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phone pics thread is back


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alright so i never got the chance to post pics in the old phone pics thread because of the crash. here are a few of my favorites, and yeah i have a ton more, actually around 1000 pics:D i love my iphone.

the robin hood shot.


ben and caries garage full of bikes


cool pic from cumberland falls


a pic from cesars creek


yeah thats titanium we sold it to a machine shop they messed the machining process up so they sent it back to us


soon to be brother in laws dual sport, and i could never end up owning one of these without ending up in jail, i found this out within 10 seconds of me taking this thing for a spin. and lets just say the rest of the 45 minutes were just as fun


frog gigin in the back yard


this is what happens when i get bored at work


little croc


this girl says hi every time i go for a run




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That titanium pic reminds of the pic I took of about 40 palettes of LS1 blocks getting ready to be melted in a recycler down in Mexico when I was on a potential supplier visit. It's hard to see, but they're stacked up on the left side... going to go into the shredder, then into the furnace on the following pic.



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Group Ride


Sevendust Concert :metal:


Drinking Games getting out of hand....


My only good poker face....


I am the biggest nerd in the world


This is what happens when fiber optics are left unchaperoned....


Some people will recognize this as right after I decided to go off-roading to spice up the ride a bit....


Random Trike at Best Buy


If anyone's familiar with UD, there's a guy named Mr. Vines that says he's a pimp that's been hanging around the campus for years. The Shocker? He loves it.


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on campus somewhere


its kinda hard to read... the text says

trust, respect and communication are essential to healthy community. protect your friends and neighbors from uniformed gang members and other suspicious characters.

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That titanium pic reminds of the pic I took of about 40 palettes of LS1 blocks getting ready to be melted in a recycler down in Mexico when I was on a potential supplier visit. It's hard to see, but they're stacked up on the left side... going to go into the shredder, then into the furnace on the following pic.

what was wrong with them??? thats like 40 grand :confused:

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i like it, i dont know if its a good idea to be taking picture while riding but hey this one turned out nice especially for a camera phone.

Speed limit was 25mph. If it is my safety or the phone BYE BYE phone!!! My tank bag has a phone pouch right on top and is real easy to just slip it right back in.

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Speed limit was 25mph. If it is my safety or the phone BYE BYE phone!!! My tank bag has a phone pouch right on top and is real easy to just slip it right back in.

:lol: i wasnt giving you crap sorry man, i am kinda a sarcastic person and it is hard to express when you are on forums :D

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I try to hit 174 and some other of my hidden favorites everyday. Even if it is only for an hour or 2. I grew up here and landscaped in this area for 15 years so I know just about every rd. There is some good riding but lots of cops and the speed limits are pretty low. Next spring or before if your up this way give me a shout and I will show you around.

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I try to hit 174 and some other of my hidden favorites everyday. Even if it is only for an hour or 2. I grew up here and landscaped in this area for 15 years so I know just about every rd. There is some good riding but lots of cops and the speed limits are pretty low. Next spring or before if your up this way give me a shout and I will show you around.

cool will do

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^^^ im assuming you are from columbus racing maybe??

yea but i got banned cuz people talk shit and cant back there shit up in person...but thats my dude's vette he was the one that got caught on 71N racing,.....lol:D

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