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what the fuck


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i had to wake up early to shovel again.. i shoveled my driveway out and by the road to be able to pull cars in and out of my driveway, and i had to wake up and shovel again today cause the fucking plow must have came through and it shoved a good 16" of snow at the base of my driveway. its great and all the are finally clearing our roads here, but for fuck sake i just shoveled aboout 20" of snow yesterday at the base of my driveway.

and i work nights, so you can understand why noon is considered early for me.

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i put some bricks under light snow in front of my drive way when im home so if they come he gets a nice suprise :)

That would be pretty funny to watch those bricks get tossed through one of your car windows when that plow blade makes short work of that crap.

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That would be pretty funny to watch those bricks get tossed through one of your car windows when that plow blade makes short work of that crap.



Excatly, what the fuck were you thinking that some bricks will hurt the plow. Hell I knock curbs off sometimes and it doesnt even mark the blade...

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We had a bobcat come down our street too, but he didn't do shit except flatten out the center and push another 12" of snow in the middle of each lane.


WTF, one single pass at 6am. It's back to shit again now from all the cars going by....and I still have that extra 12" of snow in front of my driveway :mad:


I'm hoping our neighbor plows again, but he's been gone ever since the snow started falling. Prolly raking in the cash somewhere.



They just plowed our court, with a bobcat. Thank god.
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