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Getting little tired of this!!


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I don't know how many of you remember this.




The Cliffs..

I had to fire this lady at my work because she refused work on July 13 06 Husband comes in threatens to kill be. He is convicted of disorderly conduct and criminal trespass. since then I have been stalked by this guy and his son. Nearly daily drive by of my office, with him flipping me off and blowing his horn. In the past month he has followed me twice before today. Once about a block from my home with my 4 year old in the car. Then again last Tuesday he followed me until I made a turn he could not.



Don Robbins Sr.

803 W. Burgess St

Mt. Vernon Ohio 43050


The funny thing is the son is a registered member here... Ksunami (Don Robbins Jr)



Shopping with my wife and our two children at Kroger in Mt. Vernon, guess who shows up. Don Robbins Sr. The guy follows my family and I into the Kroger then stares me down. I smile at him, he proceeds to start a scene... tells me he is going to kill me AGAIN. I pull out my cell phone and start taking pics/video of him he runs off like a girl. The funny thing is two weeks ago I filed for a Civil Stalking Protection Order and the hearing is Thursday. He is not helping his case at all.


I have never seen a 50+ year old man that act like this....


Any e-lawyer advice?

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Document everything , even carry a camera with you! If you get the protection order , hire a p.i. to photograph and document his violation of this order. You know he will violate it.

Also be very careful, and watch your back. If he has appraoched you with your family , who knows what he is capable of.

If you can get a conceal carry license , then that might change things.

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Document everything , even carry a camera with you! If you get the protection order , hire a p.i. to photograph and document his violation of this order. You know he will violate it.

Also be very careful, and watch your back. If he has appraoched you with your family , who knows what he is capable of.

If you can get a conceal carry license , then that might change things.


He has a conceal /carry license.

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if you need a PI to do some work out that way, my grandpa is a licensed PI and does security work...hes out near danville, caves road and pipesville if you know the area

Might need that... I have the hearing on Thursday


PM me his details....

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Time for you to arrange a little meet in Mt. Vernon and make it in front of his house and flex a little muscle....cars and otherwise. Show him you're not alone if you know what I mean ;) He might get the point.


Loss of chiropractic license = BIG $$$


I cant chance that, better to walk away than loss $$$$$$$ for the rest of my life.

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Does he have a job? Without compromising your own status as the innocent one in this, make his job aware of his action's and the ongoing court case against him. Then again, worst case scenario he could get fired and give him even more reason to hate you.


Otherwise, keep it clean and in the courts. My family was in... similar... situation's like this in NY where everythought they 'knew somebody'. Kind of rediculous really. Keep the law on your side and log a complaint everytime he disrupts your life somehow. You go the other route, and it will just cause you more trouble. God forbid you actually have to use your CCW.

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I'm not working right now. For a little down time on that new back contraption you got there, I can be your shadow and watch this guy all day with nobody in the know but you. I have an excellent camera that takes good video, and though I'm getting old and fat, I've been a bouncer and more importantly, I've actually been a bodyguard. Did I mention I'm jobless and bored shitless? lol


Man, it must've been real hard to keep a cool head when that bastard confronts you, especially with family around. I'm not so sure I've had enough anger management to maintain myself in that situation. I hope for you and your family's sake, this guy gets what he deserves. Good luck, Rick and seriously, if you need anything let me know. Except money. Or road head.

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You have more tolerance than I do. If I were in your shoes and someone was following my family in that manner, I am not sure what I would do.


:TUP: for handling it like an intellegent thinking adult.

I always have a "contingency" ;)

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