.


it should not be the governments job to see that your kid gets to school. thats YOUR job.


Yeah, I did walk to school from 1-5th grade. Took all of 10 minutes or so. And Yes, I thikn i'm mentally tramatized by it too. :p It was all in the same subdivision.


However, I didn't have to cross any state routes or big ass road (just main street in Westerville). And there always was a crossing guard there. For the comment made that let them get hit once. If you had children, and your son/daughter got hit by a car and died because some ass fucker either wasn't paying attention, or was drunk and went through a red light, what would you do? Tell them to deal with it and keep walking? Right.


Maybe I"m off base.. maybe I'm not even in the same fucking ball park. I just woke up and this is the first thread I clicked on. And I don't have any milk or my fucking coffee. Damnit. :mad:

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look man, im almost positive austin doesnt really want your kids to get hit by a car. and i know for sure that i dont. my response had more to do with the idea that your kids will be babies as long as you treat them as babies. they WILL learn. and, you CANT do anything about druck drivers, or assfuckers not paying attention. but, neither can the government. all you can do is make your kids aware, and see that they get to school.
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Well, back to the original question of the thread. If Keiths kids are 5 years old, would you want them crossing a busy state route? I think thats all he's asking. If his children are young enough, and the road they are crossing is busy enough, he might have something.


So.. does anyone have anything on what he originally asked? Other than "just make your fucking kids walk to school and quit being a pussy"?

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How about Keith posts his kids age and they're rout to school. If he's talking about crossing 36 in the town of Johnstown, lock the thread.


Ya, great idea...because I am sure he wants everyone who visits this sight to know his children's exact path to school.:rolleyes:

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I'm a constant advocate for kids toughening up; except in this case. My son is 10 years old, and I'm guilty of being a bit overprotective too. Kids that haven't grown up walking regularly have no business crossing busy streets without a guard. I had to walk four blocks to grade school in NYC and didn't think anything of it. That's just the way it was. I knew my neighborhood like the back of my hand, and you couldn't go anywhere without having to watch out for traffic. Keith & Shawn, I'm with you. We might be old-school, and a little quasi-macho; but our kids just aren't as "tough" nowadays... not to mention the world has become much less tolerant. Half of these guys on here would be the first to bitch about a kid-sized dent in their hood from hitting "some dumb kid who wasn't paing attention" while telling you to quit coddling your kids. :rolleyes:
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I'm a father, and I'm rather protective. I also have an understanding of the "Highways" in Johnstown. If I'm not mistaken, the kids got to get to Oregon Street, and the roads he's got to cross are 37 and 62. Both have many lighted intersections, and during peak hours both are jammed up to the point that no one's moving, during off hours the traffic is fairly sparse and doing about 35 mph.


So, depending on the age of the kid, teach them how to cross a bloody road. This is something i could do at age 8 and I lived in Suburbia. I knew because I was taught.

You say todays kids are weak? The faults of children are the faults of the parents.

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Can anyone site the laws regarding this from ORC or whatever? I think that was the original point of the thread.


My kid goes to the school in my neighborhood so walking isn't a big deal. But to someone it might be and thus the request for the Ohio laws regarding it.

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