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Motorcycle safety when around you guys


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:D Riding season is coming up ...


Getting the bike ready and I just wanted to take a minute to kinda put something out there for you all to think about. To many of your credit, most of everyone here has been real cool and kept an eye of for us on the bikes. I have to say thank you for that, but then sometimes mistakes are made.


I remember last year bringing the bike out and racing with a group of you guys (all cars) ... all I can say is that I know Im hard to see as it is, especially at night, but I think when bikes come out to play, please just be a bit more careful of your lane changes. As a rider, Im constantly watching the cars around me, but sometimes someone will accelerate hard and make instant lane changes with no signal. Im not bitching about that stuff but I am just asking that you KNOW the lane is empty before you show off.


I had one panic stop occur and one person merged right on me. Bikes can stop quickly but at high speeds I dont know how well 'I' can stop. I can tell you about the STI, but I cant say much about the bike as I havent been in that situation yet.


So please, remember to keep an eye out for everyone around you and if there is a bike or two or three etc know where those guys are. Shit can get ugly fast. There are a couple new riders this year, some that crossed over from cars to bikes. There will be experienced riders and inexperienced riders. I personally recommend that nobody races their bike without experience and taking a few classes, but I know its gonna happen and I just dont want to see any RIP threads this year.


But to everyone, cant wait to see you all out this year, just waiting on the weather to warm up a bit more!



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So long as the bikers are respectful towards others, I'm respectful towards them. As soon as someone on a bike starts thinking its cool to lanesplit or start doing other dumb shit, thats when I no longer care about being nice to them. I have no problem with people on bikes, but just like other people in cars, if you want to be an asshole then I'll be an asshole right back. This is something that I have noticed many bikers feel the need to ignore, they act like everybody should be watching specifically for them and that when they wreck its NEVER their fault.
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Yeah. Sometimes it is hard to tell how fast that bike in the rearview mirror is coming up. If I lane change and he is coming at me at 150, that isn't really my fault now is it?


But I agree with the intention of the post. Bikes are dangerous as hell. But everyone on the road needs to equally look out for eachother.

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I agree 100%. If I do something stupid and I get hurt or killed for it, well thats my own fault. Im referring more towards when Im just cruising in the group and someone in the group isnt aware of me OR isnt aware of the need to look harder because the truth is bikes are hard to see. I just wanted to make a point so that if someone thinks that they see everything just to take a second look for everyone's safety.
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what do you consider stupid on a bike?Cuz I know that i can ride a wheelie for days and have complete control, and that is not stupid to me.

Granted there are those that dont know what they are doing and try this shit...just wondering what else you consider stupid...i do understand the lane splitting stuff though.

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I agree 100%. If I do something stupid and I get hurt or killed for it, well thats my own fault. Im referring more towards when Im just cruising in the group and someone in the group isnt aware of me OR isnt aware of the need to look harder because the truth is bikes are hard to see. I just wanted to make a point so that if someone thinks that they see everything just to take a second look for everyone's safety.


I agree with you they are damn hard to see if not paying close attention, especially in a blind spot.


I almost took out a guy on a Harley, so close that he put his hand on my window. He made it clear that if he ever saw me out of my car he would fucking kill me. I felt like an ass already but I deserved it I guess.


But it made it clear that loud pipes do save lives. :) Didn't even know he was there.

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what do you consider stupid on a bike?Cuz I know that i can ride a wheelie for days and have complete control, and that is not stupid to me.

Granted there are those that dont know what they are doing and try this shit...just wondering what else you consider stupid...i do understand the lane splitting stuff though.


This entire sentence = Stupid.


I guess if I feel comfortable driving my car around on 2 wheels on the highway,its not stupid.


Wheelies, stunts, anything besides driving your 2 wheel vehicle at or below the speed limit = STUPID.


Just like if I wanted to go 150 = stupid, Or trying to put the car up on 2 wheels = stupid, Pulling ebrake on the highway = stupid ect. ect. ect.



"Stupid asshole in that car, I was minding my own business at 120mph riding a wheely on my bike in between 2 lanes when he changed lanes on me."

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