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So, if WVU and Mizzou fall next week...


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Who the hell will OSU play in the National Championship??????


1. Missouri 11-1 ---> playing Oklahoma (9)

2. West Virginia 10-1 ---> playing Pittsburgh

3. Ohio State 11-1

4. Georgia 10-2

5. Kansas 11-1

6. Virginia Tech 10-2

7. LSU 10-2

8. USC 9-2

9. Oklahoma 10-2

10. Florida 9-3


But seriously, I think WVU is going to beat Pitt, and Mizzou is going to get slaughtered by Oklahoma leaving us with WVU. That would be awesome.

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valid point who knows, can georgia get jumped by anyone though?


The scary thing is OU actually LOST in the conference championship game in 2003, the very last game of the season, and still made it to the NC game

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This is playing out to be a great season, I can't believe we've moved up this much and haven't even played a game! We have some good odds here so I really don't care who it is.


But I don't think Mizzu is experienced being this high up and could really get beat by OU.



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If both WVU and Missouri lose, then all hell will surely break loose. Georgia would appear poised to inherit the second spot by virtue of their current standing. Yet, pollsters may not like - legitimately, I may add - that a team could play for the NC and not even play in (let alone win) their conference championship game.


So, that begs the question, if both WVU and Mizzou should lose, and Georgia doesn't get/deserve the spot, then who? Kansas is next in line according to the BCS standings, but it's unlikely that they'd get enough votes to leapfrog Georgia, given than Kansas lost the last game it played (and, like the argument against Georgia, won't even have played in - let alone won - it's conference champsionship game). Virginia Tech and LSU are perhaps poised to make a leap, pending their performances in their respective conference championship games. Yet, should both of them annhilate their respective opponents in the conference championship games, it would be difficult to legitimately put Virginia Tech in the title game ahead of LSU, considering that LSU worked over Virginia Tech earlier this year. USC, as has been mentioned, is probably playing some of the best football in the nation currently (which is what they always seem to do come the end of the year, isn't it?), though, IMO, they are a little too far out to get any realistic consideration for the title game. Similarly, OU has as much of an argument as anyone else - especially if they drub Missouri in the Big 12 championship game - though, like USC, they are probably a little too far out to make up the necessary ground.

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It will be like last year.. The voters will not vote for a team that didn't win their own conference to play for the NC. The teams that would be in would be OSU and LSU IF both WV and MIZZ lose on sat.


John, can I play devil's advocate for a bit? :)


True, voters kept out Michigan last year and, in doing so, used the argument that UM didn't win its conference. Yet, we know, historically, that's not always the case - remember when Oklahoma got drubbed by Kansas State in the Big 12 game and still went on to the title game? And didn't something similar happen with Nebraska in or around 2001? (Nebraska that year made to the title game and got manhandled by Miami, IIRC.) So, winning your conference isn't an absolute MUST, though, at least by least year's standards, it seems it was.


Also, a two-loss LSU is more deserving than a one-loss Kansas?


Again, just playing devil's advocate. ;)

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John, can I play devil's advocate for a bit? :)


True, voters kept out Michigan last year and, in doing so, used the argument that UM didn't win its conference. Yet, we know, historically, that's not always the case - remember when Oklahoma got drubbed by Kansas State in the Big 12 game and still went on to the title game? And didn't something similar happen with Nebraska in or around 2001? (Nebraska that year made to the title game and got manhandled by Miami, IIRC.) So, winning your conference isn't an absolute MUST, though, at least by least year's standards, it seems it was.


Also, a two-loss LSU is more deserving than a one-loss Kansas?


Again, just playing devil's advocate. ;)


Kill'n me. :)


I just think the voters won't vote in a team that didn't win their conference.. If I remember right, Oklahoma had such a huge lead in the BCS standings, the loss didn't drop them that much, even though they were beat by LSU. And yes, Nebraska got raped by the canes.


More deserving? Probably not since LSU lost to 2 unranked teams... This year really shows an 8 team playoff needs to happen.

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I OSU had issues with ILL, WV is a better version of ILL.......


we didn't even look like the same team that week. i'd like to play WVU...just remember....


"There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again."

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