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Road rage - ? for Police Officers on here


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my buddy ahd this guy riding his ass... he was doing the speed limit ...so the guy passes him and flicks him off.. my buddie flicks him off in return..


the guy slams on his breaks jumps in behinde him and rides his ass ... follows him to our local parking lot.. gets out and in three punches breaks his jaw in three places.. and then runs..


the dumbass was driving a honda accord.. well to bad he had a supercharged m3, highly modded 12 valve dodge diesal, and a turbo b18 chasing his ass down with cops on the cellys..


cant really discuss what else happened because its currently at the supreme court atm.. once its over ill give full detaisl..


but this is jsut a reminder to the fucking people that there are fucking psycos in the world.


.. my buddy actually jsut got his jaw unwired shut.. three weeks ago after 8 weeks of not being able to talk(actually quite comical to listen to the kid talk) he dropped like 50lbs from not ebing able to eat

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i keep a good collection of pennies. i was on the freeway the other day, this guy cuts right inbetween me and the car in front of me...he barely had enough room to do it. i lay on my horn, go over one lane, start to pass him, and HE gives ME the finger. i waited until the car that was originally in front of me took the next exit, got infront of him, and tossed a few pennies back.


he never did try to go past me until i got off at my exit



i used to know somebody who taught me that trick... good use for pennies!

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i keep a good collection of pennies. i was on the freeway the other day, this guy cuts right inbetween me and the car in front of me...he barely had enough room to do it. i lay on my horn, go over one lane, start to pass him, and HE gives ME the finger. i waited until the car that was originally in front of me took the next exit, got infront of him, and tossed a few pennies back.


he never did try to go past me until i got off at my exit



You SHOULD NOT have a license. You are one of these people we are talking about. Throwing coins at peoples cars because they cut you off or offended you while driving.


I hope someone retaliates with a brick after your coins.....

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Guest Whinin
this is the best thing to do, but what really gets me is driving through a neighborhood in a loud car going 25 mph and having all the pricks yelling slow down or giving you a bad look


OMG I fucking hate that....I actually had someone follow me to my house and tell me to slow the fuck down. And I was going 5 under the speed limit cause I know there are kids on the street!!! WTF lol

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Guest 614Streets
You SHOULD NOT have a license. You are one of these people we are talking about. Throwing coins at peoples cars because they cut you off or offended you while driving.


I hope someone retaliates with a brick after your coins.....



Shit man who carries a brick lol lol??? I threw the egg off my mcmuffin at some douche on 670 once , ohio drivers are slow and retarded.

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You SHOULD NOT have a license. You are one of these people we are talking about. Throwing coins at peoples cars because they cut you off or offended you while driving.


I hope someone retaliates with a brick after your coins.....


I hope someone does that to me... so i can pull the potato gun out of the back seat and fire a works bomb in thier back window. Yea, those little bottles of car scents, fit quite nicely into a 2" PVC pipe ;)

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My dad and I were driving home from the USGP, and coming out of Indy I-70 merges from 3 lanes to 2 with no warning. We were in the left lane, not speeding (there was way too much traffic and my dad's not a dumbass driver) and suddenly realized we had to merge. There was a car whose rear bumper was at our front, and a semi truck about 4 carlegths back


well my dad starts to slow down and put on his blinker to merge and not cut anyone off. He suddenly says "oh shit" and slams on the breaks, and I look to our right and the semi has powered up to about within 3 feet of the other car (in the lane next) bumper. My dad did as best he could to stay on the road but we took a little offroad detour and turned his 5 series into a I-6 lawnmower for a bit in the median. We got back on the highway after a few nice motorists slowed down to let us on, and we sped back up to get the trailer's license plate on the truck. After calling the highway patrol, we sped towards the front of the truck to get the real plate. When he saw us coming, he slowed down (now in the left lane, us passing on the right) to 35 MILES PER FUCKING HOUR on the highway to try and prevent us from getting his plate (06969 South Dakota...i'll never forget it). When we finished the call and took off to avoid further rage, I don't think he went faster than 50 mph.

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Guest hotrodmama024
I'll have to try blowing a kiss, I'm sure that will piss them off!!



It pisses off the women more. Expecially is you flick them off and kiss that finger! lol

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Guest hotrodmama024

Triple post FTW

I cant stand how people dont know how to drive. How are sooo many people such horrible drivers? I think everyone that comes to this country as well should take a defensive driving course and learn how to do the speed limit, and actually watch where there going as well. Oh wait.. Is that what driving is?

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Had some big fat, buttered bitch in an Aveo get pissed at me the other day. I say buttered, because I know she had to grease her ass to get in the car. (What is it with fat women and small cars, ie; Paseo, Metros, Aveos and even too small shoes according to Al. ;)


I went to change lanes, with plenty of room, and she got pissed when her little car wasn't fast enough to cut me off from lane changing. She then proceded to flip me off and ride my ass. I just smiled at her through the rearview and then slammed on the brakes, not too bad, I don't want her to actually hit me, but it was all the little aveo could do to stop. I was immediately rewarded with her having the shit jerked out of her by her belt and then another finger and some choice words I couldn't quite make out. I laughed again and just shrugged my shoulders like, "what did you expect?"


So now, she flys around my right without realizing I have to make a left now. As she gave me the finger yet again, I was already happily waving at her emphatically. I find the sillier you look waving, the more it pisses them off.


Just remember you're still in control and the more they act like idiots, the more entertainment it is for you. If someone wants to take it too far, well, you have a phone and you're in public. I prefer them to follow me to my property, but that's yet to happen.

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the guy slams on his breaks jumps in behinde him and rides his ass ... follows him to our local parking lot.. gets out and in three punches breaks his jaw in three places.. and then runs..


That's why I have a BB gun that looks exactly like a hand gun in my car.


this is the best thing to do, but what really gets me is driving through a neighborhood in a loud car going 25 mph and having all the pricks yelling slow down or giving you a bad look


I fuckin hate that. We were at the church playing basketball once and after we left I drove down the street. I was going 35mph in a 35mph. I had a guy yell, slow down and point at the speed limit sign.


I actually slowed down and told him I was going the limit. :D

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That's why I have a BB gun that looks exactly like a hand gun in my car.


So what do you have in your car for the guy that actually has a real handgun?



I don't know why people on this forum who have anything less than CCW permits insist on talking like a badass and chasing everyone down. Anyone ever see that video of the canadian rednecks following the BMW Z4? Ever heard the saying "don't bring a knife to a gunfight?" Seriously, one of you guys is gonna get killed by your own machisimo attitude. Sometimes its better to leave the fight, cut your losses and not put your life at risk.

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So what do you have in your car for the guy that actually has a real handgun?


Pray that don't happen. :D. But if it stops some overgrown asshole from punching me in the face for no reason. Then yes, I would do it.


Regardless, the thing still hurts like hell to be shot with.

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Isn't it a saying "The greatest fighters are the ones who don't want a fight."?


From a few years of riding, best thing I've found is to just get out of their way. Better to leave them alone and let them eventually bring their own end rather than piss them off directly and become another statistic.

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So what do you have in your car for the guy that actually has a real handgun?



I don't know why people on this forum who have anything less than CCW permits insist on talking like a badass and chasing everyone down. Anyone ever see that video of the canadian rednecks following the BMW Z4? Ever heard the saying "don't bring a knife to a gunfight?" Seriously, one of you guys is gonna get killed by your own machisimo attitude. Sometimes its better to leave the fight, cut your losses and not put your life at risk.



Got video??

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