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Get Your Shit Ready... Cbus Vs Clvd


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this post was Cleveland Racing from Craig himself.....




Yes, I am OK. I want to thank Dave/Ray/Ron/JP/Julia for getting me to the hospital and helping with the police situation. If I forgot anybody I am sorry, I still don't remember much.


I am a little banged up. Doc said I had a mild concusion, got 5 stitches in my head. My shoulder is pretty banged up also.


I have not seen the car, but I guess it is scrap. I might go try to pick it up sometime sunday.


I was charged with "failure to control" thanks to some quick thinking from the random guy that picked me up on the side of the road and took me to the hospital.


I will give more details on what happened after I see the car. If there is a video of this I would love to see it, though I would ask that if possible blur my plate as I don't know if I can be charged with anything further at this point.


As for any I told you so's about street racing. I know...and I am LUCKY to be alive.


Thanks again to those people who were quick to take care of me.


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  PCarillon said:
this post was Cleveland Racing from Craig himself.....




Yes, I am OK. I want to thank Dave/Ray/Ron/JP/Julia for getting me to the hospital and helping with the police situation. If I forgot anybody I am sorry, I still don't remember much.


I am a little banged up. Doc said I had a mild concusion, got 5 stitches in my head. My shoulder is pretty banged up also.


I have not seen the car, but I guess it is scrap. I might go try to pick it up sometime sunday.


I was charged with "failure to control" thanks to some quick thinking from the random guy that picked me up on the side of the road and took me to the hospital.


I will give more details on what happened after I see the car. If there is a video of this I would love to see it, though I would ask that if possible blur my plate as I don't know if I can be charged with anything further at this point.


As for any I told you so's about street racing. I know...and I am LUCKY to be alive.


Thanks again to those people who were quick to take care of me.



glad to hear that your ok man good luck

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  Sam said:
You didnt miss anything on the last time out, nobody did anything with the cops there. I did a roll on with the rambler and beat him and then the colt incident was right after that.


For the record AMCBOYS was out with my car testing it because it wasn't running right, not me! Thats why I declined to dig run you, and I wish I could have since you came clear up here. It was breaking up on top end and we were trying to sort that out so I could run you dig, when you pulled along rob! I would appriciate it if you not pat yourself to hard on the back under the circumstances. BTW, Jamie knows I would of run you if the car was right! I don't know for sure but I think my fuel filters are getting plugged and slowing the car down on top end! :cool: the ramblerman :cool:

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  ramblerman said:
For the record AMCBOYS was out with my car testing it because it wasn't running right, not me! Thats why I declined to dig run you, and I wish I could have since you came clear up here. It was breaking up on top end and we were trying to sort that out so I could run you dig, when you pulled along rob! I would appriciate it if you not pat yourself to hard on the back under the circumstances. BTW, Jamie knows I would of run you if the car was right! I don't know for sure but I think my fuel filters are getting plugged and slowing the car down on top end! :cool: the ramblerman :cool:


I wasnt patting myself on the back, and that run was on motor FYI. And if your car wasnt running right why did you get next to me then just take off the first time. You could of easily not raced me when I got next to you the second time. All I stated was that I did a roll on with you and beat you so stop with the excuses already.

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  Sam said:
I wasnt patting myself on the back, and that run was on motor FYI. And if your car wasnt running right why did you get next to me then just take off the first time. You could of easily not raced me when I got next to you the second time. All I stated was that I did a roll on with you and beat you so stop with the excuses already.


Can you read dude? I wasn't even in the car and your saying you beat me! Get your facts straight dude!! All I know is I declined to race you from a dig ONLY because my car was off! my b-in law takes my car out to try to figure out what's wrong and next thing I know, your posting on here that you beat me, which is totally bullshit and you know it!! Since you wanna pat yourself on the back about it , I would have nothing more to say to you but STFU asshole!! I tryed being nice about your ignorant post but now you pissed me off!! :cool: the ramblerman :cool:

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  ramblerman said:
Can you read dude? I wasn't even in the car and your saying you beat me! Get your facts straight dude!! All I know is I declined to race you from a dig ONLY because my car was off! my b-in law takes my car out to try to figure out what's wrong and next thing I know, your posting on here that you beat me, which is totally bullshit and you know it!! Since you wanna pat yourself on the back about it , I would have nothing more to say to you but STFU asshole!! I tryed being nice about your ignorant post but now you pissed me off!! :cool: the ramblerman :cool:



I missed the part where it said that you were not in the car, but I did beat your car. I didnt know you were not driving it and please again tell me how my post is ignorant. Like I said before I did a roll on with your car, didnt know you were not driving it and beat it.

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  Sam said:
I missed the part where it said that you were not in the car, but I did beat your car. I didnt know you were not driving it and please again tell me how my post is ignorant. Like I said before I did a roll on with your car, didnt know you were not driving it and beat it.


