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The Inconvenient Truth


I just finished watching this documentary. I rented it from Block buster. I only saw it was about the environment and read the review. I have never read the review of a movie before(I judge a movie by it's cover, so to speak).


" In 39 years, I have never written these words in a movie review, but here they are. You owe it to yourself to see this film." -Roger Ebert


I thought to myself, what the hell, I'll check it out.


I'm not saying it's changing my life. But, it sure does make you thing with all the documentation that is shown.




Try this http://www.climatecrisis.net/takeaction/carboncalculator/#


If you watch the movie please post here what you think.

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the second link you posted i think is BS. figure everything up and see what you get and then change nothing but the state and it changes alot. what difference does that have to do with how many tons of Co2 you are putting out?


I really don't know. I just thought it was interesting.

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Well since saying anything countering al gores argument makes me a moron so I guess I'll just say this. Fine give up all the stuff that makes your life easier if you feel that its gonna help stop global warming. Sure will feel good to know that we all saved the earth when we are sitting in very cold drafty homes built from sticks and mud huddling because killing trees to warm ourselves is evil. Oh and forget about racing. We can call it columbuswalking or something because we can't have cars. Wow people make me sick. Basically without the stuff that is killing our planet I wouldn't have a job, wouldn't have a way to get to one even if I did. Millions upon millions would be in the same conditions. We'd be pretty much screwed if we didn't have the things that make our world work as it is today. If there was a real way to have these things we'd do it. Sure corporations are behind alot of the problem because they'd rather sell the last drop of gasoline or cut down the last tree rather than find a better way to make fuel or paper but there ain't nothing we can do about it and just enjoy. Your on a racing forum if you don't like ruining the planet don't race and don't post this stuff on racing forums where there are people who enjoy sports that destroy the planet.


How was that? I'm bored and figured I'd try ranting for a change.



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Well since saying anything countering al gores argument makes me a moron so I guess I'll just say this. Fine give up all the stuff that makes your life easier if you feel that its gonna help stop global warming. Sure will feel good to know that we all saved the earth when we are sitting in very cold drafty homes built from sticks and mud huddling because killing trees to warm ourselves is evil. Oh and forget about racing. We can call it columbuswalking or something because we can't have cars. Wow people make me sick. Basically without the stuff that is killing our planet I wouldn't have a job, wouldn't have a way to get to one even if I did. Millions upon millions would be in the same conditions. We'd be pretty much screwed if we didn't have the things that make our world work as it is today. If there was a real way to have these things we'd do it. Sure corporations are behind alot of the problem because they'd rather sell the last drop of gasoline or cut down the last tree rather than find a better way to make fuel or paper but there ain't nothing we can do about it and just enjoy. Your on a racing forum if you don't like ruining the planet don't race and don't post this stuff on racing forums where there are people who enjoy sports that destroy the planet.


How was that? I'm bored and figured I'd try ranting for a change.



The point isn't to eliminate these things it's to make them tolerable to the earth.

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I don't like Al Gore, and I haven't seen the flick, never really intended to. Why? I can read, don't need to see it (though with Joe's recommendation, I may). I don't need a film to convince me that we've fucked things up.

Climatic shift happens, happens all the time. To say that were changing the ambient temperature directly can be argued either way and both side will not be able to prove anything. What we can prove is that our emissions are fuxing the air we breath and our bi products are screwing with our soil, our drinking water, and our fish. Did you have any idea how much mercury is in the livers et al of the fish in our waterways? They're not good to eat, downright unsafe for children. Asthma rates in children have risen by i forget how many fold.


Would things suck for us if we were responsible with our pollutants? Yes. But anyone who is not willing to do that needs to get the fuck out of here, go live on the moon, I don't care, just stop fucking up my kids planet. I can't beleive short term stability has superceded our long therm ability to sustain life. Yes, I'll live in a mud hut, because I'm not a bitch. But that's not necessary. To fix things, we need to start at the top and work our way down.


Evan: Read this. I don't like the sierra club, and I'm indifferent about Robby, but this speech is a must-read for EVERY American. It's long, but get through the first 5 or so paragraphs and you'll be appauled enough to keep reading.



