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#1 Bullshit. Everybody goes and sees or rents FF. They show cars and you have an interest in cars. Doesn't mean you like the plot.

#2 Don't forget to sign up for selective service at the post office. And with 2 suspensions already, might want to look into basket weaving.

#3 If you didn't " happen upon this site", how did you hear about it?

#4 Then why are you talking about building a car to make a V8 look slow?

#5 New friends is part of growing up. If you live in your bubble and then one day it breaks and your friends move on, it's just you and your wanna be fast car.

#6 The most intelligent thing you have posted yet.


Look Cub Scout; this can be a great site to learn from. You can also get your ass handed to you 2 posts after telling someone they have a nice car. It's the internet. Slow playing newer concepts and words of wisdom might be a better approach for you. At 17 and new to the site, I don't even want to here you say where the spark plugs are on my motor. Show us your speed machine in the Spring and everyone shuts up. Or you can bring it into Columbus tonight and get dragged around 270.


here we go again.

#1. i really didnt see the movie. i understand its on your level.

#2. just got my registration letter today, see you in canada.

#3. somebody gave me the link from a nissan site.

#4. what i meant was im not a stReet RaceR.

#5. what kind of friends would i make over the internet?

#6. maybe*


"its the internet" whoa, dangerous, scary, try Vietnam. A nice car? in columbus? i dont think a wankel/rotory constitutes as a motor. do you guy nascar around 270?

if we had an IQ test to register for this site, you would fail as you cant spell HEAR, cant read: "bring it into Columbus tonight..." I JUST SOLD MY 4TH CAR AND AM TRYING TO BUY ANOTHER ONE, as you would have noticed had you read previous posts, *and you the most intelligent thing i posted - had bad grammar. IQ failure. did you lose your mojoe?


Lastly, the term is "hard ass" not "hard asshole". Nice try with the smilies.
maybe i did that on purpose? i cant remember. :confused:


to all who want to race me, ill be around in spring :woowoo: get your titles signed...

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here we go again.

#1. i really didnt see the movie. i understand its on your level.

#2. just got my registration letter today, see you in canada.

#3. somebody gave me the link from a nissan site.

#4. what i meant was im not a stReet RaceR.

#5. what kind of friends would i make over the internet?

#6. maybe*


"its the internet" whoa, dangerous, scary, try Vietnam. A nice car? in columbus? i dont think a wankel/rotory constitutes as a motor. do you guy nascar around 270?

if we had an IQ test to register for this site, you would fail as you cant spell HEAR, cant read: "bring it into Columbus tonight..." I JUST SOLD MY 4TH CAR AND AM TRYING TO BUY ANOTHER ONE, as you would have noticed had you read previous posts, *and you the most intelligent thing i posted - had bad grammar. IQ failure. did you lose your mojoe?


maybe i did that on purpose? i cant remember. :confused:


to all who want to race me, ill be around in spring :woowoo: get your titles signed...


So you want to race me for titles??


i hope your car makes more power than the one in the video.

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Austin you know we can't win. His 500whp ka-t will walk us all and he will take all of titles!


I'll be here in spring. I'm not putting my title up even against a stock civic, but I would be willing to wager a nice amount of money. Are we thinking somewhere around a grand for me to get walked this spring?

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here we go again.

#1. i really didnt see the movie. i understand its on your level.

#2. just got my registration letter today, see you in canada.

#3. somebody gave me the link from a nissan site.

#4. what i meant was im not a stReet RaceR.

#5. what kind of friends would i make over the internet?

#6. maybe*


"its the internet" whoa, dangerous, scary, try Vietnam. A nice car? in columbus? i dont think a wankel/rotory constitutes as a motor. do you guy nascar around 270?

if we had an IQ test to register for this site, you would fail as you cant spell HEAR, cant read: "bring it into Columbus tonight..." I JUST SOLD MY 4TH CAR AND AM TRYING TO BUY ANOTHER ONE, as you would have noticed had you read previous posts, *and you the most intelligent thing i posted - had bad grammar. IQ failure. did you lose your mojoe?


maybe i did that on purpose? i cant remember. :confused:


to all who want to race me, ill be around in spring :woowoo: get your titles signed...



