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Building a house bitches.


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Cookie cutter = shit, move into a sturdy house for your own good. The real investments these days are near downtown. Victorian style houses that sold for 30,000 have been fixed up and are being bough by urban professionals for upwards to 400k. Plus you don't have to live in pickerington.

You HAVE to be kidding, right? What, Gerbil Village area. All of that stuff is WAY to close to ghetto neighborhoods = plenty of crime, the whole area is cramped, and the housing is WAY overpriced. I've worked around these areas a lot, and would HATE to live there.


Ben, you'll be fairly close to where I live now; we'll have to hang out more. Pickerington should be a good area to live; good growth around there.

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Ben your about 15 minutes from me.Which also means about 15 minutes from an indoor firing range. Maybe we can play sleep over and let the women sleep on the couch.


xoxo forever!!!




It'll be about 10 minutes from us... if that. I have a feeling I'm never going to have Eric all to myself! :(

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Ben your about 15 minutes from me.Which also means about 15 minutes from an indoor firing range. Maybe we can play sleep over and let the women sleep on the couch.


xoxo forever!!!





Ben = future Pickerington yuppie wannabe :D


Congrats. We're selling, BTW. Moving to BFE somewhere near Hocking County. We've found that what we're paying for 1/4 acre 3BR, 2BTH can be 5BD, 3BTH with two garages and 4 acres. Unless you're set on the city, have you considered going further out?

I'll never be a yuppie, you of all people should know that. I swear too much to be a yuppie. Haha! We do want to eventually move into the country, but that will probably be the second house. We want to have 10+ acres and horses. That just isn't feasible right now.


The neighborhood that Chris lives in...yeah a lot of people got fucked on that deal. Just becaused it happened over there doesnt mean its going to happen everywhere else. A lot of people got scammed thinking they were going to be able to afford those houses. And now you see a lot of for sale signs, and foreclosures. Like Ben said pickerington is the new dublin. Its true, the area is developling like hilliard is. Pickerington is a very nice area. I live 10 minutes from where Ben is building. Good Job Ben!!!

Exactly. Thanks K-dogg.


Ben, congratulations, you're all grown up. :cool:


Seriously, don't listen to the haters; they'll all be begging to come over this summer once your house parties and what not are all the rage.

I don't know that I'd say I'm all grown up, but I'm working on it.


It'll be about 10 minutes from us... if that. I have a feeling I'm never going to have Eric all to myself! :(

No, you won't. He's belongs to us. You can't have him! ;)

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Congrats on the house.


I live in the same neighborhood, but unfortunately this development does have some issues that many homeowners are upset about. I've lived here for 5 1/2 years now and it seems like everyday a new house is forclosed on or HUD takes on over.


How much did they tell you the association dues would be? This has also been an issue, along w/ the pool and the grounds being kept up.


We do have a homeowner's asscociation but they're not worth a damn cause they don't enforce their own rules.


Not trying to make you feel like you've made a bad choice....just telling you the facts that MI and Dominion don't tell you.


If you have any questions or concerns let me know. Like i said I don't sugar coat anything.



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Congrats on the house.


I live in the same neighborhood, but unfortunately this development does have some issues that many homeowners are upset about. I've lived here for 5 1/2 years now and it seems like everyday a new house is forclosed on or HUD takes on over.


How much did they tell you the association dues would be? This has also been an issue, along w/ the pool and the grounds being kept up.


We do have a homeowner's asscociation but they're not worth a damn cause they don't enforce their own rules.


Not trying to make you feel like you've made a bad choice....just telling you the facts that MI and Dominion don't tell you.


If you have any questions or concerns let me know. Like i said I don't sugar coat anything.



Are you sure we're talking about the same neighborhood??? I didn't think they'd been building there for 5 1/2 years. There are no foreclosed homes that I can find. We even drove around looking. There are only about a dozen for sale. If this is the same neighborhood, then many questions and concerns come to mind. I just did a quick search for that neighborhood on HER. 17 homes for sale, none bank owned. They range from $159,900 for a 1500 sq ft Dominion to $252,750 for an 1800 sq ft Dominion-owned spec home. The only one for rent we could find was a lease option, rent to own.

