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WTB Road Bike (with pedals)


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Looking for a decent road bike. Preferably a TREK or Cannondale or a decent brand. Not looking for the wally world knock offs. I have found a few on craigslist, but just thought I would ask her first. I dont have a ton of money to blow on it, so Im trying to get something decent for around 150.

Also, looking for a trainer.

You know you have a nice bike laying around that you want to sell to Yota cheap. :D

Edited by yotaman88210
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I have 2 good huffy road bikes sitting in my garage.... I'll let ya take one off my hands cheap!! They are both good and clean, I have used them a bunch for dual purpose riding, they may not have the BIG name on them but they are solid bikes.....

Edited by cmoosego
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The rollers are a trainer. Instead of mounting the bike on it you ride on top of 3 moving rollers. They're tricky at first but they greatly improve your riding technique, isolating lower body movement from your upper body. I ride on them every day during the winter. I also have an elite fluid trainer with adjustable resistance but I'm holding onto that for power intervals in the cold parts of winter.

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The rollers are a trainer. Instead of mounting the bike on it you ride on top of 3 moving rollers. They're tricky at first but they greatly improve your riding technique, isolating lower body movement from your upper body. I ride on them every day during the winter. I also have an elite fluid trainer with adjustable resistance but I'm holding onto that for power intervals in the cold parts of winter.

How do you keep your balance on rollers? I've never used them, just trying to figure out how it works.

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How do you keep your balance on rollers? I've never used them, just trying to figure out how it works.

The same way you keep your balance on the road. It's exactly the same physics, except the ground is moving instead of the bike moving.

The tough part of learning to ride rollers is that you tend to drift from side to side and the rollers are only so wide. (2.5-3 feet maybe) The hardest part is starting the wheels moving, if you don't commit you're screwed. But, once you get the hang of it they're really the best way to ride indoors. I was able to ride no handed on the rollers after a while. But, they do take a little more concentration than a stationary trainer, so if you're easily distracted you might not want to risk your ass. (Yota) :lol:

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