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Don Imus....what are your thoughts?


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If I make a mistake at my job. (Be it a bigger one) I can get fired easly. in my job 1 minute costs over 100K. So this jackass should be held accountable.


BTW Freedom of Speech <> freedom to say what ever you want period. Its the right to not have the GOVERMENT censor you. all private matters are exactly that. If I tell you that at my Private place of residance that you can't say Beer is good. Then FOS has 0 to do with that. Since I'm not a goverment body. I think tomany people use that term with out understanding what there actually reffering to.



1st for ref

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

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If you guys dug a little more in depth you would find that the school he commented on is a school for girls, composed by a very high percentage of caucasions. His joke was based off the fact that the only black girls there were on the basketball team (don't hit me with some techinicality bull).


You are joking right?

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If I were at my office and I made similar statements and someone was offended (which they would be) I could definitely be canned. The same way if I go into work tomorrow and grab my bosses, hot as hell, secretary's ass I'll get fired too (SORRY SORRY I meant personal assistant).


However, Imus is a radio personality, his job is to give his opinions. Not help to grease the corporate machine, or be an opiate to the masses. Just keep a humble demographic for the show he sells. If people don't agree, then don't listen. He was a mild shock jock, and has said stupid shit in his past that was along the same lines. I think its hilarious that people are demanding apologies for this mans opinion. Thats one thing I never want to lose, the right to think and believe what I choose to, when I choose to. Even if it means defending an asshole like Imus.

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If I were at my office and I made similar statements and someone was offended (which they would be) I could definitely be canned. The same way if I go into work tomorrow and grab my bosses, hot as hell, secretary's ass I'll get fired too (SORRY SORRY I meant personal assistant).


However, Imus is a radio personality, his job is to give his opinions. Not help to grease the corporate machine, or be an opiate to the masses. Just keep a humble demographic for the show he sells. If people don't agree, then don't listen. He was a mild shock jock, and has said stupid shit in his past that was along the same lines. I think its hilarious that people are demanding apologies for this mans opinion. Thats one thing I never want to lose, the right to think and believe what I choose to, when I choose to. Even if it means defending an asshole like Imus.


Damn, I just got back online and read this ^^^ He said it all, I dont have to talk....

But I'm going to anyway :D

I work for the second largest wireless company in the world (since we brought our jobs into this) where behavior like that has zero tolerance. However the key point there is its my job. When your producer tells you to give your opinion on gay marriage (as a topic for the day) the zero tolerance thing goes out the window. Compare him to Howard Stern not yourself. He's in a different environment and encouraged to drive ratings. Touchy subjects pay his bills. He stepped over the line trying to be funny (which it wasnt!), now he is going to have to kiss their converse.. sho nuff!

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Faults in business or retail should cause job loss, not entertainment. He won't lose business from his "mistake" while if you work in retail and you upset a customer they'll go to your competitor. His role is to offer his opinion and talk, not please everyone. Bitches should stop being bitches and Howard Stern ftw.


Also, Al Sharpton is a douche bag left in the cold too long and he beats off to affirmative action. omfg teh racismmmmmm

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Now I see why everybody hates him!

Read this

Imus info


If they havnt fired him by now they probably are not going to. The worst part is I think this crap is helping his ratings :mad:




Oh. My. God. Funniest shit I've read in awhile, comments 2 and 3 of the lunk you posted:




# Edward says:

February 27th, 2007 at 8:45 am


Clearly being anti semtic is way more important than being anti black. I dont know how wealthy Jewish people have to become before they stop complianing every time they are identified. It seems like only Jewish people can call anyone jewish or speak about anything that jewish people commonly do. Black people in America are the biggest victims of racism not Jews. Jews are rich and powerful while REAL minorities are poor and struggling. The Jewish people should enjoy there success and SHUT UP ALREADY. Enough of there damn whining for the sake of Israel and the Jewish cause. There have been a lot of holocaust and you dont here the whole world stop every time a bad word is said about all the other ethnicially cleansed populations of the world granted they were not nearly as powerful and influential as the Jewish community at the time. Who cares if someone is anti semitic whats he gonna do in a country with a HUGE NUMBER OF JEWISH PEOPLE in the ruling class. Better to just hate muslims because the Jewish community does not have a problem with that.

# Jewy McJew says:

April 8th, 2007 at 6:55 am


Hey, Edward is really on to something. I mean there were a few holocausts, like the one agianst the…no wait, that was the Jews. Or that time they put the whatchamacallits in the gas chambers, oh wait, that was the Jews too. But still, the Jews were in charge, right? But all that really matters is how much money you have. Good thing Jews have their Jew gold. Hold on, I have Mel Gibson on the other line…

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i think grego said it best yesterday morning on his show. if blacks are going to get sand in their vagina over a comment like this, (and the n- word wasnt even used, unless you think "nappy" is the n- word) they need to be equal opportunity enforcers and make an issue out of it when all the rappers use derogatory terms on a daily basis. i cant even count how many times daily i listen to the radio and hear n***** or hoe get bleeped out on a radio, but nothing is said about it then


i dont remember who made this point, but its spot on... "only white people can be racist"

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