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Guest powers

The only Domion and MI neighborhoods that have not had this happen in central ohio are those that are priced outside of FHA loan limits. The limit for central ohio counties is 233,700. The subdivisions that have no homes at that price or below when new usually stay decently stable.


Non of this matters to you though if you plan to stay there. Value is what you are willing to pay. If you like the home and the price you are paying is worth it to you, then that is what it is worth to you. Just be ready to stay for 5-8 years.


Someone else posted about wiring for speakers and such. Make sure you rough in for everything you can. :)


If you would like to get rough in speaker wire, cat5, coax, etc let me know I have an account at ADI on webber.

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Are you sure we're talking about the same neighborhood??? I didn't think they'd been building there for 5 1/2 years. There are no foreclosed homes that I can find. We even drove around looking. There are only about a dozen for sale. If this is the same neighborhood, then many questions and concerns come to mind. I just did a quick search for that neighborhood on HER. 17 homes for sale, none bank owned. They range from $159,900 for a 1500 sq ft Dominion to $252,750 for an 1800 sq ft Dominion-owned spec home. The only one for rent we could find was a lease option, rent to own.


Yep Villiages @Sycamore Creek, i live on SYC st (the divided road). I built my house in the summer of 01. So I've been here awhile.


Currently there is 1 HUD home located @ 465 Carver st. There have been about a total of 4 HUD homes that i know of in the past 1 1/2 yrs. Others have been forclosed on but have since been sold as rentals or ownership. I just drove the neighborhood this past weekend and noticed 9 vacant homes.


As far as home sales i'm not up to date on it but last i checked no home has resold for above the purchase price. I know for a fact that 4 homes very close to me have sold for 30k less than the purchase price. It just comes down to people not understanding their payments. I know some homes have sold for as low as the $130's.


Don't get me wrong i'm not saying it's a bad place to live, but like someone else said be prepared to live here a good 8-10 yrs to see any chance at an investment. That was my thought going in when i had mine built. 5-7 years and i'm out. Unfortunately the forcloseures and HUD homes are not helping what i thought would be a nice chance for a return on my money. I've put probally 15K + into my house since i purchased it and i'll be lucky to get my payoff.


As for the Homeowner's ass: it was in my contract that the dues would be $200/ yr and it has increased $150 in 4 1/2 yrs, another lie that was told to us. Alot of homeowners in here have issues w/ the assocation not doing what needs to be done.


I hope your right w/ the new school being built that it will help our home value.


If theirs one piece of advice that i can give ya on building a hose w/ MI is to check and double check their work. IF YOU DON'T LIKE SOMETHING MAKE THEM FIX IT! Cause once you've closed it's hard to get them out to do much of anything.


Like i said i don't mean to steer you away from your purchase but just trying to make you aware of things that i wish i knew before i built. Go talk w/ people in the neighorhood and ask them some questions.

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Yep Villiages @Sycamore Creek, i live on SYC st (the divided road). I built my house in the summer of 01. So I've been here awhile.


Currently there is 1 HUD home located @ 465 Carver st. There have been about a total of 4 HUD homes that i know of in the past 1 1/2 yrs. Others have been forclosed on but have since been sold as rentals or ownership. I just drove the neighborhood this past weekend and noticed 9 vacant homes.


As far as home sales i'm not up to date on it but last i checked no home has resold for above the purchase price. I know for a fact that 4 homes very close to me have sold for 30k less than the purchase price. It just comes down to people not understanding their payments. I know some homes have sold for as low as the $130's.


Don't get me wrong i'm not saying it's a bad place to live, but like someone else said be prepared to live here a good 8-10 yrs to see any chance at an investment. That was my thought going in when i had mine built. 5-7 years and i'm out. Unfortunately the forcloseures and HUD homes are not helping what i thought would be a nice chance for a return on my money. I've put probally 15K + into my house since i purchased it and i'll be lucky to get my payoff.


As for the Homeowner's ass: it was in my contract that the dues would be $200/ yr and it has increased $150 in 4 1/2 yrs, another lie that was told to us. Alot of homeowners in here have issues w/ the assocation not doing what needs to be done.


