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great way to end a ride!! (kinda long)


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Well me and my cousin did the usual ride today, john gray to e river to buffalo ridge then to heritage park for some knee draggin... Weather was freakin awesome, got to heritage park later on in the afternoon was a bit busy but the landscaping crew was gone by then. Got in about an hour of consistant draggin down, before they closed the park. We got back on e river rd and headed home... HERE is where we encountered the perfect end for a good ride..

We were sitting at the intersection of John gray and hamilton ave when a car across the intersection caught our eye in the turning lane... It was an older beat up mazada 63something with the two biggest teenage posers I have ever seen, hats on sideways and all. They were looking at us as if they have never seen a motorcycle on this planet before. About 30 seconds go by as we wait for the light to chage and they are still staring at us. My cousin looks over at me and says," hey do you see those two douche whistles staring at us, whats their problem?" We looked up and saw that the light was about to change and I told him to ride about ten feet behind me and witness their reaction. Once the light changed I started towards them trying to get as close to the drivers window as possible and waited till I was right beside them. Squeezed the clutch and tacked out a good rev of my D&D shorty into their car. My cousin told me at the next light that they jumped so high and hard outta their seats that the one kids hat fell off:lol: It scared the shit outta them:D

Edited by zukigsxr1000
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