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as a retired roller girl this is so true!!!!

Black eyes and other visible injuries might have a certain 'cool' factor around those who get them and understand them (martial arts, roller derby, ice hockey etc). But regular folks who don't do anything that can get them hurt will let their imaginations go wild. I currently have torn-open knuckles from bagwork on thursday.

I got a black eye from Kumite the week after starting at a new job (senior IT position at a non-profit!) and got all kinda of weird looks and questions.

A few years back I was at work and taken aside by someone from HR. She was asking me if everything was OK at home and if I needed help with anything, and that here's a number I can call if I ever feel like hurting myself. I was like; "Why are you asking me this?" Someone had reported "slash marks on his wrist" - that were actually just scratches I had picked up while working on my car the night before (sharp edge of a heat shield I was reaching behind, as I recall)

Edited by Scruit
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