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Why your up late?


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I remember when i worked in a warehouse. 5:30pm-3:30am, if there was alot of work there was a 2 hour clause in which we had to stay. so during the holiday's there was alot of 12-13 hour nights. I thought it was ok at the time, now that i have a regular 9-5, i dont know how i did it. everyone always says "but you get the whole day to yourself", no you dont, i slept as soon as I got home till 3-4pm, then off to work again. That shedule sucked, i dont mind 2nd shift AS much but now that ive worked a regular shift job i dont know how i did it. Even though im still a night owl and stay up till 1-2am most nights.
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I actually sleep now, it's amazing. I guess I am no longer a night crew guy.


Yup, you're fired.... Thats what you get for having the nerve to fix your car without warning me!!!!! Whats funny is that my tire ripped apart right after you sent me that text. I'm going to leave my car slightly broke so that the world doesnt explode :p

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I sweeten my cereal in the morning with Vicodin. Take 3 advil, it's the same.


It's fun to choose between Dilaudid and Percocet every 4-6 hrs.

2 ml of Morphine Sulfate... 5 will make you puke or so I've herd.

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I will eats them =)


80's just to barely faze me towards the end right before i got the surgery. Honestly I would not want oxy again. fuck shaking on the floor. but I had pain pills for 3 years straight on pretty heavy shit.

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