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if someone in your family did this........


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If you came out to the one thing you cared about most.. your blood sweat and tears were 100% put into and you saw this what would you do? every penny you save to make it fast and look good and you se this after a family argument.


my drivers door dented to fuck..



My storage cabinets, if you can make out what this says pleas let me know, P.s my dad tried to clean and cover it up this is something my 17 year old sister did.



And spit on my windsheild




Please let me know what you would do im up for any ideas.... please..







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my dad and i were arguing, all because i went into his car and got my knife out of it, he had lost his prior and was holding mine as "ransom" (hes a fucking lunatick) until his was found, he than got in my face, hoping i would back down and i didnt pushed him back and thats when he went to my garage, i didnt see him do it but i heard an impact, when i came home an hour later me storage cabinets were spraypainted, and noticed the dent and spit. its his house so i know he wouldnt do the spraypaint, pritty much its him and my sister who are involved. what should i do?
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I'd kick her ass that would seriously piss me off but being that she is 17 she's going to be immature but damn I hope your parents grounded her ass and took her license and car from her.



they are 100% on her side... nothing will come of trouble for her from them at least..


and as for my dad, he deneys doing it, and says "thats funny i have know idea how that happened, kind of like how you had no idea where my knife went."


so thats that ideas....

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no there right, contact the police and tell them you have a crazy family member who damaged your property after a argument and see what the police would do/ there actions?
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Looks like geek. I would try to press charges, but seriously, I really don't know what will come of that. You have no witnesses, for one. You said this wasn't the first incident. Have you ever filed at least a report before? You may have a better chance of pressing charges and making them stick if you have any prior incidents on police record.


Other than that, as everyone said, get the fuck out. You're outnumbered and if it's as bad as you make it out to be, if something ever 'happens', I can guarantee it'll be your ass that goes down in the eyes of the law vs. them. Once your out, I personally would not tell them where I lived and probably never speak to them again. I know, because I did something similar. Why associate with people if they treat you like shit? Because they're family? That's bullshit. Nobody gets a free pass except maybe the fruit of your loins and even that has a limit.


I know I shouldn't say this, but I'd probably bide my time after I moved out for awhile (the longer the better for obvious reasons), and exact some sweet, untraceable revenge. No bodily harm shit, though. No reason to take it that far. :D


Hey, do you hang around Delaware any?

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