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My weight LOSS!


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So I'm kind of excited. I got weight tonight at the Doctors (I've got bronchitis) I was over 300lbs. I'm going to post pictures later tonight of my fat ass. Since December I've dropped over 70lbs. I am now down to 233. I can wear clothes I have not worn in a long time


How I did it.


Eat less. I still enjoy some candy but only in moderation. For the first 4 months I did not allow myself any candy. I also found that when I eat slower I ate much less.


Move around. Exercise is cool but start small. I would walk more or pace when I was idle instead of setting down.


DROP NON DIET POP. I dropped my habit of 3-6 cans of dew a day to a few cans of diet pop. It takes about 3months to get used to the taste. Now I don't even notice.


Find something you enjoy for exercise. For me its DDR I love playing it and I don't even think about it when I do play. Allot of times I push myself harder then I ever did when I went to the gym just to beat my previous high score.


Vitamins. I found when I them I was less hungry.



Don't give up. It’s hard at first I really had allotted of trouble ever time I tried to lose weight because of will power. I woke up every day and looked at a skinner pictures of myself and told myself If I did not get to that I would have to have another surgery on my back/neck.

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Guy 1: So what did you do at the gym today?


Guy 2: I did about 45 mins on the stepper and 30 min on the bike. What about you?


Guy 1: I got a hellacious workout on dance dance revolution.



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Guy 1: So what did you do at the gym today?


Guy 2: I did about 45 mins on the stepper and 30 min on the bike. What about you?


Guy 1: I got a hellacious workout on dance dance revolution.





Yeah, that's gonna be me too. Buying a metal pad after graduation with the monies :D

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i've lost 30

from 232 to 202

only been about two months



eating right is key

working out is overrated - run for an hour to burn off a single cookie doesn't work



deli sandwiches - turkey + 35 calorie bread = meal with 200, 250 calories


One or two lean cuisines a day and 2 or so of those sandwiches and you can eat pretty decently all day with under 1500 calories


at 1500 calories, you lose a pound every other day or two by doing absolutely nothing

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congrats. i started trying to lose some weight around mid march. started eating lighter (packing a tuna sandwich and fruit instead of eating out daily), started drinking 3-4 bottles of water a day, and going to the gym 3-4 times a week. started around 215, right now im at about 201. i noticed a lot of it dropping off my waist, because the pants i bought 2 months ago are probably 2 sizes too big (could easily pull of a 34 waist now, maybe even a 32)...ive even had to switch to the last hole on my favorite belt


goal is to get to 185 by my birthday (june 18th)...i think if i keep at it i can get close. first 10lbs came off quick, now im working my ass off for nothing...probably gaining muscle i never had

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Yeah, you lost 70 lbs. next time at the gym pick up 2 35 lb. dumbbells and remember how it felt. Remember what kind of extra weight that is on every muscle and every joint. That'll help keep the weight off. I dropped 60 lbs and can't imagine letting myself get that way again.
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I dropped pop in high school once for baseball season and lost 10 lbs in a month with an otherwise unaltered diet/excercise. All I drank was water and/or Gatorade. I'm drinking a Coke right now, though. :cool:
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congrats dude, i weight about 235 and its hard as shit. I'd love to get back down to the 175 I was in sophmore year, doubt if thats ever possible tho, schoool, work, kid, life = 25hrs in a 24hr day. :(


its 1:30 in the fuckin am and i'm typing an english paper and i have class at 10am, but the kid wakes up around 7:30.

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Oh ive got one thorne!

Its an old picture from when we had an old mugshot thread, so I have an arrow drawn to me, but Thorne is on the far left.


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Oh ive got one thorne!

Its an old picture from when we had an old mugshot thread, so I have an arrow drawn to me, but Thorne is on the far left.




Damn I was quite big there.



I think i got bigger. as soon as my hosting gets back up a new pic. My goal is 180 by xmas.

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I have been on the same mission as you. Last year I weighed 240. A year later of just adding working out to my schedule, I have dropped 30 pounds. My goal is to at least see less than 200 by the end of this year. I know it is completely possible, but I don't want to kill myself by setting a really low goal. I honestly never ate bad as it was. I have myself down to only drinking pop once a week, all other times it is water or lemonaide. The biggest thing I was happy about was I finally had to go out and buy new jeans that were a smaller size. I have went from a 36 to a 34. I haven't been a 34 since I graduated high school.

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