It's about recognizing that nature is the infrastructure of our communities, and we must meet our obligation as a generation, as a civilization, as a nation, to create communities for our children that provide them with opportunities for dignity and enrichment and good health.

Seriously man, read it. The facts in there will open your eyes. Hell with global warming, I don't think you realize just how fucked things are. Today we're the best-entertained and the least-informed people on the face of the earth. This is a real threat to American democracy.

But, most insidiously, they have put polluters in charge of virtually all the agencies that are supposed to protect Americans from pollution. President Bush appointed as head of the Forest Service a timber-industry lobbyist, Mark Rey, probably the most rapacious in history. He put in charge of public lands a mining-industry lobbyist, Steven Griles, who believes that public lands are unconstitutional. He put in charge of the air division of the EPA, Jeffrey Holmstead, a utility lobbyist who has represented nothing but the worst air polluters in America. As head of Superfund: a woman whose last job was teaching corporate polluters how to evade Superfund. The second in command of EPA is a Monsanto lobbyist.


"We'd be pretty much screwed if we didn't have the things that make our world work as it is today."

Are you kidding me? So what? We'll get over it. We will DEFINATELY, CERTAINLY, PERMINENTLY, and TOTALLY BE SCREWED. You won't be, so why should you care, you'll be dead. Let other people fix things.

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For those who have short attention spans:

I do 40 speeches a year in red states, and there is no difference between how Republican audiences and Democratic audiences react when they hear what this White House and this Congress are doing. There is no difference except that the Republicans come up afterward and say, "Why haven't we ever heard of this before?" I say to them, "It's because you're watching Fox News and listening to Rush." Eighty percent of Republicans are just Democrats who don't know what's going on.

The PIPA Report asked people who voted for Bush and who voted for Kerry about their knowledge of current events. They found that the people that voted for Bush had the same ideology, the same basic values as those who didn't; they were just misinformed. Seventy percent said that they believed that Saddam Hussein bombed the World Trade Center. Seventy percent believed that weapons of mass destruction had been found in Iraq. Sixty-four percent believed that President Bush strongly supported the Kyoto Protocol and strong labor and environmental standards in our foreign treaties, and on and on.

When PIPA asked them what they believed, there was almost no difference between what the Republicans and Democrats believed about where America should be headed. The problem was a huge information deficit, because the news media in this country is letting down American democracy, and democracy cannot survive long without a vigorous news media.


President Clinton's administration was prosecuting the worst 75 of those plants, but that's an industry that donated $48 million to this President during the 2000 election cycle and has given $58 million since.


One of the first things that Bush did when he came into office was to order the Justice Department and EPA to drop all those lawsuits. The top three enforcers at EPA, Sylvia Lowrance, Bruce Buckheit, and Eric Schaeffer, all resigned their jobs in protest. These weren't Democrats.

A top Justice Department official said that this had never happened in American history before, where a Presidential candidate accepts money, contributions from criminals under indictment or targeted for indictment, and then orders those indictments and investigations dropped when he achieves office.

If you go to EPA's website today, you will see that that decision alone, that single decision -- this is EPA's website -- kills 18,000 Americans every single year. Six times the number of people that were killed by the World Trade Center attack. This should be on the front page of every newspaper in this country every single day, and yet you're not reading about it in the American press.

In fact, the only two states where all of the fish are still safe to eat are Alaska and Wyoming, where Republican-controlled legislatures have refused to appropriate the money to test the fish. In all of the other states, at least some, most, or all of the fish are unsafe to eat.

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Strip mines dump waste willy nilly?

Well, it's all illegal. You cannot dump rock and debris and rubble into a waterway in the United States of America without a Clean Water Act permit. So Joe Lovitz sued them, and he won in front of a great crusty old West Virginia judge, Judge Charles Hayden, who recently died. Charles Hayden said the same thing I said: "It's all illegal, all of it," and he enjoined all mountaintop mining.


Two days after we got that decision, Peabody Coal and Massey Coal, which had given millions of dollars to this White House, met in the White House, and the White House rewrote one word of the Clean Water Act. Their new definition of the word fill changed 30 years of statutory interpretation to make it legal today in every state in the United States to dump rock, debris, rubble, construction, garbage, any kind of solid waste into any waterway.

