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Went down today


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so i was goin like 20 mph and as i looked to my left to see if i could get over everyone in front of me decides to lock up their brakes and i slam in the back of a malibu.

Im alright, a lil sore but alright. I am more mad that i have to fix the bike now:mad:

Luckily for me i was wearing my leather jacket, gloves and helmet. I am now a firm believer in wearin all the gear possible as i could have been more injured. ALWAYS WEAR A HELMET PEOPLE DONT THINK YOU ARE TOO COOL FOR ONE CUZ UNEXPECTED SHIT HAPPENS!!!

with that being said, where can i find a front bumper? ( watever the thing is called that goes over the front wheel) and a new front fascia that goes round the headlights for a decent price.. its a 05 kawi 636

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so i was goin like 20 mph and as i looked to my left to see if i could get over everyone in front of me decides to lock up their brakes and i slam in the back of a malibu.

Im alright, a lil sore but alright. I am more mad that i have to fix the bike now:mad:

Luckily for me i was wearing my leather jacket, gloves and helmet. I am now a firm believer in wearin all the gear possible as i could have been more injured. ALWAYS WEAR A HELMET PEOPLE DONT THINK YOU ARE TOO COOL FOR ONE CUZ UNEXPECTED SHIT HAPPENS!!!

with that being said, where can i find a front bumper? ( watever the thing is called that goes over the front wheel) and a new front fascia that goes round the headlights for a decent price.. its a 05 kawi 636

sorry to hear that man

fender on ebay 44.95

upper fairing 134.95

both those prices are buy it now

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if you need help at all let me know since we are right across the street. i've got everything you need to tear your bike to the frame and build it back again.

except a workbench... still looking for that.

Thanks man I'll let you know if i need anything but right now i gotta save some money before i can think about puttin her back together

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