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***2007 Columbus Racing bigest loser contest***


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  • 2 months later...

Yeah, I told him about that a few weeks ago, but at that time, he still wanted to do it today. He messaged me this morning saying that he's been busy with moving and work, so he can either send everyone's $20 back to them, or we can have the weigh-in next Sunday. I said next Sunday would be fine with me.

How about everyone else?

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As you know, the final weigh-in was suppose to be yesterday, but it was Easter Sunday, and Buckeye has been very busy and couldn't host it. He said he can host it next Sunday, the 15th. However, MegamanEXE said that he will not be available next Sunday and has asked for a refund.

What do you guys want to do? Do you still want to weigh-in on the 15th? Do you just want to call it quits and get your money back?


Let me know what you guys think.




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It was never about the money for me personally. We could always push it back another week. But I think that if one person can't make it then he/she is responsible to setup their own time with Buckeye to be weighed in. So Im still ready.


<<< HotCarl = harry's94tsi

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  • 2 weeks later...

So Im guessing this is pretty much dead now? I don't mind but this did give me the kick in the ass I needed.


I lost 26lbs since January. 266 down to 240 and still dropping. Working out everyday, and eating 'somewhat' definitly made the difference. If I was crazy I would've forced myself to run 4 miles a day and eat nothing but wheat thins and granola. but never the less Im still happy with the results. Im aiming for 220 by June, and 200-205 by August at least. Its amazing what excercise and NOT eating fast food will do for you. I sleep better, more energetic, clothes fit better and im wearing stuff I haven't worn ina while (my closet was FULL of nice clothes i just couldn't fit into anymore), my hockey game has improved DRASTICALLY I can now play a 5-7 min shift and not be exhausted (normal shifts should be 2-3 minutes), and im a hell of alot faster than i was when i started playing in Oct.


Over all a good experience for me, what about you guys? did you stick with it? Was there an official "winner"?

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So Im guessing this is pretty much dead now? I don't mind but this did give me the kick in the ass I needed.


I lost 26lbs since January. 266 down to 240 and still dropping. Working out everyday, and eating 'somewhat' definitly made the difference. If I was crazy I would've forced myself to run 4 miles a day and eat nothing but wheat thins and granola. but never the less Im still happy with the results. Im aiming for 220 by June, and 200-205 by August at least. Its amazing what excercise and NOT eating fast food will do for you. I sleep better, more energetic, clothes fit better and im wearing stuff I haven't worn ina while (my closet was FULL of nice clothes i just couldn't fit into anymore), my hockey game has improved DRASTICALLY I can now play a 5-7 min shift and not be exhausted (normal shifts should be 2-3 minutes), and im a hell of alot faster than i was when i started playing in Oct.


Over all a good experience for me, what about you guys? did you stick with it? Was there an official "winner"?


I had similar results, I fit into stuff I haven't worn in 4 years.

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I was going to enter in as well but was sick the day of the weigh in and have been on a pretty solid diet with some cheating in foods just so I don't get bored and also have exercised but stoped when I got a sick yet again. But all in all I have lost 30 lbs when I started I was at 215 and got down to 185 but I hover more at 190 now due to no exercise. I plan to start back up again next week and want to get down to 170 if possible.
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I was going to enter in as well but was sick the day of the weigh in and have been on a pretty solid diet with some cheating in foods just so I don't get bored and also have exercised but stoped when I got a sick yet again. But all in all I have lost 30 lbs when I started I was at 215 and got down to 185 but I hover more at 190 now due to no exercise. I plan to start back up again next week and want to get down to 170 if possible.


Good for you man, at least your seeing progress. For me it was simply not eating fast food 2-3 times a day and walk a mile a day. Thats how I started, then started running etc...Now I run 2 miles a day. I dont think i eat "great" now, but I cook alot more thanks to mom teaching me and I try different stuff, like fish. I think for alot of people it's not even getting on a strict diet, just eating a bit smarter and walking/jogging/doing ANYTHING physical to get off the couch.


in addition, just found out im probably going to be seeing my ex next month. I wonder if I can lose 20 more lbs in 30 days? oh well guess I'll find out.

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Good for you man, at least your seeing progress. For me it was simply not eating fast food 2-3 times a day and walk a mile a day. Thats how I started, then started running etc...Now I run 2 miles a day. I dont think i eat "great" now, but I cook alot more thanks to mom teaching me and I try different stuff, like fish. I think for alot of people it's not even getting on a strict diet, just eating a bit smarter and walking/jogging/doing ANYTHING physical to get off the couch.


in addition, just found out im probably going to be seeing my ex next month. I wonder if I can lose 20 more lbs in 30 days? oh well guess I'll find out.


the first month on my diet I was pretty strick and dropped 20 lbs with very little exersice. right now for me its getting motivated. I used to be able to work out in the mornings but now that the boys are walking they are into everything and cant be left out of sight for more than a couple minutes (at least it seems that way). With the weather finally getting warmer again I am going to try to get in the routine of working out at night. Will do my normal workout routine and run a mile a night. Also need to start biking on the weekends as well.

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