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todays find


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Am I the only one that saw this. It was right before the 71 exit on 270 north after cleveland avenue. i think the guy was to drunk to drive home cause all the tires looked intacked



liscense plate was SIIICK.

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if that is dans car.. a little info.. he cant drive stick.. hes got a clutch extension AND hes on his 4th clutch in under 10k miles.

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Guest earleys94gt
Probabally broke...I for one am not impressed with Lambo's. Like when Car & Driver tested one and the shifter broke, they had to use a pair of vice-grips lol.
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i was actually gonna post this earlier, but forgot


i saw it while on my way to a family reunion today in delaware. its between cleveland and 71, going westbound. its RIGHT after that bridge between cleveland and 71. nuts


LP says "SIIICK"


edit...just saw the OP put in the plates...i didnt read past the pic

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I saw this last night as I was coming home from Newark. It was around midnight, or a little after. My wife gave me a strange look when I was able to spot a lambo sitting with out any lights on and on the side of the road at that time of night. LOL.
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well amy i agree with you but i think a lambo is a lot more noticable when stolen compared to a honda. I didnt check for the keys i kind just looked in and saw it was manual and that was about it. i seriously dont know why someone would take a lambo off roading.


p.s. does anybody know what kind of lambo Ricart drives. he was suppose to show up were i was working last night but he was a no show. also who drives the white STI with the american flags on it. Something Moore

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mkay. my mistake. i saw u on county line though if it counts.


It doesn't. :p


I was about to race you in my saturn sl.


If you saw me on county line I most likely had my 5 month old daughter in the car right behind me in the back seat. I pick her up at my in-laws house and I am going home. I really don't travel on that road and Sunbury Rd without my daughter. No race would have occurred however repeated shenanigans trying to get me to race would have involved me getting out of the car at the next light to explain why you should stay away from me when my daughter is in the car, whether it would be with words or if I need to use the tire iron to get my point across would be up to you. :cool: Please keep this in mind when you see me on the street, if I decline, let it go, my daughter is most likely with me.


I am pretty cool to get along with, I just have this one pet peeve, respect my daughter's safety and it is all cool. K?

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does anybody know what kind of lambo Ricart drives. he was suppose to show up were i was working last night but he was a no show. also who drives the white STI with the american flags on it. Something Moore


I think he's still got his silver Gallardo, but nowadays he's mostly around in his Ford GT or his King Ranch F-150.

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Left side driver is listed first.



right side the navigator is listed first. (Gabrielle)



Are these the American flags you are talking about. Gabrielle and I were born in America.

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This is Martin by the way:dude calm down. i wasnt being serious in any way. im in a freaking saturn. the only saturn i would ever try to race someone in is a red line and even then i wouldnt just randomly just try to race you. i have no chance against a STI or a wrx.....yet...the stickers look fimiliar but i realy thought it said moore. well if you stoped to talk to sean/crossle and janszen and me at qsl then that was you i saw and not.
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I'm not mad at all, just explaining to you what I am doing on County Line Rd if I ever see you again and you are in a car you think has a chance. BTW my car is slow.


well if you stoped to talk to sean/crossle and janszen and me at qsl then that was you i saw and not.



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