1-6 are actually pretty good answers. #5 is questionable. Most of us on here have met and are now good friends.

If the IQ test included punctuation and capitalizing words at the beginning of a sentence, I can see you are leading the way with your youthful knowledge.

Excuse me for being so bored by your posts that I skipped a few. There's nothing wrong with having a different outlook or idea for your build, but coming on here and claiming you will smoke V8's is just you being 17 and not knowing shit about the car's on this site. Let alone you don't even have the car anymore. Talk to us in the spring when you have something to drive. And please be sure to look me up when you come in town. I can't wait to see what you will have for us in 4 months. Unless your parents are paying for your build, or you have mad $$, you won't have that build done.


As for the rotary not being a real motor; well I wasted enough time on that typing this sentence. Go to school junior and become the best damn grease monkey you can.


"its the internet" whoa, dangerous, scary, try Vietnam. A nice car? in columbus?

I wanted to address this, but it really doesn't mean anything. Were you in the naim?

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buy this then just maybe you have a chance to keep up.



you know that would kill you ;) but i dont like working on V style engines


Joe, I can believe that he's never seen 3F3F. He's been too busy watching 'Pinks'....
dont have a TV so thats a no too.


Unless your parents are paying for your build, or you have mad $$, you won't have that build done.
neither. i have a little part time job. all it takes is a 240sx, and the turbo system. i have 2 turbos, 2 bovs, and just need a little more and the car and i will be done. it only takes maybe 2 days to do. i just need more parts and the car.


and to everyone calling me a "kid", i hope it makes you feel like a man.


#5 New friends is part of growing up.
then lets make friends
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#3 If you didn't " happen upon this site", how did you hear about it?

You're not from Columbus AND you don't race, why the hell are you on columbusracing.com????


this goes for both of you, now read carefully, this is a hard thing to do.

first we click on my name. (its a link to my profile youll see!) then we see this...How did you hear about Columbus Racing?:


Why do you want to join Columbus Racing?:

buy stuff!!!


does this anwser TEH questions?

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Is it just me or did his age go from 17, to 21?


Yeah, looks like he's a big boy now.


Kid, you are a dipshit. There's a lot more to going turbo than just turbos and BOV. Read up on how a turbo motor actually works before you go spouting off about shit you know nothing about ;)


Good luck with the future project

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Now that it's been 12 hours from your last post and you have checked this thread every 15 minutes to see what my reply would be, I'll post.


I'm done with you. Nothing I can say will top what you have done to yourself. See you in the Spring.

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Is it just me or did his age go from 17, to 21?
i did that for another reason than to appear older.


Kid, you are a dipshit. There's a lot more to going turbo than just turbos and BOV. Read up on how a turbo motor actually works before you go spouting off about shit you know nothing about
thanks for the help, i was gonna turbo my motor without even knowing what an intercooler was but thanks for making me change my mind.


this is EVER so entertaining...

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i did that for another reason than to appear older.


thanks for the help, i was gonna turbo my motor without even knowing what an intercooler was but thanks for making me change my mind.


this is EVER so entertaining...

So how thick will your flange be.

what will it be made of

what wall and material are you making the runners from

What size collector flange are you using

what turbo

what AR on the turbine

what is the turbine discharge

water cooled?

journal bearing?

what size dp who is making it and from what

charge pipes what are you making them from

who are you getting silicone from and what size

what bov and are you welding the flange on?

i assume your front mount will be cross flow what type of core are you using?

what are you panning on using to measure lamda?

what about the ecu what are you using for that?

what size injectors?

side feed or top feed?

what regulator?

what kind of WG and what size?

boost control is being done with what?

Oh is there flex in the dp?

what was that being made from again?

blow through or draw through?






Thanks you seem super.

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you left out




forged pistons?

bushed or floating wrist pins?

auto or manual if auto what converter?


theres waaaaaaaaaaaaay more to building a fast car than just a couple of turbos


I bet our young grasshopper will be 25 in a day or so :)

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