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Greetings from Bangalore India


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So the Bank has sent me and one other employee for a month to train some individuals to do Veritas Netbackup for the Bank. Then in three weeks two other employees come over to take over for us.


Driving over here can be best described as unorganized chaos.


Here are a few pics that I have taken so far:








No the cow is not dead just sleeping.

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The bigest motorcycle we have seen so far is a 135cc. Anything bigger you would not be able to cut between the cars and motorized rickshaws.


As for the food, so far so good. No issues. Been brushing my teeth with bottled water and taking my Malaria pills daily.


We took some video of our drive into work today and I will try and get it posted up later.


It's currently 9:45am Tuesday morning here and 12:17am in Ohio.

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