I hope your right w/ the new school being built that it will help our home value.


If theirs one piece of advice that i can give ya on building a hose w/ MI is to check and double check their work. IF YOU DON'T LIKE SOMETHING MAKE THEM FIX IT! Cause once you've closed it's hard to get them out to do much of anything.


Like i said i don't mean to steer you away from your purchase but just trying to make you aware of things that i wish i knew before i built. Go talk w/ people in the neighorhood and ask them some questions.


Exactly the same in my neighborhood. This is what I was trying to warn you about. :(

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Exactly the same in my neighborhood. This is what I was trying to warn you about. :(


yep i didn't have too many options when i first bought so it fit what i needed.


Thats why i'm trying to sell and moving to Baltimore on 1.5 acres.

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I want to sell and move closer to the city. But I'm fucked for I dunno how long. I just can't afford to take a 20 or 30k hit. I'm going to wait until spring and then speak with a real-estate attorney and my credit union to see if there is anything I can do to get out. Maybe roll it into the next house or something.
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congratulations :)



i personally HATE sub-divisions with those cookie cutter houses, where your neighbor is right on top of you... id much rather have some land, and not have a neighbor within 50 feet of me on either side... just my 2 cents.


but again, congrats on the house :) land ownership FTW.

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I did....and the generator is something I will do on my next house, but I really don't need it where I'm at now. We've only lost power here like twice in like the past 15 years. Backup sump pump is a requirement once you finish the basement though.


You forgot to add the emergency generator and the atomic bomb shelter.
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WTG Ben!! My wife and I did the same thing. We have a 2 story "cookie cutter" home right outside Westerville (1 mile from my frisbee golf course and 2 miles from that courses daddy, SpaceGhost) and we absolutely LOVE IT!


Think of it this way:

Its a home. Its yours. And families have been raised in smaller places with no problems whatsoever. Who cares what others say, its your money so do with it what you want!

M/I actually has fairly high build quality. For the style home that Stephanie and I purchased, they are rated much higher than Dominion and all the others for customer satisfaction.

M/I was an easy choice for me. I walked in and said I am putting this much down, I want my payments to be this, show me my options, and they did. NONE! of the other companies did that for me, they all tried to upsell us to something that we did not want.

I was raised in a place where it took 10 minutes to get to town and our neighbors were more than 100 yards away, and personally growing up in that shit SUCKS! Talk about maladjusted children!! I feel its best to live in a neighborhood with other children and families close to your age so that YOUR kids can grow up without social disorders.


Cudos to you and best of luck in the future!! :thumbup:

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Guest Mushijobah
You HAVE to be kidding, right? What, Gerbil Village area. All of that stuff is WAY to close to ghetto neighborhoods = plenty of crime, the whole area is cramped, and the housing is WAY overpriced. I've worked around these areas a lot, and would HATE to live there.


Ben, you'll be fairly close to where I live now; we'll have to hang out more. Pickerington should be a good area to live; good growth around there.


I live in Bexley. Not ghetto. Housing can be over priced, most not. Best schools in central Ohio. Tight knit neighborhoods full of culturally rich people, not the typical suburban yuppies filling the outer suburbs of Columbus. 2 miles from downtown, 6 to Easton, 2 to airport, 40 minutes to our property in hocking co. (thank you Lancaster bypass). Did I mention our house value has raised 50% in the 8 years we have owned it? All I have heard about sprawling suburbs is property value dropping after the supply outgrows demand. New developments are not built in the city, it is hard for prices to drop unless crime somehow jumps...but that is a long shot seeing crime has been on a steady down slope since the late 80's.


I am not saying I am a know it all about real-estate, but it just seems like people keep expanding farther and farther away from the cities center in houses built of low grade pine. What happens when gas prices climb even higher, or when it is gone in a half century? A 30-minute drive to work and home could turn into a fortune. I just hope people do not want to rely on homes such as this for their lifetime. If you have kids and a family, I can understand not wanting to live in German Village, or Vic. Village, or O. Town East due to the school system.... but Bexley, UA, and even Worthington are impossible to beat. NO, I do not own a house. But when it comes that time, I believe I will be more intuitive about the decision than most others.

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