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Religious nutjobs get what they deserve...


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Once again, I hate religious fucks who are determined to push their beliefs onto others. Keep your retarded fucking ideas to yourself. This world, and specifically this country, would be a much MUCH MUCH better place if people would just mind their own damn business. And someone should've cunt punched that bitch for the 'Thank God for dead soldiers' sign. Talk about total disrespect.



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Oh if they appeal and lose I hope that they take the church and land for payments.


I remember something a wile ago where a black person was shot on a property by white security guards. This was property belonging to a white supremest group. The kids mom sued them and won. Long story short she got the building, a big amount of land the building was on, vehicles on the land... the whole thing. I think they turned it into a building of something or other to promote their race ( i cant fracking remember what it was called). Either way I hope this happens to the people involved in the above link.

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Oh if they appeal and lose I hope that they take the church and land for payments.


I remember something a wile ago where a black person was shot on a property by white security guards. This was property belonging to a white supremest group. The kids mom sued them and won. Long story short she got the building, a big amount of land the building was on, vehicles on the land... the whole thing. I think they turned it into a building of something or other to promote their race ( i cant fracking remember what it was called). Either way I hope this happens to the people involved in the above link.


BSG crew?

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I dont even know if Crazy Dr Ric would agree with what this church is doing. In the end they got what they deserved. A funeral is neither the time nor the place.



The last time I checked I was far from crazy.... at least that is what the state Chiropractic board says.


First off, I will point out that I did not start this thread.


Anyhow, No I do not agree with the Westboro Baptist Church. I think it is a poor time to get you message across. The families of the soldiers have lost a loved on and need to be left alone.


Do I think America has lost favor of God? I think we may have, but since I cant talk to him directly I don't know, just my opinion.

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The last time I checked I was far from crazy.... at least that is what the state Chiropractic board says.


First off, I will point out that I did not start this thread.


Anyhow, No I do not agree with the Westboro Baptist Church. I think it is a poor time to get you message across. The families of the soldiers have lost a loved on and need to be left alone.


Do I think America has lost favor of God? I think we may have, but since I cant talk to him directly I don't know, just my opinion.


So God groups us together by nation now? I guess that is why it is called ORGANIZED religion.

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Once again, I hate religious fucks who are determined to push their beliefs onto others. Keep your retarded fucking ideas to yourself. This world, and specifically this country, would be a much MUCH MUCH better place if people would just mind their own damn business. And someone should've cunt punched that bitch for the 'Thank God for dead soldiers' sign. Talk about total disrespect.



Remember the liberal fudge packing homos force their beliefs on our children and all of us every day. They lobby for laws that patrol our thoughts, and language. In Canada it has become a crime for a pastor to preach against the sin of homosexuals...... it works both ways!

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Remember the liberal fudge packing homos force their beliefs on our children and all of us every day. They lobby for laws that patrol our thoughts, and language. In Canada it has become a crime for a pastor to preach against the sin of homosexuals...... it works both ways!



I didn't say I agreed with them either. As far as I'm concerned, they can keep their thoughts to themselves just the same.


I have no problem with gays people being gay.

I have no problem with religous fanatics being religous fanatics.

Just don't try to convert everyone else who isn't. End of story.


Also, two wrongs don't make a right.

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It's Bible beating, back woods, cousin marrying, degenerate retards that take the Bible 100% as literal truth. Those mofo's are just as jacked up as the damn bomb wearing muslims. I'm glad not one of them showed up to the funerals I had to go to. :mad:

I am from the ghetto, did not marry my cousin, and I don't think I am a degenerate.

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Bible beating ain't bad, it's the ones that take it LITERALLY. The Bible was never meant to be taken LITERALLY. Theology class, I learned something. AMEN. ( 100% Literal meaning word for word, page by page.)

I think it is meant to be literal.... but we already covered this in other threads.

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