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Guy getting his mail today. Kind of long


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So I was coming back to my apartment today with some food for my girlfriend and I (I have a new one for a while now in case anyone asks that I know) and I pull up and my roommate is trying to leave and go to the gym to work out. Kind of have to see the way the apartment is set up but there is little to no room for people to get through when I have my daily parked out a little as it’s a very narrow stretch of road within the apartment complex. It is so narrow that within a month time period my truck was hit TWICE and one was a hit and run :mad: . In this same area when a police officer was taking my report about the hit and run for insurance a lady in a large expedition almost ran us both over trying to get her vehicle through. So anyways my roommate is trying to leave and this dick head with a large 350 Ford diesel pickup truck parks pretty much directly behind me and my roommate enough to where she has to back up multiple times just to get between me and truck old guy. I was already waiting to take my roommates spot that is directly in front of the garage door where my vette is parked as she parks over by the rental office at night which is directly across about 75 feet away because of all the hit and runs.


So I decided I was tired of dealing with people that block everyone just to get their mail when there are 20 different spots they could have closely parked to get it. So this is the conversation I had…


Me: Sir could you please not directly park here (with hand motions) and move your vehicle up further as it’s hard for people to get through with incoming traffic. I’m not trying to be a dick but my truck was hit twice because of this.

Old guy: Says nothing but gives me a nasty look and says. What!?

Me: I explained again. Can you please next time move your vehicle up further so it’s easier for people to get through. My roommate had to back up 4-5 times just to get through without missing oncoming traffic. Again I’m not trying to be a dick. I then started to walk away.

Old guy: Yeah Yeah! You made your point. Now shut your mouth.

Me: Excuse me. You need to shut your mouth and get your stupid truck out the way.


I know this is probably a stupid thing to bitch about but it just pisses me off as people fly through the narrow area going some 40 miles an hour at times and could easily not be paying attention and hit someone like they did with my truck TWICE in one month because people weren’t paying attention. Do you think I was in the right for saying something?



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That is very gay and you had a right to say something. From the description it sounds like an area where parking doesn't even need to be. Maybe say something about it.


But, one a side note, I want to have sex with your car. That is all.

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notice how the kids are all about beating people up... InT3rw3B W4rR1oRssSS!!111!!1oneoneone


Fighting never solves anything... i love to fight people, i really do, but youll never see me take the first shot unless FORCED to. I.E. you poke my chest, i brush you off, you do it again, i brush it off and give you a final warning, you do it once more, an BANG! You just got knocked the fuck out.

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I would've had a sweet word fight with him. After he was sufficiently beaten mentally, I would hope he would go away. Unfortunately people like that often resort to violence on a whim, I will defend myself if needed.
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So his truck is parked in the same area where your truck was parked when it got hit? That would be a shame if the same thing were to happen to him, even after you tried telling him about it. Damn.


No, there is a legitimate parking area, behind which there is a lane for traffic. This lane is blocked by people parking to get their mail, and when people squeeze through, the cars parked correctly are hit.



I agree with most of the people in this thread. If someone talks to you or gives you a dirty look, the obvious answer is to respond violently. Either hit him or his vehicle. If anyone says differently they are a communist or a whiny pussy environmentalist liberal.

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