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Bubbas here for another year


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any of you guys who have sirius how happy are you that bubba is renewned for another year??


i know this is old news, bu ti thought id share anyway.


this is all i listen to now. used to listen to howard, but Bubba and the crew is far funnier. Gotta love Ned.


on a side note... anyone have experience with the Stilleto SL100??

thinking of picking one up for the wife, but heard bad reviews.

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Bubba is the man. When I use to live in clearwater, fl when he was on clearchannel local radio, he ran for sheriff and almost got it also before xmas he would have toy drives, "toys for tits". He would have a local strip club donate their time and you would drive through this big ass tent and these strippers would get in your vehicle and give you lap dances for the toys that you bought. Bubba is the man.. he was here last yr at the arnold fitness expo
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Gotta love Bubba.


But from the sound of it, he may not be here after the next year. Looks like he took those two channels with Cox for his Morning Show, with his Afternoon show on Sirius (god that Cox show has got to suck in comparison).


When the year is up, I heard he is going to go with whomever gives him a better deal. And I bet Cox, who probably has more cash to spend, and is more desperate for talent, will give him the better deal.

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  Nitrousbird said:
Gotta love Bubba.


But from the sound of it, he may not be here after the next year. Looks like he took those two channels with Cox for his Morning Show, with his Afternoon show on Sirius (god that Cox show has got to suck in comparison).


When the year is up, I heard he is going to go with whomever gives him a better deal. And I bet Cox, who probably has more cash to spend, and is more desperate for talent, will give him the better deal.



whats cox??


oh and pm me some info on getting HD DVR setup through WOW and whats the best price i can get.

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I had the Stiletto 100 and yeah, reception is a pain, especially with those antenna "painphones" that come with it. I upgraded to a Stiletto 2 and reception is a little better, the headphones are a huge improvement. I can get reception inside my house, as long as I don't move, heh.
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  88lx5oh said:
whats cox??


oh and pm me some info on getting HD DVR setup through WOW and whats the best price i can get.

Next year, Bubba is doing a morning show for Cox Broadcasting on two testicle radio stations in Florida. It will be a totally different show than his Sirius show. And honestly, after listening to him on Sirius, how could that Cox show even compare?


I'll look up your account stuff tomorrow if I get time and PM you.


  sciongirl said:
Rover's Morning Glory

That is painful to listen to...as is most content on testicle radio.

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