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best way to get out of contract


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i hate my nextel service, and with all the bad things ive heard about sprint by posting that thread, im gonna say screw them to.



the only way to get out of contract without paying the $200 per line fee is to move where you dony get service. BUT you have to show proof that you moved. like a piece of mail with your name on it to that address.



any ideas



i looked through the service agreement, and no where does it say that in the contract.


but thats what they keep telling me on the phone

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they write those contracts to protect the revenue for a set amount of time. they don't write it for your benefit, it is for theirs. If you have having problems you need to call and tell them what the problem is and give them the opportunity to fix it.


If they cannot fix it you need to call every day and basically state that if they aren't going to fix your problem you need to be let out of the contract.


I did this with Directv and it worked after fighting with them for several months.

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but thats what they keep telling me on the phone


Who keeps telling you that on the phone?


I had friend who's gf got a job at verizon and wanted to get out of their sprint contract. Her step dad owns a few rental properties in Washington Courthouse so he gave them a copy of a lease agreement and they all signed their names. Sprint doesnt provide service in Wash. Courthouse, that was that.

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Yeah only Verizon and Sprint will accecpt some type of bill with a new address in a area where there is no coverage.



Nextel is the hardest to get out off I'm still trying to figure that out. But it is basically all Sprint now so you never know

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:D Edit: He beat me to it

Here are some other little tidbits...


If you move to an area where a cell phone company cannot provide you a local phone number or/and service they are suppose to let you out of contract.


Not getting service in your home doesnt mean that they dont have service down the street. If they have service anywhere in your city they technically can hold you to the contract.


The calling in repeatedly definitely does work. Just make sure you are being polite. If you have notes left on your account saying you are a tool people will be less likely to help you. I know when I have to deal with a situation like this one of the first things I look at is the number of times the customer has called. Each call costs the company money. Sometimes it will save the company money if we can justify letting a customer go.

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dude, I call them at least once a month.... no luck... they say that they have 3 towers in my fiance's home town... ya, funny how I cannot pick up ANYTHING there... then they instructed me to just roam since Verizon works fine... but they bill me for the roaming by taking away my minutes.... 1 more year then I'm switching to Verizon
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dude, I call them at least once a month.... no luck... they say that they have 3 towers in my fiance's home town... ya, funny how I cannot pick up ANYTHING there... then they instructed me to just roam since Verizon works fine... but they bill me for the roaming by taking away my minutes.... 1 more year then I'm switching to Verizon


dude... brian works for Verizon, he of all people would know what he's talking about when it comes to cell phone companies. And once a month isnt alot, try once a week, maybe every three days. Thats alot.

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