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Jet powered bike?


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Real, called "Y2K" its steam-driven.

Yah know, I laughed my ass of at that, but I'm not going to give you a hard time about it. It's completely and totally wrong, oh my god is it wrong....but there is a similarity.

It actually has more in common with a steam engine then a thrust-producing jet engine.


Steam engine: Hot steam spins turbine, that spins a shaft, that drives the wheels.

Y2K Rolls Royce-Allison Gas Turbine engine: Hot gasses from burned fuel spin turbine, that spins a shaft, that drives the wheels.

Thrust producing jet engine: Hot gasses from burned fuel spin turbines and expand rapidly out the ass, producing thrust.


Gross oversimplifications, but still, they're all bad ass.



Shaft HP

Steam engine? Take the shaft-hp engine, remove the combustors, and replace them with pipes that lead to a boiler. You can actually rig it to spin both sides of the turbine unit and produce shitloads of torque...at the expense of lot of added weight...oh and boiler explosions:


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its not steam driven, turbines run off jet fuel.

Slight correction to this; They run off almost any fluid that burns. Buy a Y2K, and htey'll tell you "we prefer you fuel up at the airport". But you can pull up to a gas station and fill it with good diesel without problems. You can run it on biodiesel, rubbing alcohol, good vodka, moonshine, or race gas. JP5 is basically glorified diesel. ;)

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thats weak sauce. 320HP DAMN!!!!!!!!!!.


2 speed. nice.


Your not kidding. Ultra Kit'd Busas make 38-whp on pump gas-and name your number up to 600whp on big boost.


Y2k is cool, but not ultra impressive from a performance stand point. Although-your not getting 400+ft lbs on a Turbo Busa.

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Coltboostin...not impressive??the faster you go the more horsepower it creates,top speed truely unknown cuz no one is willing to attempt topping it out.....not impressive....riiiiiiight.

Though Horsepower does go up with movement, you're not going to see a massive gain over the staic HP figures. I seriously doubt it will double. the most impressive aspect of the bike is the torque and the gearbox. To say "It's so fast that no one is willing to top out, itz unknown!!!" is misleading. People really aren't willing to ride sportbikes all that fast, 240mph seems to be the great equillizer. The fasts streamliners only have about 100mph on top of that.

My guess is that you won't get this bike much over 240mph before it kills you. It'll need a different shape to push further.

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Coltboostin...not impressive??the faster you go the more horsepower it creates,top speed truely unknown cuz no one is willing to attempt topping it out.....not impressive....riiiiiiight.



Again-its cool, its different, the trq numbers are great-bu from a stand point of high end fast bikes-I would put my $ on a stock motor turbo zx1100 or Turbo busa any day of the week-froma dig or a roll.


And-saying its to fast to top out is retarted. Turbo Busa riders with big cogs see 220-230 with ease, the locals push to those speeds every weekend for shits and giggles.


Dennis@ Motorhead took his stock fender Busa to 258mph at El Mirage. I am not sure if it still holds the class record-but in any case, this bike is cool, but not the fastest thing on wheels.

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Maxtons record is 260+ mph in 1 mile on a turbo Busa and it only has around 400+ hp . I know in Bonniville the top speed is in the 260's , but its more than a mile and the big turbo Busas pushing 550+ hp have real traction issues .

I have always been into drag racing . Just recently I have plans on maybe doing some top speed runs . Just bought a new portable GPS . I cant wait to see some 200+ top speeds .

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im not claiming it is the fastest, i clearly said the "faster you go". I am saying that no one knows what it tops out at cuz no one has just kept it going, and going ,and going,etc. thats all


Several different people on the BUSA boards have called out the builder of the Y2K and he wouldn't step up to prove his bike. The fact that he pussed out and wouldn't really see what his bike is capable of leads me to believe it isn't that impressive.


There was a big shit storm about this bike and all the BS claims it made. Like running at Bonneville but there being NO RECORD of it ever attending an event.... :(


Don't get me wrong, it's a cool bike. For that kind of money I'll take a TURBO BUSA any day of the week though. That bike won't last in traffic.....

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Several different people on the BUSA boards have called out the builder of the Y2K and he wouldn't step up to prove his bike. The fact that he pussed out and wouldn't really see what his bike is capable of leads me to believe it isn't that impressive.


There was a big shit storm about this bike and all the BS claims it made. Like running at Bonneville but there being NO RECORD of it ever attending an event.... :(


Don't get me wrong, it's a cool bike. For that kind of money I'll take a TURBO BUSA any day of the week though. That bike won't last in traffic.....

Do you know how to do the gear ratios ? I was thinking going to the 18/38 or 19/39 . What would those combo get ?
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This is a nice chart you can plug your ratios into (stock tranny and tire diameter): http://peowdebowzamow.com/yag/gearing.xls


Depending on wind/tire slip, etc.... 18/38 will be close to 221mph and 19/39 close to 227


I think the 19/39 would be better choice because you have more chain wrap and less chance it will skip a tooth. Depending on your goals for the bike you might want to do the overdrive gears from TTS or one of the others. I think Dennis is having them made now.

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