I don't know if you did!! I wasn't there!! Enough already dude!! Lets talk about your race with trent!! His car was right!! :cool: the ramblerman :cool:

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  ramblerman said:
I don't know if you did!! I wasn't there!! Enough already dude!! Lets talk about your race with trent!! His car was right!! :cool: the ramblerman :cool:


I didnt know you owned Trents evo, or where you driving it when he raced me too. He should beat me and I knew he was goin to why? cause his car is faster then mine, traps higher then mine and so on. After Trents and my race we talked after and I told him he had me by 3 cars, he beat me, So what I am fine with Trent beating me. He is a good guy.

So now lets talk about your race with ray from a dig earlier that night. Dude you are a good example of a person who cant lose. As soon as someone says that they beat you or your car you gotta come with excuses and then try to get the subject off of your car and put it on someone elses. Another example of one of your posts from another thread.


  ramblerman said:
Yes the I didn't have enough last nite but ray, in all fairness,tell us all about your race with that little four cylinder too!!LOL!! :cool: the ramblerman :cool:


Dude how about this, instead of posting all your excuses about your car on here, get outside and fix your problem with your car so that next time we meet, I dont have to hear the excuses or watch you try to change the subject off of your car.

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  Sam said:
I didnt know you owned Trents evo, or where you driving it when he raced me too. He should beat me and I knew he was goin to why? cause his car is faster then mine, traps higher then mine and so on. After Trents and my race we talked after and I told him he had me by 3 cars, he beat me, So what I am fine with Trent beating me. He is a good guy.

So now lets talk about your race with ray from a dig earlier that night. Dude you are a good example of a person who cant lose. As soon as someone says that they beat you or your car you gotta come with excuses and then try to get the subject off of your car and put it on someone elses. Another example of one of your posts from another thread.




Dude how about this, instead of posting all your excuses about your car on here, get outside and fix your problem with your car so that next time we meet, I dont have to hear the excuses or watch you try to change the subject off of your car.



I just don't appriciate you coming on here giving yourself props saying you beat me! If I lose a race i will give props, but in this case giving props to you is definately justfied pal!! BTW you really should give trent props for handing you your ass!! :cool: the ramblerman :cool:

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  Sam said:
I didnt know you owned Trents evo, or where you driving it when he raced me too. He should beat me and I knew he was goin to why? cause his car is faster then mine, traps higher then mine and so on. After Trents and my race we talked after and I told him he had me by 3 cars, he beat me, So what I am fine with Trent beating me. He is a good guy.

So now lets talk about your race with ray from a dig earlier that night. Dude you are a good example of a person who cant lose. As soon as someone says that they beat you or your car you gotta come with excuses and then try to get the subject off of your car and put it on someone elses. Another example of one of your posts from another thread.




Dude how about this, instead of posting all your excuses about your car on here, get outside and fix your problem with your car so that next time we meet, I dont have to hear the excuses or watch you try to change the subject off of your car.



I just don't appriciate you coming on here giving yourself props saying you beat me! Your really making yourself look STUPID!! If I lose a race i will give props, but in this case giving props to you is definately not justfied pal!! If you race me in my car,then you can talk shit! I really thought you were smarter than that!! BTW you really should give trent props for handing you your ass!! yes that little 4 cylinder!! :cool: the ramblerman :cool:

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  ramblerman said:
I just don't appriciate you coming on here giving yourself props saying you beat me! If I lose a race i will give props, but in this case giving props to you is definately justfied pal!! BTW you really should give trent props for handing you your ass!! :cool: the ramblerman :cool:



Again I posted that I beat you, I DID NOT KNOW YOU WERE NOT DRIVING THE CAR.....


Second, I did give trent props in person for beating me, how about you give Ray props for handing you your ass earlier that night from a dig...

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  ramblerman said:
I just don't appriciate you coming on here giving yourself props saying you beat me! Your really making yourself look STUPID!! If I lose a race i will give props, but in this case giving props to you is definately not justfied pal!! If you race me in my car,then you can talk shit! I really thought you were smarter than that!! BTW you really should give trent props for handing you your ass!! yes that little 4 cylinder!! :cool: the ramblerman :cool:



How about this, you race trent and I will bet you wont even be 1/2 as close as I was with him from a 40 roll.

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And don't act like you would of raced with your car breaking up horribly on top end!! I will race anyone any time and yes I have lost a few!! Just don't come on here bragging that you beat ME when you didn't! THAT is the point!! Get your facts straight before you run your mouth!! :cool: the ramblerman :cool:
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  ramblerman said:
And don't act like you would of raced with your car breaking up horribly on top end!! I will race anyone any time and yes I have lost a few!! Just don't come on here bragging that you beat ME when you didn't! THAT is the point!! Get your facts straight before you run your mouth!! :cool: the ramblerman :cool:



My first post about beating YOUR CAR, I wasnt running my mouth just stating what happened. Then you came on here getting all defensive about it when in the first post I made I DID NOT KNOW YOU WERE NOT DRIVING so get your facts straight before you run your mouth.

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