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Getting excited about a game?

Guest FooDey

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Ok ok ok.....well here it is I've had an obsession with Counter-strike for about 8 years now. I can't enough killings for this game. I LOVE IT!

well I just downloaded cs-Source and man...it's the exact same game just better graphics and still I think about it at work. Ok, yes I know I've got issues. I would rather play cs then my damn wii that I just got.



Anyways...anyone out there crave games while working or doing other things? maybe even during sex? hahahah lol

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I still play Source competitively off and on. I have a life now, so time doesn't really allow for it very much lol. A lot of the time the only place I get to play games is at Whempys, because it is the only time actually set aside for it.


I still get excited for some console games though. Looking forward to some games coming out in the coming years, like KH3, FFXIII, and .hack//GU Vol 2.

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I've been playing quite a few games competitively since I was a kid. Started off really playing CS 1.3 and played that for the longest time and usually didn't take that too seriously but I played that religiously, along with Quake2. Then I moved onto Quake3, which I really took seriously.. I was playing in 1v1 leagues and topped at #3 in North America Rocket Arena division, and then I converted over to CPMA/OSP which Jonathan Wendel(Fatal1ty) played and I was one of his practice buddies for a while. Once Q3 started fading out I picked up BF1942 and I was ranked in the top 2% of the world skill wise. After that I tried picking up UT2k3 to see if I had my luck in it like John Wendel did. I practiced with him again and I played well, but I just didn't enjoy it all that much. Started picking up Q3 and CS 1.6 again, which Jon and I formed a CAL team season 10/11. I can't say that I ever really liked source, but I'll play it once and a while. Oh and gunbound fits in there somewhere, got stuck on that one for a while.


I was attending LAN parties around here and won the UT2k3 tourneys and Q3 tourney's like it was a sinch. CS, Jon and I would always dominate and Gunbound we weren't the greatest at the time but now we could pwn some noobs. But needless to say, Q3 has always been my game and I don't care how old it gets.. the entire Quake series have been the best games hands down. Unfortunately I don't really have much time to play games anymore but I'll play them once and a while.

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I enjoy games when i get home from work and just something to pass the time and relax. I try not to let it control my life though. I can understand, being winter and there's not shit to do but stay inside on days like today but I wouldn't choose playing a game over going out with friends or doing something else though.
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CS is my favorite game by far on the PC. I haven't played CS-Source in a wile. 2 Years ago I played it all the free time I had. But now I don't go to lan parties or play multiplayer anymore so I haven't touched it.


I only crave to play a game when I am at home not doing anything. I don't have game cravings at work, only sex cravings.

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Anyone know the release date on Halo 2 for pc? B/c that's another game I was already hooked on from xbox.

Anyone ever play the game Kingpin? I heard or read a rumor that there coming out with a kingpin 2 for xbox360 and pc. That would sweet. B/c the concept of that game was pretty fun. Basically all you do is try to steal the oppenents money from there bank. First team to like 3000 wins. It was a first person shooter as well. Anyhow....another game I'm looking forward to is "Wii Play" it's gonna have ping pong,air hockey,pool and a couple more games..plus it comes w/a free nintendo controller.Not bad for 50 bucks....


Ok ok ok...One more....In October there coming out with BOB Ross Painting for wii....Can you Imagine?..YOu, yourself Can paint with your controller that Pretty little Tree?




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You just named two series known for their incredibly complex puzzles.....

yeah, but i'm pretty sure the electron tube from my television assaulted my brain in irreparable ways. Majora's Mask was insane though. I think MGS3 is one of the most fun games ever, because there's so many different tactics you can use. MGS4 is supposed to be ridiculously awesome, where you can interrogate guys after you CQC them, use adaptive camo (Octocamo as they're calling it) and all sortsa shit.

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