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Iran trying to attack US Ships?


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Easy: Your Irania. It's dark and you don't have anything but binoculars...and you're an idiot.


They've been provking quite a bit lately, but don't seem to have the bullocks to actually strike. What they're trying to do is get us to "shoot first", plain and simple.



What he said.

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Easy: Your Irania. It's dark and you don't have anything but binoculars...and you're an idiot.


They've been provking quite a bit lately, but don't seem to have the bullocks to actually strike. What they're trying to do is get us to "shoot first", plain and simple.


If they don't watch it we might end up considering them active terrorists against us and take the bait. I don't think I'd be playing that game with us.



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Ugly? Are you from France or something? j/k The main fight would be over within days just like the other wars. Sure if we tried to police the country we'd have problems, but you'll always have problems when trying to control religious fanatics.


I say we "roll dice" (ie blow up their shit and let another government take over.) If we don't like that regime we "roll dice" again. We get to do the fun part and let their own population fight over who runs what. Probably the only thing those people can understand anyway though thats sorta whats been going on there for the past 70 years.



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If they don't watch it we might end up considering them active terrorists against us and take the bait. I don't think I'd be playing that game with us.



Depends on how you define "win" in a conflict. War aint what it used to be. We cant afford another war right now, we cant even afford the ones we've got.

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Iran isn't arab. They're Persian, and you better believe there's a difference. And they aren't backwards. Check out photos of Tehran sometime and tell me you're not looking at L.A.



And lastly what they're not, is idiots. This was no mistake.


Anyway, some reading:





Cliff Notes: Practice run. And we showed em how ala the brits/japs in Pearl.


Being ex-Navy the last thing I'd want is to get stuck in littoral waters in a blue-water ship. Thank goodness the first LCS ships are rolling out of the dockyards.


Anyway - Iran is a serious potential oppponent, that although would undoubtedly get its clock cleaned in a full on confrontation with the US Navy, yes, but you had better have no illusions that they could/can send several of our vessels currently in the gulf, especially the carriers, to the seabed bottom in the opening stages of any engagement.


The Navy is rightfully taking this very seriously.

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Being ex-Navy the last thing I'd want is to get stuck in littoral waters in a blue-water ship.


This has always worried me, and I don't have a military background. To me it's common sense. If you stuff an elephant in a cage and fill it with hungry rats, sure the elephant will stamp out a few of them. But in the end that big fucker is going down.


Not to mention the Iranian's have lived there, since well forever. They're the best at defending their turf.

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The US needs to just keep to itself for a little while, just like all the other countries of the world are now doing. Secure our borders to make it harder for people to get in and out of the country. Because, we will never be able to win a war that the Media is involved in so heavily.


I don't care if Iran actually hit one of our boats, it would just be a very big mistake to do anything about it. The United States will never be able to fight a war the way it needs to because of the Media. I can go on and on about this, but for the safety of staying somewhat politically correct, I'll leave it at this. :)

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i wonder what the motive behind trying to bait the navy into attacking them would be?


only thing I can think of would be to pull the victim card and try to tarnish the US's rep more, but I can't think of anything else they would gain off hand

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Check out photos of Tehran sometime and tell me you're not looking at L.A.

Yup, looks like LA:


But nicer.


Give the weapons gap, and the range at which carriers can engage targets, I wouldn't worry all to much about sea battles. Stay out the Straights of Hormuz and you'll have the capability to observe pretty much anything they send at you. I woundn't neccesarily see a need for LCS boats unless we were fixing to make a landing. Does Iran have subs or even torpedos?

Anything too small for aircraft will be handled by this:


Won't be the first time that some Persians got pwnt by a Phalanx. ;)

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How about we just fully pull out of that area, and worry about the US? We aren't the only member of the United Nations...if they want to try to "make things right" (whatever that means) over there, let them. If not, oh well.


The US needs a break from all of this BS.

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How about we just fully pull out of that area, and worry about the US? We aren't the only member of the United Nations...if they want to try to "make things right" (whatever that means) over there, let them. If not, oh well.


The US needs a break from all of this BS.


Then it will just look like one of the largest/"richest" (<we know thats not true but other countries probably dont believe it) countries in the world is simply ignoring a region in need. There is no way anything we do will look good in anyway. But I agree, we should pull out.

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Besides, bottom line, we need the oil to run our cars, our factories, our lights, our hospitals, our malls, our ... make our plastics, our rubber, our lubricants, our pvcs, our paint, our magic polymers...


So we need to be there protecting the supply.


You want out of the gulf? Tell our fukking government to do REAL energy research for fukks' sake. Its not a military question. Its not a diplomacy question. You take away abundant oil and america ceases to run.


We cannot leave the gulf/middle-east, cannot stop dealing with fuktards like Chavez, etc etc etc until we have an alternate energy source. Period. End of sentence. End of paragraph.

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Besides, bottom line, we need the oil to run our cars, our factories, our lights, our hospitals, our malls, our ....


So we need to be there protecting the supply.

We are there, and look at what is happening with the cost of oil.


We need to pull out and start using alternatives to where we get our oil...the middle east isn't the only oil-rich area in the world.

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