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The BCS Sucks.


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Guest 78novaman

Illinois had their chance early in the 2nd half to make it a ball game. A young team trying too hard goofed and got down on their luck. Penn played rock solid defense and beat an Aggie team that had stepped it up a notch.


Big 10 is 3-3 so far. Purdue, Penn State, and Michigan have won. Wisc, Indiana, and Illinois lost.



West Virgina and Kansas will get raped like Hawaii did.


OSU will beat LSU if Boeckman's head stays in the game and he doesn't flail about like against Wisc and Ill. Also Chris Wells must step up, shoulder the load of the offense, and have an outstanding game like he did against Mich.

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Illinois had their chance early in the 2nd half to make it a ball game. A young team trying too hard goofed and got down on their luck. Penn played rock solid defense and beat an Aggie team that had stepped it up a notch.


Big 10 is 3-3 so far. Purdue, Penn State, and Michigan have won. Wisc, Indiana, and Illinois lost.



West Virgina and Kansas will get raped like Hawaii did.


OSU will beat LSU if Boeckman's head stays in the game and he doesn't flail about like against Wisc and Ill. Also Chris Wells must step up, shoulder the load of the offense, and have an outstanding game like he did against Mich.


3-4 Michigan St. lost

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Guest 78novaman
3-4 Michigan St. lost



Whoops forgot about that game and I even watched the end of it!



Back on topic, the BCS does suck. It should have been:


OSU vs OU for the title





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Heh, though MSU lost to BC they played a hell of a game and were in control for a good portion of the game and had as good of a shot as anyone to beat them especially considering they were likely big underdogs to BC.


The BCS is just FUBAR this year and what annoyes me the most is all these teams like USC that have the Rose Bowl as their home field and then time after time playing in the Rose Bowl is just stupid. These teams shouldn't get to play on a home field the way they do.

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I wish the Rose Bowl would drop the nostalgic PAC v. Big 10 cryfest.


Chris, I completely agree.


These wouldve been better matchups:


Rose Bowl: USC vs GA

Fiesta: Oklahoma vs Kansas (since they didnt play this year)

Orange: WVU vs Va Tech (Battle of the Viginias)

Sugar: Illinois vs Hawaii



BTW USC has no grounds to cry about being shafted, they didnt win the games that they needed to. Give me a healthy Dennis Dixon and Oregon is in the Rose Bowl and USC is in 2nd place of the Pac 10


Give this guy a fucking gold star for hitting the nail squarely on the head.

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The BCS is just FUBAR this year and what annoyes me the most is all these teams like USC that have the Rose Bowl as their home field and then time after time playing in the Rose Bowl is just stupid. These teams shouldn't get to play on a home field the way they do.


Agreed, to a point. (Not that there's necessarily a counter-point to what you said, just that I realize there are limitations to any system. Think about the Superbowl - they wouldn't move the site to somewhere other than Glendale if the Arizona Cardinals happened to make it there this year, would they?) To add to your argument/gripe, though, is the fact that LSU is basically playing the NC in their backyard.


A couple of other thoughts: USC and Georgia looked dominant. Like scary dominant. Both of those teams should be screaming for a playoff, and I'd hate to be the team to run up against them in one this year.


Fact is, though, there isn't a playoff, so, well, too bad. OSU had - by far - the most dominant team in the nation in 1998 but didn't get to play for the NC because they lost at home to Michigan State. I am willing to bet a huge sum of money that OSU would have throttled Tennessee (i.e., the national champs that year) in a bowl had they played. But, of well, those are the breaks - you don't win when you are supposed to and you're out.

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Agreed, to a point. (Not that there's necessarily a counter-point to what you said, just that I realize there are limitations to any system. Think about the Superbowl - they wouldn't move the site to somewhere other than Glendale if the Arizona Cardinals happened to make it there this year, would they?) To add to your argument/gripe, though, is the fact that LSU is basically playing the NC in their backyard.


A couple of other thoughts: USC and Georgia looked dominant. Like scary dominant. Both of those teams should be screaming for a playoff, and I'd hate to be the team to run up against them in one this year.


Fact is, though, there isn't a playoff, so, well, too bad. OSU had - by far - the most dominant team in the nation in 1998 but didn't get to play for the NC because they lost at home to Michigan State. I am willing to bet a huge sum of money that OSU would have throttled Tennessee (i.e., the national champs that year) in a bowl had they played. But, of well, those are the breaks - you don't win when you are supposed to and you're out.


I understand they aren't going to move a game simply based on who is playing in it, but it's the "frequency" that these teams are playing in these games like Texas in the Cotton Bowl an awful lot in the past that really frustrates me. I'm willing to bet if Ohio Stadium were a bowl hosting site OSU would play there an unusual number of times as that seems to be the case elsewhere.


Like you sound to favor, and many people seem to favor, a playoff system in the BCS.

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It would be badass to get a couple BCS games up north. Cold, snowy, the kind of misery only alcohol and college football could fix. True bowl season weather. :cool:


Again with the crap of BCS politics...

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Agreed it's all about the money, but I still like the idea of the BCS if they would drop off the political BS. It's too serious, needs to be more fun - like college football should be and is - like in I-AA.


Moved this, BTW, since it's not really kitchen material.

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they should take the 4 winners of each BCS bowl game and let them move forward to a National Championship game, that way 8 teams have a chance at it, and that would mean more football for us and more money for the sponsors.


Now that's an interesting idea, one I haven't heard yet. Everyone always concentrates on a 16 or 12 team playoff to a championship. But a 4 team BCS playoff is a neat idea. Best of both worlds.

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I don't see why they don't implement play offs, They will make gratuitous amounts of money from any game they make extra. So its not a money thing.


After all its always about the money.


It is about the money. If they have a playoff system they put one game above all others making the other 3 big money games "not as important". At least this is how I understood it from watching ESPN gameday. It kinda makes sense considering every year they rotate which big money game will be the championship game.

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I'm with ya fellas -- the BCS is a joke. The matchups are rediculous, and LSU does not deserve to be in the title game. There were other teams out there with only 1-loss that had already ranked higher than LSU. That was just rediculous favoritism that allowed them to leap-frog everybody to #2. Rediculous.

Same thing goes for matchups like Missouri & Arkansas, I mean WTF.

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It would be badass to get a couple BCS games up north. Cold, snowy, the kind of misery only alcohol and college football could fix. True bowl season weather. :cool:


Again with the crap of BCS politics...


Exactly, I hear people say the weather is a deterrent but hell a snow game would be the shit and last I looked most schools like OSU up here have no problem filling their seats. Hell, all the big 100,000+ seat stadiums are up this way and hence more tickets would be available. Also, there are a number of domes up north like Indianapolis' new stadium!!

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Also, there are a number of domes up north like Indianapolis' new stadium!!


What new stadium? I heard there were plans to replace the RCA Dome; what more has happened? (I didn't think you meant Conseco Fieldhouse, which is a lot newer than the RCA Dome, but wouldn't have nearly the seating capacity for a bowl/football game.)


(FYI, I hope I'm not coming across as antagonistic toward you. I realize I keep badgering you with questions in this thread; sorry if I'm coming across the wrong way.)

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i thought i saw somewhere that Indy's new stadium is set to open next year

and it's right next door to RCA, in the same parking area and all


Yep they showed it during the game Sunday night. It is a partially built structure. It dwarfs the RCA dome.

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Tilley, the new stadium is ridiculously huge but didn't really expand on the people holding capacity.


since I am on vacation I am feeling bored enough to find a link for you!



Fucking baller; can't wait to see a game in it.


BTW, I heart you Berto.

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