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The 20 Questions Game


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OK, so I would like to ask CR to help me with this, please!


I just started seeing this chic a few days ago. We've basically just hung out and talked a little bit and stuff. Anyway, she just called me a couple minutes ago and said that before we get together again, we each need to come up with a list of at least 20 questions to ask each other and none of the questions can be sexual, at all. Obviously, this is so that we can get to know each other better.


I am really no good at this. I know there's gotta be like a million questions I could ask. But when put in this kind of position, my mind freezes up and I draw a blank.


She is very creative. She can write poems and stories like nobody's business. I would like to be able to ask her some really good questions; not just shit like, what's your favorite color, what's your favorite flower, yada, yada, yada.


Can you all help me out here?



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School back ground...

Child hood memories





brothers sisters

ages of sibs

where did she grow up



would she prefer to live in the country or city

does she want kids

is she related to anyone with impact on the US

favorite place to eat

worst moment of her life

happiest moment of her life



theres 18 im sure you can take it from there

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I don't get why she is making you bring questions. Shouldn't most of that stuff get covered in general conversation?


I think it has to do with a conversation we had last night. While we were "watching" tv, things started to get a little heated. Then she stopped and was like "As much as I really really really want to take this further, I would rather we get to know each other better first".


I can totally understand where she's coming from. I have been in a TON of relationships (if you can call them that) where I would sleep with the chic on the first or 2nd date. It pretty much kills any chance of really getting to know someone.


I think we're both pretty much at that stage where we're tired of the same old thing and want to attempt at having a relationship based on communication rather than just sex. Don't get me wrong, sex is great and I want it all the time, but it has more meaning when it's with someone that you know really well. I feel that both of us would like to make this a lasting relationship, so we're going to see if this way will work better.

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I think it has to do with a conversation we had last night. While we were "watching" tv, things started to get a little heated. Then she stopped and was like "As much as I really really really want to take this further, I would rather we get to know each other better first".



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The sex questions I believe are one of the most important things. No poonany, no relationship crap.


This is probably an attempt to stay away from the question, "how many people have you slept with". Cuz I know she wouldn't like my answer. Even if I use the rule of 3, it's still not good.

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That is why man invented lying.

I use the number of fingers +3 or so, that way I don't seem like I'm a man slut, and can still get to the promised land. Yeah, I always hate that akward first date question/answer sessions. I like my pre-conceived notions of what kind of girl she is. I like winging everything, non of this I plan on us staying together for a while, or you seem like the type of guy to settle down with. :barf: Let's pork like wild animals and go from there :D

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Cat or Dog person

favorite pets,

places she wants to travel

Dream Job

Dream House

Dream life

What car of any cars would she want

Favorite Color


Favorite Food

Favorte Book

last time she voted

Least favorite flower


Worst day of her life(woops these were coverd)

Best day of her life



Whos her "arch nemesis"


lucky number?

Why is her best friend, her best friend..


I can do this all day.. need more?

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This is probably an attempt to stay away from the question, "how many people have you slept with". Cuz I know she wouldn't like my answer. Even if I use the rule of 3, it's still not good.


ha. my roommate is dating this chick who i guess has slept with quite a few guys.


well, he said something about it while watching the game tonight. ill be damned if she didnt get up, get ready for work (works nights), and leave about 20 minutes later


then sent him a text saying shes coming to get her shit in the morning and she should have punched him in the face. lol


at least its only 5 weeks in, and not 5 years

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