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taking the plunge, proposal ideas??


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Sooo. . . I figure it's time to settle down. . . so I took the plunge and bought a fairly expensive engagement ring. I know to her the proposal is important. . . and I'm not the most romantic guy in the world. . . so my question is, and please take me seriously. . . any good ideas on going about this? The less cheesy the better ;)


Thanks :)



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The 3 keys to an acceptable proposal:


1. Not in a shitty place, make it something worth remembering.

2. The speech. Make her know how you feel about her, don't let your words fail you know.

4. One knee. This is a must, gotta get down on the knee.


Just do something that would work with the type of relationship you have.

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The 3 keys to an acceptable proposal:


1. Not in a shitty place, make it something worth remembering.

2. The speech. Make her know how you feel about her, don't let your words fail you know.

4. One knee. This is a must, gotta get down on the knee.


Just do something that would work with the type of relationship you have.


the last two is a given. . . the first one is the key. . . i mean. . . i just don't want to do something that's been done a million times, but then again I don't want to do something super retarded and over the top either.

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the last two is a given. . . the first one is the key. . . i mean. . . i just don't want to do something that's been done a million times, but then again I don't want to do something super retarded and over the top either.


I personally will do it when it "feels" right. I don't know when or where that will be, but, as long as it's nowhere embarassing I don't care.

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First of all congrats man.

What I did was I had a friend who was a photographer and it was october and I though how sweet it would be that we gave our parents photo's of us togeather in a romantic location. This would work perfect cause we could dress up and it would'nt be suspicious So I planned it out with the pic guy that we would go to the Goveners mansion and have a little shoot. I even went and boughht roses as part of the plan. About 3/4 the way through I gave him the nod and I pulled the ring out got on one knee and asked.

He was able to get her initial reaction (priceless) and the moments there after

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I think being a female the most important thing is that its in a place where she is happy. Tell her you want to take her to a really nice dinner and tell her to get dressed up. Women like that. SO when you ask her she will not only be suprised but feel beautiful bc she will be all dulled up! My husband asked me at christmas time in front of all my family. He did it in a really fun way. It was special even though i was in my leopard pjs i still felt great lol! Good luck in what ever you decide to do!! My brother had it announced on the radio on our way to his birthday bash. She was so suprised bc she didnt expect him to do something random like that on an unexpected day! It was nice bc there was 10 of us in a limo and we all got to see it. It was a good scam :)
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okay, i totally got this:


first, get on an airplane, with a parachute, the ring, and some flowers, and a kitten. THEN, fly over her place of work, and parachute down, crashing through the window and into her office/drive-thru line/whatever. give her the kitten, it will keep her occupied with its cuteness for a few seconds while you rip off the skydiving apparel to reveal a full perfectly pressed jet black tuxedo. make sure to wear an insane amount of hairgel as well.

THEN, give her the flowers, get one one knee get out the ring and say 'baby, imo get mine, and das you, sugah'. now smile real cheesily and wait for her to go 'Ohhh my goddd!" and cry and what not. now, you cue the band to come in and play music and everyone cheers. you run outside to the white stalion you had prepared and you both ride off into the sunset.

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Do not propose to her at a Blue Jackets game, unless, of course, you'd like the engagement to be called off several months later.


oh shit! i was just thinking about that the other day for some reason.


i guess that sucks, but you seem to be happy

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One thing that is REALLY cool, is asking her dads permission (as long as you know you will get it, that is)


When i foudn out that my husband had taken my dad out, showed him the ring,and asked him if it was ok, that was one of my favorite parts of the engagement.

Nathan also lit 200 candle in our living room and was in a tuxedo waiting for me to come home from babysitting for our friends who were in on it.



FLowers are always a good thing, and champagne and a nice dinner.


Or if you two are a social couple, throw a party and do it in front of all her friends/family.



Just dont do the "Do you wannna" and hand her a ring when you come home from work.


(yes i had a friend who actually did this)

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Uh-huh... it's just one for the rest of your life, one that lets you do just about anything you want to it and comes without all the drama.


You nuts. If anything a wife would be even MORE drama than a gf. At least with a GF you can just get rid of them. With a wife, it's a commiment that you can't just get out of.

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Be sure to put the titles to all of your vehcles, deed to your house if you have one, and the value of all of you worldly poseesions together, roll them up, and put them in the center of the ring. If you are still comfortable giving her all of that, then go for it.
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just hand her the ring and tell you "You win".





You know your girl better then anyone else. Where does she like to eat normally. if she likes steak upgrade it to mitchells steak house. I'm sure for a nice tip you could have them bring the ring out in a champange glass or something nice. If she likes Fish Konfluance park is the bomb. I mean go with somethingl ike that.


Also I asked my wifes dad for permission shes a tradional girl like that.



I proposed to my wife in a AIRPLANE over columbus for a romantic sunset flight for valentines day. She suprised me with a airplane ride because I love planes and flying. I suprised her with diamonds.

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You nuts. If anything a wife would be even MORE drama than a gf. At least with a GF you can just get rid of them. With a wife, it's a commiment that you can't just get out of.


Never married? Or, haven't found the right one? I went through the one and multiple girlfriends at a time phase of my life. Doesn't even compare to finding the right woman (and I am still on the topic of "dude, same chick for life, boo).

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You nuts. If anything a wife would be even MORE drama than a gf. At least with a GF you can just get rid of them. With a wife, it's a commiment that you can't just get out of.


I feel bad for you.....you will find the right woman someday.


I think my propsal was kind of cheesy, but hey it worked. I cooked her a really nice diner and had a candle light tabel set up on my back deck. When she came I had a rose and a card at the front door. The card had a hint on it about our first date (we wasted some time in Bed, Bath, and beyond). Well yada yada she made her way out to the deck where I was waiting and gave her she completes me stuff......she said yes and we ate.


She loved it......thats all that mattered. But you need to do something that fits your relationship. You guys private or social? Romantic? Ask you closer friends what they think since they know the both of you. Good luck and let us know how it turns out.



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