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How is AT&T/Cingular in the Columbus area?


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I currently have Verizon. I'm considering switching to AT&T because their plans are more economical and I'm interested in the iPhone. What has everyones experience with this carrier been like? I also wouldn't mind hearing any first hand comments about the iPhone. Thanks in advance.
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I've had it for about a year and really haven't noticed much of a difference from Verizon in the Columbus area. Its been reliable for me. The plans for the Iphone seem to be pretty over priced. Luckily it has w-ifi so you could get by w/o the data plan since a huge percent of places have it nowadays.
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I had Cingular about 5 years ago and was very happy to switch to Verizon when my contract was up. Back then, I lived in Columbus, and all my family lived over in Licking county. As soon as I was about a mile outside of 270, I was roaming. Back then they didn't have free roaming, so I would get hit with extra charges all the time. Shortly after I switched, they went to free roaming.


When I went to cancel my contract with them, I had to fight for over 5 months to take off the early termination charge. They claimed I had a 2 year contract, but the contract paperwork I had only had us for 1 year. I was faxing a copy of that contract over to them about once a week trying to get this cleared up.


My friends have Cingular and they love it, but most places out in the country, they don't have a signal or a very week one. While I have a full strengh digital signal. This past spring our friends and us spent a week in Gatlinburg, TN. Pretty much the whole time they were there, they couldn't get a signal and ended up having to use our phones to call anyone.


But that is just my experience with them. I won't be switching back to them for any reason.

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I've been with Cingular for 3 years. The OLD AT&T sucked. The new AT&T/(use to be Cingular) is great. I have signal all over the state and never have an issue.

Verizon can lick my ass without me wiping. They will fuck you. Then they will fuck over. Oh, and then they will fuck you.

The new AT&T is great.

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I've been with Cingular for 3 years. The OLD AT&T sucked. The new AT&T/(use to be Cingular) is great. I have signal all over the state and never have an issue.

Verizon can lick my ass without me wiping. They will fuck you. Then they will fuck over. Oh, and then they will fuck you.

The new AT&T is great.


Damn, what did they do to you?

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I love my Cingular/NEW AT&T service. Always a signal, except if I am underground, which is rare, or in a building that is like a Faraday Cage. Had them for a long time now. If you get the family plan, everything is cheap too.




the signal area has increased dramatically, but it's strength seemed to drop. my house is somewhat a split level, and i'm always on the lower level at my comp or watching tv...and my service drops to zero unless i'm sitting near a window.

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I bet it's better than fucking t-mobile......


Verizon sucked, t-mobile is sucking, I will be switching after this contract is up to cingular most likely. My dad has dropped calls w/ cingular when he is out on the highway occasionally, but otherwise it seems to be pretty good. Hell Christina gets service in my basement w/ cingular which is miraculous.

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Damn, what did they do to you?

I had been with Virzon for 6 years. The last 4 of those years were when I first got into the mortgage business. I got sent to Iraq and called to put the account on HOLD. They told me it could only be on HOLD for 3 months and I would have to call and reset the hold every 3 months. What I didn't want was to lose the # my customers had known to reach me. I had already mailed them all to tell them I would be gone a year. That way when I got back I could just mail them and let them know I was back in the office. Verizon never sends me my last 2 months bills before the HOLD date I gave them. You can see I called to set this up with plenty of advance notice, 2 months. So I'm in Iraq 3 months and call Verizon to extend the hold as I was told to do. My account is canceled and sent to collections. Now, they had a copy of my orders. It's illegal to cancel an account, repossess a car, or foreclose a home, if someone is deployed. I asked about my #, and they said it was already reissued. I was so pissed. The # is all I cared about. Changing #'s shows instability and is change that can lose people.

I should have taken them to court for it. When I got home I went in and met with managers, paid the balance, and was told someone from the corporate office would be in touch. They never called and it showed me that I meant nothing to them. I had never missed a payment. My bill for 2 months was $444. They made plenty of money off me, and fucked me over because they don't know how to communicate.

I mailed out the info to my customers letting them know the new # and that I was back. But, I personally think it affected my business at some level.

Fuck Verizon.

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I've had Cingular now AT&T I guess for three years with zero to no problems period. There's one week spot on 270 near 315 that the signal gets weak but other than that It's perfect. I've never had a call drop. I'm in sales and drive all over too.


I use it on my Blackberry 8800 and my older 7590? BB too. I expense it through work so I can't comment on pricing as it relates to other carriers, but went with them mainly because of rollover minutes.


I use about 1500-2000 mo. and usually have 500 or so leftover from my 2000 minute package and it's nice to have them as a backup for a month where I talk a lot.

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Wow thanks for the input guys.

I haven't had any problem with Verizon's network. They did screw me over when I first signed up with them...they set up two accounts under my name instead of just one and one of them ended up on my credit report. I eventually had it removed but it was a pain in the butt.


As of now I'm undecided. I'd hate to switch and find out I have to be near a window to use my phone. Argh.

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I never have had that issue. I would say that is something related to the phone. I have had service in ammo bunkers at Camp Perry, on Lake Erie. And I have had service in the basement of the National Guard Armory's that I have been in. I get service in Vermont on the mountains too.
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ive been with cingular for a while and ive never really had any problems. early on i had some troubles with service, but it turned out it was an internal antennae problem with the crappy phone i have. since replacing the phone i have never had any issues with service. the only dropped calls ive ever had were because i was talking to someone on verizon who lost service
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If you're interested in the Iphone, I'm going to recommend it. I bought one a month ago with fear of switching to AT&T from T-Mobile because I have heard many horror stories such as these.. BUT, truth is I couldn't be happier. I get 5 bars just about everywhere I have been, indoors and out. Haven't had any dropped calls yet and so far customer service has been acceptable. This fucking phone rocks no matter how hard people knock on it. It does just about anything I could ask for.
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