And this is what we're fighting today. This is not just a battle to save the environment. This is the subversion of our democracy.

You show me a polluter; I'll show you a subsidy. I'll show you a fat cat using political clout to escape the discipline of the free market and to force the public to pay his production costs. That's what all pollution is. It's always a subsidy. It's always a guy trying to cheat the free market.
Sound like Exon?

I look at this White House and I ask myself --and this may be unfair -- but I ask myself a lot of times, how did they get so many draft dodgers in one place? You know, the President; Dick Cheney, five deferments; John Ashcroft, six deferments. Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Tom DeLay, Dennis Hastert, Rush Limbaugh. There are a lot of people who dodged the draft during the Vietnam War, and I know a lot of them. Most of them did it because they had moral qualms about that war. But not these people. These people loved the war; they just wanted somebody else to fight it. And it occurs to me that the reason for that is that these are people who don't understand the values that make America worth fighting for. But America is worth fighting for, and it's worth dying for. Those of us who know that it's worth fighting for have to take it back now from those who don't.
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Well yal can have your enviro friendly cars. I'll keep my pollution spewing nasty old 4x4 that gets < 4mpg. I only use it once a month so I'm doing my part. Hell I could drive it to work.



Thus is nature of the "carbon footprint". You're polution spewage isn't about what you drive, as much as it is about how you drive. I drive my 10mpg car less then 1000 miles a year. It's a catless pig that runs on pure Bambi. But, I rarely use it. I seriously use about one tank of fuel annually (that's probably not good). Now look a Leo Decaprio and his fucking hybrids, his private jet rides, his comercial jet rides. That hippy tit is killing the earth, not us.

Like I said, start at the top.

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Well since saying anything countering al gores argument makes me a moron so I guess I'll just say this. Fine give up all the stuff that makes your life easier if you feel that its gonna help stop global warming. Sure will feel good to know that we all saved the earth when we are sitting in very cold drafty homes built from sticks and mud huddling because killing trees to warm ourselves is evil. Oh and forget about racing. We can call it columbuswalking or something because we can't have cars. Wow people make me sick. Basically without the stuff that is killing our planet I wouldn't have a job, wouldn't have a way to get to one even if I did. Millions upon millions would be in the same conditions. We'd be pretty much screwed if we didn't have the things that make our world work as it is today. If there was a real way to have these things we'd do it. Sure corporations are behind alot of the problem because they'd rather sell the last drop of gasoline or cut down the last tree rather than find a better way to make fuel or paper but there ain't nothing we can do about it and just enjoy. Your on a racing forum if you don't like ruining the planet don't race and don't post this stuff on racing forums where there are people who enjoy sports that destroy the planet.


Mikehaze touched on it but i think someone should say that it's not so much of giving up the comforts of life as we know it, "living in grass huts" etc... but to make what we have work more efficiently. You save money and energy buy better insulating your home, you save gas, energy and money by making sure your car's tires of properly inflated and it's in good running order.It's the little stuff. No one is saying give up on these so called 'luxuries' of life, just make them work better, it will help you and help everyone else in the long run.


But do you honestly think there isn't a better way to heat your home? a better way to provide transportation? a better way to use renewable resource's rather than fossil fuels in every day life? Yes there is but until legislation and government are going to press on industries to FIND a better way they are going to give you what ever way will make them the most money.


And opposing Al Gore doesn't make anyone a moron, not being informed and refusing to see the truth for yourself makes you a moron.

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Climates have changed plenty of times within the existance of the earth. It's all political. Mars' climate has gotten substantially warmer over the past 100 years. Does that have anything to do with our polluntants?
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Climates have changed plenty of times within the existance of the earth. It's all political. Mars' climate has gotten substantially warmer over the past 100 years. Does that have anything to do with our pollutants?

You are correct, but read everything I wrote. We are fucking things up, global warming is just the red herring. It's meant to get peoples attention, a foot in thier mental door. From there, hopefully you inform them properly.

I do not approve of this strategy.

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I wanted it to snow and stay on the groud before 2006 ended like it almost every other year in ohio. That didn't happen. Global warming or whatever... I don't like it. I like my cold weather and can't move right now for colder weather.
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