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Illegal immigrants to get ID cards


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I hope this isnt a sign of thing's to come, I have no problem with legal immigration but we need to stand firm on illegal's. When you move to another country illegaly you should assume all the risk's associated with doing so.
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Makes me wonder, who has jurisdiction over these illegals. I don't think local cops are permitted to ask if someone is in the country legally. That is what we need to to, give $50 per person bounty to the local PD for each illegal. Then they can make money off of it.


Also, if you shoot an illegal is that illegal?

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Disclaimer: I in no way believe that the solution to the illegal immigration problem is to simply change their title from "illegal" to "legal", a lot of the illegal immigrants bring problems with them that we cannot solve by affording them luxuries of freedom.


That said, taxpayer money in New Haven is not exactly scarce. With people like Oprah and Mel Gibson owning houses there, their tax revenue is through the roof. Another thing to understand is that a lot of the illegals in CT are not running across a border to get in the country. They have gotten in elsewhere and have come to CT because there's a lot of economic opportunity there. New Haven faces different challenges with immigrants. They're not running across the border with cocaine shoved up their asses, nor are they shuttling dozens of other illegals in minivans on weekends. They're not (at least not in my opinion having lived in CT for a majority of my life) dangerous, nor are they significant enough in number there to make much of a difference.


It is, however, an alarming event if its a trend (which I'm sure it wont be)

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Some favorite quotes:


"Supporters say the cards will give undocumented workers protections now afforded legal residents"

- They shouldn't have any protection; THEY ARE CRIMINALS.


"undocumented workers are often targeted by thieves and robbed because they carry cash"

- Crooks stealing from other law breakers. If gang bangers want to kill gang bangers, so be it. If theives want to steal from illegals...fine, keeps them from stealing from legal residents.


"Part of the reason they can't open bank accounts is because they don't have forms of identification that were valid"

- They should be here at all; THEY NEED TO BE DEPORTED. So instead of giving them a bank account, they need to be given the boot.


This will cause more problems. Illegals are the plague of this country. 3 step process to fix this:

- Wall off the border, arm the border, and shoot-to-kill border jumpers

- Deport all illegals on the spot.

- Huge fines/jail time for those who give employ or house illegals.


We could have this isssue 95% solved in 5 years, and though inital spending to take care of the problem would be great, in that 5 years, the money saved not spending it on services to illegals would be way greater than that spent getting rid of them.

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On the flipside, look into the REAL ID Act. Its basically turning all state's driver licenses into national ID cards(starts in a couple years), even though the Feds wont admit that. One part of the law's proposed language will require all employers to verify a person has a REAL ID compliant driver license or ID card before they hire them. IF they put some teeth into enforcement, and fining employers who dont follow this, it will sure stop employers from hiring illegal immigrants, which is a big part of the problem. If employers wouldn't keep hiring illegals, they wouldn't be flocking here........


Just my .02 ;)

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