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Guest FlipDaScriptVR4
Good for those guys. Taunt the hell out of the illegals, prevent them from working, and get them OUT OF THIS COUNTRY.


Yeah yeah yeah, the illegal mexicans are just trying to work. By work you mean working tax free, yet using up the resources that our taxes pay for. And that money they are making tax free...most of the time it gets sent back to Mexico = not only are they not paying taxes, they aren't even supporting our economy by spending that money where they make it! They are a drain on our society.


And for the record, I have no issue with immigrants. LEGAL immigrants. Hell, my g/f isn't a US citizen (here on a WORK VISA, in the process of getting her GREEN CARD). You CAN work here, and do it legally. There illegals are nothing more than criminals.



- Wall along our borders

- Armed guards with permission to "shoot to kill" anyone that is trying to illegally cross those borders.

- Hold employeers and people renting properties responsible for having illegals.

- Deporting any and all illegals. The second they are discovered to be illegal, they are detained and deported. No going home to pack up your crap or saying goodbye; rather, you are deported right then and there.


If we just do that, this illegal problem will be resolved fairly quickly.


I like how you roll, sir :)

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i say fuck them. they work tax free. have no driver insurance or even driver license. and now they are going to give them ssn when they dont pay taxes!

they get free medical while i pay out the nose. you go to mexico and see what they do for you...not a thing! again i say fuck them kill them all let god sort them out.....dave

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