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This economy sucks - lost my job


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Well I lost my job today. I have been there 11 years. The mortgage industry is in worse shape than you are reading. I worked for a company that was family-owned and truly tried to do everything the right way. We just could not hold on through this downturn. I have never been without a job before but somehow I feel a bit relieved. It could be a LOT worse. I have a college degree, CPA license, and 10+ years of sales experience. I am not quite sure where I am headed but I hope it is a better place. Wish me luck! Hopefully I can get something put together quickly so I don't have to sell my baby (the T/A, not my wife or kids). If anyone knows of a good, interesting opportunity let me know!
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  gillbot said:


I believe we are still looking for more sales people for my division, Timken Reliability Services. If you are interested, drop me a resume and i'll pass it up the food chain.


Thanks man - I appreciate it. At this point I think I am going to stay in the mortgage industry. Just work in a different part of it and stay away from a small company.

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Seriously, I don't want to make this a political issue but this week has seen one of the worst selloffs ever. We can only hope the weekend will provide some time to recover our senses.


Sorry about your loss man, but hopefully out of the loss you'll find your way to a better job.

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I just got put in touch with a "high-end" sales recruiter. He is pretty excited to help me find a job. Thanks for all of the suggestions - I am looking into all options. I am looking at this as an opportunity to change my life for the better. I have been pretty happy but things were getting a bit "stale". Maybe a change will do me good.


Thanks again for the suggestions and good wishes!

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  Buck531 said:


I did a quick search for "mortgage" and came up with a bunch of replies (not all in Columbus though). Check 'em out. I'm sure you'll find something out there that's better.


I was put in touch with someone there this afternoon. Having been in the industry over 10 years I have a lot of contacts. My services will go the highest bidder - lol.

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Sorry to hear about the loss, but considering how massive the housing boom was, the industry was bound to bottom out sooner or later.




Sounds like the problems in the stock market this week was an influence, but the economy wasn't the only factor.

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Damn Casey, sorry to hear this. I'm not too sure about my job as well. Since we merged with Alcatel last year, we don't know our fate yet, but there is a good chance they will close us down within a year, especially if we don't get new products in here.


I've been with Lucent, now Alcatel-Lucent for just over 10 years and have a 2 year associates Electronics degree, but it will be hard for me to get a job doing electronics in this town especially making close to what I'm making now. A big thanks goes out to the governments for outsourcing all the good paying jobs.....


Look at the bright side, your wife works and makes a good wage.

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  casey02ws6 said:
Huh? You must have me confused with someone else - my wife does not work.


Oh well - on to bigger and better things!




For some reason I thought your wife worked. Didn't she do a cater thing before?


Good luck in finding a good job, as I said above, I'm sure my days are numbered at my job.

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  El Borracho said:


Seriously, I don't want to make this a political issue but this week has seen one of the worst selloffs ever. We can only hope the weekend will provide some time to recover our senses.

Wish I could split this off to a separate thread...


- Don't know what the PATRIOT act has to do with what we've got right now. Yeah, it's a badly-written, miserably enforced piece of shit legislation, but that's got nothing to do with the present financial problems.


- My dad, brother, and I are having quite a go of debating what's going on with the markets vs. the larger economy. By most metrics, the stock markets aren't particularly overvalued, and except for housing, the economy is generally strong. Large businesses are growing at healthy (but not overheated) rates, durable goods and capital expenditures are reasonable, and unemployment (this thread notwithstanding) isn't very high either. But at the same time, you've got an insane amount of commercial paper out there that nobody really knows the true value of (and needless to say, 100 cents on the dollar is head-in-the-sand optimistic), more loans will be resetting to higher rates in the next two years, and there's really no guarantee that when homeownerwannabe's start getting foreclosed on, that they won't take the rest of the economy with them.


I'm still not especially pleased with world central banks dumping massive amounts of cash into the system (it reeks of spring 1929 to me, when the mega-rich of the time tried to bail themselves out), and this discount rate cut even less (it gives the head-in-the-sand crowd an excuse to go back to partying without fundamentals), but it's probably the only choice they had. Cutting the funds rate means inflation, and without economic growth to match, we may as well live the 1970s all over again.

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Wow, that sucks. I spent a year unemployeed, and though I HIGHLY enjoyed the time off, it sucked not have a job.


I may not be the biggest fan of my profession, but it has TONS of job security (almost too much right now; work is wearing me out).


There is always something out there. :)

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On a brighter note at least the jobless rate is remaining very low so you probably won't have to take what ever job you can find and with your skills you can probably get decent starting pay at most companies. The mortgage industry may not be a very easy thing to stay in at this point. It looks like at least for the next couple of years as more "arm" loans reset there is going to be trouble.


BTW this market correction has created some great buying opportunies. Especially in gulf coast oil with hurricane season still approaching its peak and a couple of storms already enroute for the coasts:-) Should be some good swing trading in the comming weeks.



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